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Gangs of New York

Era: 19 th century.

Situation: American Civil War - events that lead up to and involve the 13-17 July 1863 immigrant draft riots in New York City. Turf wars among former immigrant gangs and those newly arrived to New York City was fought over an area once known as "The five Corners." Opposing factions were made up of a heritage mix that considered themselves to be American, and fought against other gangs predominantly of Irish heritage, who were seen as interlopers. The strength of the leaders determines each group's tenacity and desire for dominance. Fuelling the riot is the perception that newly arriving Irish will take jobs away from the established locals, when in reality the only "jobs" being readily issued to the Irish as they disembark from the ships is instant citizenship for immediate draft service in the Union Army.

Primary Actors: Daniel Day Lewis, Leonardo DiCaprio, Carman Diaz.

VHS 4813, Colour / 167 Min., Alliance Atlantis / Miramax Home Entertainment, 2003.


Era: 19 th century.

Situation: The American Civil War - Events in this film are focussed on the Battle of Gettysburg, 1-3 July 1863 and on the personalities and leadership decisions responsible for its conduct. The officers who served in both opposing forces depict numerous leadership issues that portray innovation, conflict, compassion, insight, malice, and most often, the strength of the human character.

Primary Actors: Tom Berenger, Jeff Daniels, Martin Sheen, and Sam Elliot.

VHS 6139, ISBN 0-7806-0386-9, Colour / 254 Min., Turner Home Entertainment, 1993.


Era: 19 th century.

Situation: American Civil War - This film chronicles the first Black regiment raised by the United States to fight against the Confederacy - the 54th Massachusetts. Events focus on both black and white American personalities within the regiment and in particular on the specific challenges faced by its all white leadership. The film showcases extreme leadership issues that centre on motivation and discrimination, which in turn forms the blocks that build the unit into a combat capable force. The efforts of the officers and men culminate in the charge against the Confederate works at Fort Wagner, at the mouth of Charleston Harbour; an action that forever writes the courage and determination of the African American soldier into the history of the United States.

The Primary Actors: Morgan Freeman, Mathew Broderick, and Denzel Washington.

VHS (catalogue # unknown) Colour / 122 Min., RCA/Columbia Pictures Home Video, 1990.

Gods and Generals

Era: 19 th century.

Situation: The American Civil War - This film is an excellent pre-quill to the film GETTYSBURG. The film takes the viewer through a sequence of highlight events that include Robert E. Lee's refusal to accept command of the Federal forces at the beginning of the Civil War in 1861 to the Confederate victory at Chancellorsville, 2 May 1863. The prominent characters profiled in the film are Confederate Lieutenant General "Stonewall" Jackson and Union colonel Joshua Chamberlain, as well as the commander of the Confederate Army of Northern Virginia, General Robert E. Lee. Preceding Chancellorsville, are shown the battles of First Manassas (Bull Run) and Fredericksburg - all Confederate victories that give Lee the confidence to invade the North, a decision that leads to their defeat at Gettysburg in July of 1863. As with the film Gettysburg, there are numerous leadership issues and challenges played out throughout the picture.

The movie Gods and Generals was made after the making of Gettysburg and several actors reprise their roles. One actor however, Stephen Lang, who plays the role of Stonewall Jackson in Gods and Generals, is Confederate Major General George Pickett in the picture, Gettysburg.

Primary Actors: Jeff Daniels, Robert Duvall, and Stephen Lang.

VHS 23296, ISBN 0-7907-7210-8, Colour / 219 Min., Warner Home Video, 2002.

Hunley (The)

Era: 19 th century

Situation: The American Civil War - The Union navy had established an almost impenetrable blockade of the Confederate Atlantic coastline, strangling much needed supplies of weapons, ammunition, boots and other equipments. In a desperate attempt to break that embargo the Confederacy funded a scheme to construct a submersible boat, the CSS Hunley. Events in this film focus on that project as it unfolded under the command of Confederate General P.T. Beauregard at Charleston, North Carolina. The essence of leadership within the film is found in the submarines commander, Lieutenant Dixon. Two crews died failing to make the submarine work and he was able to recruit a third and then inspired them to do what was thought to be the impossible, sink of a surface warship.

Primary Actors: Armand Assante, Donald Sutherland.

VHS T6591, Colour / approximately 115 Min., Warner Home Video / TNT Original, 2002.


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