National Defence
Symbol of the Government of Canada

News Release

United States Medical Staff Honoured for Extraordinary Treatment of Injured Canadian Soldiers

NR-06.088 - December 6, 2006

OTTAWA - The Chief of the Defence, General Rick Hillier, today awarded the Canadian Forces’ Unit Commendation to the Landstuhl Regional Medical Center (LRMC) in recognition of the exceptional manner Canadian Forces personnel have been treated at the facility since they first engaged in combat operations in Afghanistan. General Hillier presented the commendation scroll and medallion during a ceremony attended by medical staff and a number of injured soldiers who were treated at the medical facility in Landstuhl, Germany.

“The exemplary doctors, nurses and staff of this world-class medical facility have treated Canadian service personnel with extraordinary dignity and genuine compassion; they continue to care for them as their own, ” said General Hillier. “Canada bears witness to the extraordinary generosity of the American people, our friends, as manifested by those diligent individuals and teams at the Landstuhl Regional Medical Center. These selfless heroes constitute an operationally focused unit that is worthy of the highest form of lasting recognition of selfless devotion to coalition duty and honour,” he said.

“We have had the honour and pleasure of treating our Canadian brothers and sisters in arms, giving them the same high level of care that we provide our own wounded sons and daughters, said U.S. Colonel W. Bryan Gamble, Commander LRMC. It is an extreme tribute and privilege to accept this award from the Canadian Forces, on behalf of the Landstuhl Regional Medical Center, ” he said.

The Landstuhl Regional Medical Center serves as the primary medical treatment center for casualties of U.S. operations within Europe, Southwest Asia and the Middle East. Through an agreement, LRMC also provides treatment to Canadian Forces personnel who have been injured in Afghanistan and other international locations where Canadian Forces personnel are deployed. The facility is comprised of over 2,000 US military and civilian staff as well as two Canadian Forces staff.

Created by the Chief of the Defence Staff in November 1980, the Canadian Forces’ Unit Commendation is a group award that recognizes distinguished service by a military unit. The Commendation can be awarded to any formation, unit or sub-unit of the Canadian Forces, or to any similar organization of a foreign armed force working with or in conjunction with the Canadian Forces, that has performed a deed or activity considered beyond the demand of normal duty. LRMC is the first foreign unit in 10 years, and only the third foreign unit to be awarded the Canadian Forces Commendation since its creation in 1980.



Interested media should contact:

Captain Michael Mietzner
Public Affairs Officer
Canadian Forces in Europe
Cell: 011-49-174-213-8206

Ms. Marie Shaw
Public Affairs Officer
Landstuhl Regional Medical Center
Desk: 011-49-6371-86-8829

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