CF Professional Studies Reading List 2006 · Chapter 1 Leadership Theory

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Chapter 1
Leadership Theory

Adams, Michael. Fire and Ice: The United States, Canada and the Myth of Converging Values.
Toronto: Penguin Books, 2004. (E)
This book provides the results of a decade long combination of surveys, interviews and studies to show that despite the popular conception that Canadian and American values are converging, in fact the opposite is true and the two nation’s values are moving farther and farther apart. This book is important for those who think that Canadians and Americans can “plug and play” or that American doctrine can just be published as Canadian. Canadians are becoming more socially liberal, are increasingly less differential to authority, are open to risk, more tolerant and question all institutions, to name a few conclusions from this epic study.

Adams, Michael. Sex in the Snow.
Toronto: Penguin Books, 1992. (E)
This book examines Canadian social values through the last several generations and describes the groups that Canadians have divided into, the values they hold and how these values influence their behavior. A key book for Canadian Forces leaders in understanding what motivates their followers.

Chemers, Martin N. An Integrative Theory of Leadership.
Mahwah, New Jersey: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates Publishers, 1997. (E)
This book seeks to define leadership, describe and examine various distinct leadership theories and then present a theory and process for integrating various theories to fit the task or situation. Subjects such as the impact of culture, organizational culture and women in leadership are also examined in detail. The book also provides an excellent bibliography for further study on leadership theory and practice.

Hunt, James G., George E. Dodge, and Leonard Wong, eds. Out-Of-The-Box Leadership: Transforming the Twenty-First Century Army and Other Top-Performing Organizations.
Stamford: Connecticut. Jairess Inc., 1999. (E)
This book is a collection of papers from acknowledged leading military, academic and civilian experts on leadership, focused primarily on Strategic Leadership of Military organizations in the future. The book places leadership in the context of the future security environment of the information age and the challenges strategic leaders will face.

Kolenda, Christopher ed. Leadership: The Warrior’s Art.
Carlisle: The Army War College Foundation Press, 2001. (E)
This book is an American collection of military papers, which focuses on a wide and varied list of topics relating to leadership. The history of combat leadership, combat leader development and future combat challenges for the leader are examined in depth by world renowned experts on these specific topics.

Malone, Dandridge. Small Unit Leadership: A Commonsense Approach.
Novato: Presidio Press, 1983. (E)
A primer for the junior leader on basic theory, tips, techniques and practice to develop an understanding of effective leadership at the sharp end. While it was written for the U.S. Army, the book is universally applicable as a basic “how to” manual.

Northouse, Peter G. Leadership: Theory and Practice. 2nd Edition.
Thousand Oaks, California: Sage Publications, 2001. (E)
An excellent presentation of various leadership theories and issues widely used in universities and colleges in formal leadership courses. Each theory is defined, described and examined as to its strengths and weaknesses, including the presentation of case studies. In addition, a comprehensive bibliography is provided for further study of each theory. This book also deals with other topics critical to leadership like ethics and team approaches to leadership. This book is a primer for the study of the theory and practice of leadership.

Townsend, Patrick L. and Joan E. Gebhardt. Five Star Leadership: The Art and Strategy of Creating Leaders at Every Level.
New York: John Wiley & Sons, Inc., 1997. (E)
This book is a work that draws on examples of military leadership for a civilian audience. It is a “how to” book with tips, techniques and proven methods on leader development and performance measurement. The focus of this book is on the practice of direct leadership.

Yukl, Gary. Leadership in Organizations. 5th Edition.
Upper Saddle River, New Jersey: Prentice Hall, 2001. (E)
This book is a presentation of leadership within an organizational context, moving through and beyond theory to practice. The book makes extensive use of case studies and is widely used in basic and advanced leadership education and training. The relationship between leadership and management is examined in detail. It also deals with strategic, as well as direct leadership and leader development. This book is a primer for the study of the theory and practice of leadership in organizations.

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