National Defence
Symbol of the Government of Canada

News Release

Defence Minister Announces New Official Languages Plan

NR-06.080 - November 29, 2006

In developing this new model to ensure there is full compliance with the Official Languages Act, the CF has had to take in account both the provisions of the National Defence Act, and day-to-day operational realities. This new functional model takes into account, for example, that – unlike most of the public service – the CF manages personnel by unit and not by position.

The plan will ensure that all commanding officers who manage units will be responsible for the delivery of services and supervision in both official languages, when and where required, in compliance with the Official Languages Act.  This corresponds to the way CF manages other military qualifications in the Canadian Forces. 

The Transformation Model will establish an enhanced awareness and education program to ensure civilian and military personnel are aware of their linguistic rights and obligations, and it will implement a performance measurement system to monitor the success of complying with official languages obligations.

"This is a concrete and accountable plan to ensure full compliance with the Official Languages Act," said Minister O'Connor. "I am committed to a department that is equally strong in French and English, and ensuring that all military and civilian employees of the department can be led, trained, administered and supported in the official language of their choice, when and where required by the Official Languages Act."

"The new official languages plan better conforms to our unique operational structure," said General Rick Hillier, Chief of the Defence Staff. "The approach is more selective - only those Canadian Forces members that must be bilingual, in accordance with the Official Languages Act, will be required to become bilingual. These individuals will have priority access to second language training, based on functional needs and compliance requirements."

The new plan addresses this structure unique to National Defence, and specifically the Transformation Model aims to:

  • Ensure linguistically qualified personnel are provided at the right time and place to better support military operations and comply with the Official Languages Act.
  • Establish an education program to enhance workforce awareness of official languages rights and obligations.
  • Implement a performance measurement system to more accurately monitor the department's ability to provide bilingual services in both official languages. 

Note to Editors: For more information about the Official Languages Transformation Model visit the Chief Military Personnel (CMP) Website.

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