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Das Boot

Era: 20 th century.

Situation: The Second World War - Events take place in the autumn of 1941 as unterseaboot U-96 conducts an Atlantic mission with a seasoned captain of 30 years old and a mixed crew of experienced and inexperienced submariners. The film focuses on the pressures of submarine service and leadership in the German wartime navy. The challenge of leadership comes to the fore under claustrophobic conditions while under heavy attack from Allied surface vessels.

Primary Actors: Jurgen Prochnow, Herbert Gronemeyer, and Klaus Wennemann.

VHS 22203, ISBN 0-8001-3233-5, Colour / 209 Min., Columbia Tri-Star Home Video, 1985 (Normal Release & 1997 (Director's Cut)



Enemy at the Gates

Era: 20 th century.

Situation: Second World War - Twenty-one German divisions besieged Stalingrad from September 1942 to January 1943. The film is based on events in Stalingrad while garrisoned by besieged Russian Army units under the command of Nikita Khrushchev. Callous and brutal Soviet leadership is portrayed in their wastage of Russian troops and their political manipulation of a sniper Vassili Zaitsev.

Primary Actors: Joseph Fiennes, Jude Law, Rachel Weisz, Bob Hoskins, and Ed Harris.

VHS 338623, ISBN 0-7921-7643-X, Colour / approximately 120 Min., Mandalay / Paramount, 2001.

Longest Day (The)

Era: 20 th century.

Situation: Second World War, 6 June 1944 Allied Invasion of France. Many issues at several levels of combat ant political leadership are showcased in this film at several stages of the Allied invasion of the Normandy beaches and of the progress made during the first day of fighting.

Primary Actors: 48 Actors of note.

VHS 4104722, B&W / 178 Min., 20 th Century Fox Home Entertainment, 1962.


Era: 20 th century.

Situation: World War Two - A biographical portrait of United States Army General George S. Patton, focussing on major events in his career during World War Two that led up to and included his combat leadership of the United States 3 rd Army in its sweep across France following the Allied invasion of Normandy.

Primary Actors: George C. Scott, Karl Malden.

VHS 4104723, Colour / 171 Min., 20 th Century Fox Home Entertainment, 1970.



Battle of Britain

Era: 20 th century.

Situation: Second World War - This film focuses on events that occurred from 13 August to 31 October 1940, when Nazi Germany sustained a determined air offensive against Great Britain as a prelude to an intended invasion across the English Channel. Numerous leadership issues faced by both the British and German participants are found throughout the film at the strategic, operations and tactical levels.

Primary Actors: Harry Andrews, Michael Caine, Christopher Plummer, Trevor Howard, Kurt Jurgens Ian McShane, Laurence Olivier, Robert Shaw, Patrick Wymark, Nigel Patrick, Susanna York.

VHS M301522, Colour / 133 Min., MGM Home Video, 1969.

Tora Tora Tora

Era: 20 th century.

Situation: Second World War, 7 December 1941 Japanese attack on Pearl Harbour. This film focuses not only on the actual battle but also on several leadership failings by both antagonists that on the one hand contributed to the Japanese victory and also to the Japanese unwillingness to capitalize on the momentary advantage gained. Demonstrations of positive leadership are also evident that directly contributed to the Americans almost immediate ability to prosecute the war in the Pacific achieving a later moral victory by having the wherewithal to launch an air raid on the Japanese home islands and a more concrete military triumph at the Battle of Midway - these references refer to the decision that preserved the United States Navy carrier fleet from destruction at Pearl Harbour.

Primary Actors: Martin Balsam, Joseph Cotton, E.G. Marshall, James Whitmore, Jason Robards, Soh Yamamura, Tatsuya Mihashi, Takahiro Tamura, Eijiro Tono, Koreya Senda.

VHS 1017, Colour / 144 Min., 20 th Century Fox Home Entertainment, 1970.


Scarlet and the Black (The)

Era: 20 th century.

Situation: World War Two - 1943 German occupation of Rome and the account of Vatican Monsignor Hugh O'Flaherty's evasion of the Gestapo while orchestrating the escape of Allied prisoners-of-war. Brings into question matters of ethics as it related to the Papacy's position on the War relative to their lack of protest over the Nazi regime. The acts of this single Monsignor were entirely outside of any official support by the Vatican.

Primary Actors: Gregory Peck, Christopher Plummer, and Sir John Gielgud.

VHS 5729, Colour / 143 Min., CBS / FOX Home Video, 1983.

Stalag 17

Era: 20 th century.

Situation: World War Two - German prisoner-of-war camp for Allied captives. Focuses on the extent the German Camp leadership is willing to go to discern any escape plans by the prisoners in contrast to POW leadership's ability to encourage loyalty and trust in the men to ferret out and deal with a German spy planted among them.

Primary Actors: William Holden, Don Taylor, and Otto Preminger

VHS 5816, ISBN 0-7921-0828-0, B&W / approximately 130 Min., Paramount Pictures, 1952.


Era: 20 th century.

Situation: World War One / World War Two / The Cold War - This film is a biographical depiction of the rise and fall of Soviet leader Joseph Stalin. It clearly portrays the brutal leadership practiced by both Stalin and those who attempted to remain close to him. It offers intriguing insight into his personal life and his broad ranging conduct.

Primary Actors: Robert Duvall, Julia Ormond, Jeroen Hrabbe, Joan Plowright, and Maximillian Schell.

VHS M903905, ISBN 0-7928-1772-9Colour / 177 Min., MGM / United Artists Home Video, 1992.


Era: 20 th century.

Situation: World War Two, German occupied Paris. The film focuses on a soccer match played between Allied prisoners-of -war and a team of German all-stars. There is no evidence that such a match ever took place, however, the interplay within the allied team and between the French Resistance and the German leadership touches on issues of ethics, loyalty, ethos, etc.

Primary Actors: Michael Caine, Sylvester Stallone, Max Von Sydow as well as numerous real-life soccer legends (Pele, Bobby Moore, Osvaldo Ardiles, Co Prins, Mile Summerbee, etc.)

VHS 925, ISBN 0-7907-3346-3, Colour / 116 Min., Warner Home Video, 1981.


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