National Defence
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News Release

Canadian Forces personnel bring medical assistance to remote Afghan area

CEFCOM NR–06.031 - November 23, 2006

KANDAHAR, Afghanistan (22 November) - The Canadian Kandahar-based Provincial Reconstruction Team (PRT) conducted an Afghan village medical outreach patrol on Sunday, November 19, at Forward Operating Base (FOB) Martello in the Sha Wali Kot District of Kandahar Province.

Three Afghan physicians and one Afghan dentist provided medical treatment to 137 patients. The PRT provided the medical supplies and escorted the physicians during the two-and-a-half hour patrol of the area.

It's really important that the villagers see that it's Afghan doctors who are actually providing the medical care," said PRT Civil Military Cooperation Operator Sgt. Nicky Bascon. "It shows the people here that their own government is helping them out."

"This is definitely the best part of my job," said Warrant Officer Sean Chase, a senior member of the Kandahar Provincial Reconstruction Team. "What is really important is that the Afghans are leading their own way along the road to reconstruction. This initiative is a prime example of Afghans helping Afghans improve their conditions of living."

As well as providing medical care, the PRT also donated firewood, generators and a gasoline-powered water pump, as well as dolls for the children. More village medical outreach patrols are planned in the Sha Wali Kot District in the near future.


Note to Editors: Photographs related to this medical outreach visit are available on the Combat Camera website (search under PRT, village medical outreach) at:

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