National Defence
Symbol of the Government of Canada

News Release

Gagetown Soldiers Charged for Trafficking of Controlled Substances

CFNIS (AR) / SNEFC (RA) 2006-12 - December 13, 2006

CFB GAGETOWN, N.B. – The Canadian Forces National Investigation Service (CFNIS) charged five soldiers stationed at Canadian Forces Base Gagetown for Drug Trafficking pursuant to section 130 of the National Defence Act, today.

Corporals Brian Stevens, William Venator, Garry Kettle, Harold Robinson and Private Allan Hogan were charged with drug trafficking, contrary to section 5(1) of the Controlled Drugs and Substances Act.

The charges resulted from a seven-month undercover drug investigation at Canadian Forces Base Gagetown, related to trafficking of cocaine, ecstasy and marihuana.

The CFNIS is an independent military Police unit with a mandate to investigate serious and sensitive matters in relation to National Defence property, DND employees and CF personnel serving in Canada and abroad.

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