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Frequently Asked Questions

Click here for a Glossary of Terms specific to Publications Mail.

Frequently asked questions


  1. How do I apply for Publications Mail?
  2. What are the minimum volumes for Publications Mail?
  3. Why have minimum volumes been established for Publications Mail?
  4. What does phantom pricing mean?
  5. If as a Publications Mail customer, I have volumes less than the minimum requirement what options are available to me to avoid the phantom pricing?
  6. How are partial or downstream mailings impacted by the minimum volumes?
  7. Can a customer mail a publication issue using both NDG and LCP (Letter Carrier Presort)?
  8. What mail make-up qualifies for Regional or Local Rural pricing?
  9. What are chargeable Samples, Promotional and Novelty items?
  10. What is the impact to me if I do not prepare Publications Mail according to the requirements of the product?
  11. How do I apply for a Publications Assistance Program (PAP) subsidy?
  12. If I qualify for the Department of Canadian Heritage's PAP subsidy, should I still convert to EST? Why?
  13. How is the Publications Assistance Program (PAP) subsidy calculated?
  14. How will I receive my PAP subsidy?


  15. As a Publications Mail customer, how will I be affected if I use manual Order (Statement of Mailing) forms?
  16. What is the Electronic Shipping Tool (EST) software and how does it benefit me as a customer?
  17. Who can use EST and how much does it cost?


  18. Why is identifying information necessary?
  19. What identifying information is required for Publications Mail?
  20. What is a "Ride-along Publication"?
  21. How many times per year can a Publisher send a "ride-along"?
  22. Do "Ride-along Publications" need to be identified?
  23. Is the undeliverable return service available for ride-along publications?
  24. What is an advertorial?
  25. Do "advertorials" need to be identified?
  26. As a Customer, what happens if I do not clearly identify my enclosures as "ride-along publication" or "advertising", "advertorial" or "promotional"?
  27. Why is the detailed identifying information required on the outside of an opaque envelope or wrapper and not on the outside of a clear wrapper?
  28. Which Canada Post sites accept Machineable mail?
  29. What is the Address Accuracy adjustment?
  30. What is meant by co-packaging?
  31. What policy must be followed when Lettermail or Addressed Admail is co-packaged with Publications Mail?
  32. Can two Publications Mail pieces be co-packaged?
  33. What is the correct way to complete the documents for a co-packaged mailing?
  34. What is FCP?
  35. Does the FCP level apply to Letter Carrier Presort (LCP) and NDG presorts?
  36. What are the sortation rules to be used?
  37. What is the minimum number of pieces acceptable for the FCP level?
  38. What are the 18 sites where DCF (Level 3) consolidation is not permitted?
  39. What is the price for mail sorted to the FCP level?
  40. What are the FCP levels in the National Presortation Schematic?
  41. What instruction would a NDG customer need on the new requirement for FCP sortation?
  42. What process am I, as a customer, to follow when using the vinyl label holders for bags?
  43. How do I order the bag label holder?
  44. Where do I, as a customer, get more information on preparing mail?

  1. How do I apply for Publications Mail?

    • Call the Commercial Service Network at 1 800-260-7678
    • Complete the Agreement Activation Form and Agreement Activation Form - Publications Mail Supplement, and a Credit Application Form.
    • Submit the form(s) and a representative sample of your Publications Mail piece.
    • If your publication is produced in a language other than English or French, include a translation.
    • Upon approval, we will issue you an Agreement Number
    • If you are eligible for a subsidy through the Publications Assistance Program (PAP), a Registration Number will be provided by the Department of Canadian Heritage (DCH). See Question 14.
    • We will return a signed copy of the Agreement Activation forms to you.


  2. What are the minimum volumes for Publications Mail?

    The minimum volumes for Publications Mail are as follows:
    Machineable - Short and Long (S/L) - 1,000 pieces per deposit (phantom is available at Machineable base price)
    Machineable - Oversize (O/S) - 1,000 pieces per deposit (phantom price is available at Machineable base price)
    Letter Carrier Presort (LCP) Short and Long (S/L) and Oversize (O/S) - 1,000 pieces per Order (phantom price is available at LCP-Delivery Mode Direct base price)
    NDG Presort Short and Long (S/L) and Oversize (O/S) - 50 pieces per Order for mailings comprised exclusively of NDG National pieces (phantom price is available at NDG National base price). There is no minimum quantity requirement for Publications Mail NDG National if there are any qualifying Local Rural or Regional Items on the same Order.


  3. Why have minimum volumes been established for Publications Mail?

    Minimum volume requirements have been established to account for the basic cost of accepting and processing an Order for a mailing. The Publications Mail service is designed for delivery of complete issues of a periodical publication.


  4. What does phantom pricing mean?

    Phantom price is the price applied to the difference between the minimum volume requirement and the actual volume mailed. It is the minimum base price, i.e. $0.36 for LCP and $0.52 for NDG National. For example: for an Order with 40 pieces of NDG National, the phantom charge would be $5.20 (minimum 50 pieces less 40 pieces mailed = 10 pieces phantom priced each at $0.52 = $5.20).


  5. If as a Publications Mail customer, I have volumes less than the minimum requirement what options are available to me to avoid the phantom pricing?

    For LCP or NDG National Orders with fewer pieces than the minimum requirement (such as some daily newspapers mailed to ex-residents) the customer may place the Order as one of the following:

    • If the Item is under 500 grams, - consider "Other Lettermail"
    • If the Item is over 500 grams, - consider "Parcel" (should sign an agreement - may qualify for discounts)
    • Consolidation of the same issue, if not already being done
    • If qualified rural mailing (i.e., containing qualified NDG Regional and/or Local Rural pieces) there is no minimum volume requirement


  6. How are partial or downstream mailings impacted by the minimum volumes?

    Partial and downstream mailings are treated differently:

    • For LCP or NDG National presorted Orders, the minimum volume requirement applies to the entire Order on a single SOM (not to the partial mailing or downstream shipments);
    • For Machineable Orders, the minimum volume requirement applies to each partial mailing
    • Bundles of Unaddressed Copies are not included in any minimum volume counts.


  7. Can a customer mail a publication issue using both NDG and LCP (Letter Carrier Presort)?

    No. NDG and LCP are separate mail presortation options. A customer cannot combine NDG with LCP in the same deposit. However, customers may combine copies prepared as Machineable on the same Statement of Mailing as those presorted as either LCP or NDG. For more information on preparing your mailing, please see the Mail Preparation and Presortation section of the Postal Guide.


  8. What mail make-up qualifies for Regional or Local Rural pricing?

    Both Regional and Local Rural are for Non-letter carrier delivery. To qualify for the Regional price category at least 50% of the mailing must be Regional or a combination of Regional and Local Rural, otherwise NDG National prices will apply to the nominal Regional portion of the mailing. To qualify as Regional, pieces must be mailed at a postal facility for delivery at post offices which have no Letter Carrier Delivery and which are located in the same or adjacent province as the accepting postal facility. Therefore, most Regional Mailings would not be deposited at an RVU. Bundles of Unaddressed Copies are not included in the calculation.

    The Local Rural price applies to all pieces mailed at a post office with no Letter Carrier Delivery for delivery at that same post office. Therefore, Local Rural is never deposited at an RVU.

    Example 1: An Order deposited at a Non-Letter Carrier office containing 20 pieces of NDG National, 8 pieces of Regional and 12 pieces of Local Rural would be acceptable (Regional plus Local Rural = 20 or 50% of 40 total).

    Example 2: For an Order deposited at an RVU (Letter Carrier delivery) containing 12 pieces of NDG National and 8 pieces of Regional, the "Regional" would not be qualified and the entire 20 pieces would be priced at the NDG National price with an additional 30-piece phantom adjustment.


  9. What are chargeable Samples, Promotional and Novelty items?

    Samples are defined as trial or trial-sized items or specimens intended to indicate the nature of the product. Promotional and Novelty items are defined as non-personalized items used to promote a brand name or use of a product or service. A Sample, Promotional and Novelty item may be an actual product, provided that it is intended as a trial to be used, displayed or worn by the reader of the publication. It would not normally be sold at retail. If the intent is to fulfil an order or provide a premium (free gift), then the item would not qualify as a Sample, Promotional or Novelty item within Publications Mail. A non-personalized audiocassette tape, compact disc (CD) or Digital Video Disc (DVD) used to promote a brand name or use of a product or service may be accepted as a Sample, Promotional and Novelty item.

    Samples, Promotional and Novelty items that meet the acceptance criteria may be enclosed with a host publication with additional postage. Prices for Samples, Promotional and Novelty items can be found on the Publications Mail Price Sheet.

    Multiple Samples, Promotional and Novelty items are defined as two or more Samples and/or Promotional/Novelty items for the same product line or brand name, mounted on the same backing or packaged together as a chargeable enclosure, which may be separated from the publication. The price for these items is based on the total weight including backing and/or packaging. Prices for Multiple Samples, Promotional and Novelty items can be found on the Publications Mail Price Sheet.

    Samples, Promotional and Novelty items are priced, weighed and counted separately from the host publication in which they are enclosed. They are not considered part of the publication when measuring the advertising to editorial ratio of the Publications Mail piece.

    Samples, Promotional and Novelty items must meet all the general acceptance criteria for enclosures.


  10. What is the impact to me if I do not prepare Publications Mail according to the requirements of the product?

    If mail preparation requirements are not met, extra handling costs will likely be incurred. The criteria and associated surcharges for minor mailing anomalies found on page 5-38 of the Publications Mail Customer Guide is available by clicking here. Major mail preparation anomalies may require reworking the mailing or having it accepted under another service option.


  11. How do I apply for a Publications Assistance Program (PAP) subsidy?

    All customers who wish to apply for a subsidy under the Publications Assistance Program (PAP) must apply directly to the Department of Canadian Heritage (DCH) at 1 800 641-9221. If qualified, a publication will be issued a Registration Number by DCH.


  12. If I qualify for the Department of Canadian Heritage's PAP subsidy, should I still convert to EST? Why?

    Yes, you should still convert to EST. One of the benefits of using EST for Publications Mail is that it simplifies the mailing by calculating the subsidy and applying it to the Order immediately.


  13. How is the Publications Assistance Program (PAP) subsidy calculated?

    For Department of Canadian Heritage (DCH) Registered publications, the Publications Assistance Program (PAP) subsidy is calculated as a percentage of the postage for eligible Publications Mail pieces. The percentage is set by the Department of Canadian Heritage.


  14. How will I receive my PAP subsidy?

    If you are eligible for a subsidy under the Publications Assistance Program (PAP) from the Department of Canadian Heritage (DCH), your Canada Post customer account will be debited with the total mailing charges, including postage, fees and taxes. At the same time (upon written direction from you as set out on the Statement of Mailing), the approved subsidy amount will be deposited by DCH into your customer account. Therefore, you will be required to pay only the difference at the time of mailing (unless there is already a sufficient balance in your account).



  15. As a Publications Mail customer, how will I be affected if I use manual Order (Statement of Mailing) forms?

    Orders submitted using the manual Order (Statement of Mailing) forms no longer enjoy the benefits of incentive prices. In the case of Publications Mail Letter Carrier Presort (LCP) and/or Machineable Items, the mailing is subject to NDG National pricing, as per the Publications Mail 2005 price sheet. Mailings submitted using a manual Order (Statement of Mailing) do not apply towards any potential volume discounts and the $5 manual Order processing fee is still applicable.


  16. What is the Electronic Shipping Tool (EST) software and how does it benefit me as a customer?

    EST is an Internet-based shipping tool that automates the preparation and processing of Statements of Mailing and Manifests for mailing with Canada Post. For the customer, it reduces paperwork, saves time and improves billing/transaction accuracy, allows for online payment, provides access to incentive rates and any potential volume discounts, to name but a few. The EST is available at


  17. Who can use EST and how much does it cost?

    EST was developed for Commercial customers depositing both Communications (letters, advertising, periodical publications) services and Supply Chain Product Management services (parcels and packages). EST is free.



  18. Why is identifying information necessary?

    The identifying information is important for proof of payment and processing undeliverable Publications Mail Items.


  19. What identifying information is required for Publications Mail?

    Basic Identifying Information
    The Basic Identifying Information is required on each unwrapped or clear-wrapped Publications Mail Item (including a Bundle of Unaddressed Copies). All opaque-wrapped Publications Mail Items must meet the requirements below.

    The Basic Identifying Information must be clearly visible in one of the following locations in minimum 6 point font on the host publication:
    • On the cover (front, back or spine if perfect bound) of a magazine;
    • On the front or back page of a newspaper or newsletter; or
    • On the address label; (Note: destination address font size minimum is 2mm); or
    • As part of the postal indicia (if the customer uses this proof of payment option)

    The Basic Identifying Information must be indicated in one of the following formats:
    Example A
    PM12345678 R12345*

    Example B
    Publications Mail Agreement #40012345 Registration #12345*

    *Publications Assistance Program (PAP)-eligible titles only

    Detailed Identifying Information
    Each opaque-wrapped host publication or Bundle of Unaddressed Copies must contain the Detailed Identifying Information (not the basic) clearly visible on the outside of the wrapper. Note that the Detailed Identifying Information does not need to be duplicated on or in the host publication if it is printed on the outside of an opaque wrapper or envelope.

    Each unwrapped or clear-wrapped Publications Mail Item must have the Detailed Identifying Information printed in one of the following locations:
    • On one of the first five or last five pages of the host publication; or
    • On the first page of the table of contents of the host publication; or
    • In the masthead of the host publication; or
    • On a clearly identifiable insert card securely enclosed in the host publication; or
    • On an insert card for the delivery address visible through the polybag; or
    • On the outside of the host publication to replace the Basic Identifying Information.

    The Detailed Identifying Information must appear similar to the illustration in the example below and must also contrast with the background, for legibility.

    REGISTRATION NO. 12345 [if applicable]

    If a postal indicia is used to indicate proof of payment on an opaque-wrapped Publications Mail Item (including a Bundle of Unaddressed Copies), the Canadian return address for undeliverable address block information must be clearly indicated on the outside of the opaque wrapper.

    The following guidelines can assist you to determine if the item is subject to the Piece Level surcharge:
    IF... THEN...
    the Basic Identifying Information is not printed in any of the locations listed above the surcharge will apply, unless the Detailed Identifying Information is there instead
    the Detailed Identifying Information is not printed in any of the locations listed above the surcharge will apply
    there is a Publications Mail indicia on the item, which includes the Agreement Number (and Registration Number, if PAP eligible) this constitutes the Basic Identifying Information (the surcharge will not apply).

    Note: that for items that are in an opaque wrapper or envelope, the Canadian return address for undeliverable Publications Mail must appear on the outside of the opaque wrapper or envelope. If it does not, the surcharge will apply.
    the Basic or Detailed Identifying Information is in a font size that is not easily readable the surcharge will apply if the font size is under six points.
    the Detailed Identifying Information is:
    - on the outside of the envelope
    - on the opaque wrapper, or
    - visible on or through a clear
       polybag, or
    - on the cover of the host
    the Basic Identifying Information is not required (since that information is contained in the Detailed Identifying Information). The surcharge will not apply.

    FURTHERMORE, the Detailed Identifying Information does not need to be duplicated on the inside of the publication. The surcharge will not apply.
    the return address in the Detailed Identifying Information is not a Canadian address the surcharge will apply
    the Detailed Identifying Information includes all of the information required but is formatted differently or wrapped on fewer lines than in the example provided the surcharge will not apply
    the Detailed Identifying Information includes references such as Canada Post, Canadian, CPC or Postmaster. the surcharge will not apply
    the Detailed Identifying Information is in mixed case (upper and lower) the surcharge will not apply
    A combination of the Detailed Identifying Information and the Basic Identifying Information is:
    - on the outside of the envelope
    - on the opaque wrapper, or
    - visible on or through a clear
       polybag, or
    - on the host publication
    the surcharge will not apply as long as the three following elements appear:
    - Product name in full or abbreviated:
       Publications Mail or PM (PP in
    - Agreement Number and Registration
       Number(if applicable)
    - Canadian return address for
    the Basic Identifying Information appears in one of the following locations:
    - the cover (front, back or spine if
       perfect bound) of a magazine;
    - on the front or back page of a
       newspaper or newsletter; or
    - on the address label
       (Note: destination address font
       size minimum is 2 mm); or
    - as part of the postal indicia (if the
       customer uses this proof of
       payment option)
    AND the Detailed Identifying Information appears in the appropriate locations accordingly,

    BUT the Detailed Identifying Information does not contain the Publications Mail Agreement Number and/or Registration Number
    the surcharge will not apply (the Agreement Number and/or Registration Number does not need to appear twice)
    the address
    - on the outside of the envelope
    - on the opaque wrapper, or
    - visible on or through a clear
    - on the cover of the host

    is the only visible address and that this is the address for undeliverable address information
    the surcharge will not apply but you may be advised of the proper wording "Return undeliverable Canadian addresses to" to be used in future mailings for clarity.

    Future non-compliance will result in the application of the surcharge.
    the words such as "Undeliverable" and/or "Return" are present
    - on the outside of the envelope
    - on the opaque wrapper, or
    - visible on or through a clear
       polybag, or
    - on the cover of the host

    thus making it clear that the address provided is for the return of undeliverable Canadian addresses
    the surcharge will not apply but you may be advised of the proper wording "Return undeliverable Canadian addresses to" to be used in future mailings for clarity.

    Future non-compliance will result in the application of the surcharge.
    the email address is not indicated as part of the Detailed Identifying Information... the surcharge will not apply, as this requirement was removed effective January 17, 2005.
    the unwrapped or clear-wrapped (transparent polybag) publication contains the Basic Identifying Information on or through the wrapper, but the Detailed Identifying Information is not located inside the publication itself the surcharge will apply
    the Basic Identifying Information in French has an "R" or an "E" representing the PAP Registration Number. the surcharge will not apply. The French version of the 2005 Customer Guide states E12345 but R12345 is also acceptable.
    The return address in the Detailed Identifying Information is that of the fictitious "example" given in the 2004 or 2005 Publications Mail Customer Guide. the surcharge will apply.


  20. What is a "Ride-along Publication"?

    A Ride-along is a complimentary and promotional copy of either the same or another title (a separate newspaper, magazine or newsletter which has not been requested), enclosed with the host publication in order to promote and solicit subscriptions to the ride-along. A Ride-along is priced with the host publication on the same Order (Statement of Mailing). This is allowed up to a total of six times per year per host. Ride-alongs should be clearly identified on the cover or on a separate sheet/card/overcover as follows:

    • "complimentary" or "free" issue/copy (or similar wording), and
    • a call-to-action for subscription such as a Business Reply Mail Item.
    Otherwise they may be mistaken for a co-packaged publication and priced accordingly.


  21. How many times per year can a Publisher send a "ride-along"?

    A host publication may carry one ride-along title per mailing up to six times in a calendar year.


  22. Do "Ride-along Publications" need to be identified?

    Yes. Ride-alongs should be clearly identified on the cover or on a separate sheet/card/overcover as follows:

    • "complimentary" or "free" issue/copy (or similar wording), and
    • a call-to-action for subscription such as a Business Reply Mail Item.


  23. Is the undeliverable return service available for ride-along publications?

    No. Undeliverable return service is not available for ride-along publications, since the address block information will be returned only for the host publication.


  24. What is an advertorial?

    An advertorial is a type of advertising brochure that is formatted to look like a newsletter or other host publication in order to attract a reader's attention.

    Advertorials should be clearly identified as "advertising", "advertorial" or "promotional" (or similar wording) on the cover/front page. Otherwise they may be mistaken for a co-packaged publication and priced accordingly.


  25. Do "advertorials" need to be identified?

    Yes. Advertorials should be clearly identified as "advertising", "advertorial" or "promotional" (or similar wording) on the cover/front page. Otherwise they may be mistaken for a co-packaged publication and priced accordingly.


  26. As a Customer, what happens if I do not clearly identify my enclosures as "ride-along publication" or "advertising", "advertorial" or "promotional"?

    As a Customer, if you do not clearly identify my enclosures as "ride-along publication" or "advertising", "advertorial" or "promotional", in most cases, you will be charged as though the enclosures were co-packaged publications.


  27. Why is the detailed identifying information required on the outside of an opaque envelope or wrapper and not on the outside of a clear wrapper?

    Optimally we would prefer to have the Detailed Identifying Information on the mail piece without having to open it. For an opaque-wrapper that can be reasonably done by the mailer, since envelopes traditionally carry return addresses etc.

    However, we appreciate that cover real estate is at a premium for publishers. So for unwrapped publications, we allow the Basic Identifying Information, which is an abbreviation of the two proof of payment requirements, the product name (PM) and the Agreement number. And we allow the rest of the information to be printed inside the publication, i.e. as the Detailed Identifying Information. Clear-wrapped publications are treated the same way, since the polybag is normally not overprinted, but the information is on the publication itself, visible through the polybag.


  28. Which Canada Post sites accept Machineable mail?

    St. John's NF X  
    Halifax NS X  
    Saint John NB X  
    Quebec QC X  
    Montreal Léo Blanchette QC X X
    Ottawa ON X X
    Toronto South Central ON X X
    Hamilton ON X X
    London ON X X
    Windsor ON X  
    Winnipeg MB X X
    Saskatoon SK X  
    Regina SK X  
    Edmonton AB X X
    Calgary AB X X
    Vancouver BC X X
    Victoria BC X  


  29. What is the Address Accuracy adjustment?

    The Address Accuracy program is designed to encourage mailers to accurately address mail. The standard for Address Accuracy is 95%. For a Statement of Accuracy (SOA) of less than 94.5%, there will be an adjustment of $0.05 per item, for the total number of items, equal to the difference between 95% and the actual Address Accuracy level.


  30. What is meant by co-packaging?

    Co-packaging is the inclusion of an item of Addressed Admail or Lettermail (or a separate host publication) with the host publication within a Publications Mail piece. Co-packaged items are priced as separate mail pieces and entered on separate Orders (Statements of Mailing). There is no minimum volume requirement for a co-packaged item, and therefore no phantom price is applicable to the co-packaged portion of the mailing. Undeliverable return service is not available for co-packaged items, since the address block information will be returned only for the host publication.

    Co-packaged Addressed Admail, Lettermail or Publications Mail must be submitted using Electronic Shipping Tools (EST), with the selection "Co-packaged in Pubs Mail piece" checked off. Manual Orders (Statements of Mailing) are not acceptable.


  31. What policy must be followed when Lettermail or Addressed Admail is co-packaged with Publications Mail?

    An item of mail, which does not meet the requirements of Publications Mail but meets the requirements of Lettermail or Addressed Admail, may be enclosed within a Publications Mail piece and priced as a separate mail piece. In such cases a separate Order (Statement of Mailing) must be completed using Electronic Shipping Tools (EST) (with the selection "Co-packaged in Pubs Mail piece" checked off) for the enclosed Lettermail or Addressed Admail items as if they were mailed separately.

    The Publications Mail piece must bear the endorsement "Postage paid for enclosed Lettermail (or Addressed Admail)", visible on or through the wrapper. The wrapper is weighed as part of the host publication.

    Publications Mail service standards apply and undeliverable Lettermail or Addressed Admail items will not be returned to the sender. There are no minimum volume requirements for co-packaged items, since they are enclosed within a Publications Mail piece.


  32. Can two Publications Mail pieces be co-packaged?

    A publication, which would otherwise be mailed as a separate host publication but does not qualify as a ride-along publication, may be co-packaged with a host publication within a Publications Mail piece. In such cases, a separate Order (Statement of Mailing) must be completed using Electronic Shipping Tools (EST) for the co-packaged item, with the selection "Co-packaged in Pubs Mail piece" checked off. The co-packaged item will be priced as a separate mail piece (not including the weight of the wrapper, which is considered part of the host publication). The Publications Mail piece must bear the endorsement "Postage paid for enclosed co-packaged Publications Mail" visible on or through the wrapper.

    Publications produced in more than one language (even if they are a direct translation) are considered separate host publications, unless they are bound together under one cover.


  33. What is the correct way to complete the documents for a co-packaged mailing?

    Only the Order document with the enclosed co-packaged (Lettermail, Addressed Admail or Publications Mail) item must indicate "Co-packaged in Pubs Mail piece". This is to ensure the Order with the co-packaged item will not be charged the phantom rate and also for accounting purposes.

    The Order with the host publication must not reflect co-packaging. This is to ensure these pieces will be subject to phantom volumes and charges as applicable and will not be double counted.


  34. What is FCP?

    Forward Consolidation Point (FCP) presortation level is one of the levels of mail grouping or "consolidation" in the National Presortation Schematic (NPS). The FCP is a consolidation point for mail made up for more than one Distribution Centre Facility (DCF), or for a mix of DCF and city level mail within a geographical location. The FCP level applies only to Addressed Admail, Publications Mail and Catalogue Mail.


  35. Does the FCP level apply to Letter Carrier Presort (LCP) and NDG presorts?

    Yes, the FCP level applies to Addressed Admail and Publications Mail for both LCP and NDG presort.


  36. What are the sortation rules to be used?

    • Consolidate to the lowest grouping/container possible.
    • If there are sufficient groupings to fill at least one container for a Delivery Facility (Level 1), create a container for that facility.
    • If there are sufficient groupings to fill at least one container for City (Level 2), create a City container.
    • In the major urban area (18 sites identified in April 2000) where DCF (Level 3) consolidation is not permitted; if you are unable to create a Delivery Facility (Level 1) or a City container (Level 2), create a FCP container (Level 4).
    • Where DCF (Level 3) consolidation is permitted and if you are unable to fill at least one container to a Delivery Facility (Level 1), or one container to a City (Level 2), create a DCF (Level 3) container with the urban, rural and DCF groupings.
    • If you do not have sufficient groupings to meet the minimum fill requirement of a DCF (Level 3) container, create an FCP (Level 4) container.
    • If you do not have sufficient groupings to meet the minimum fill requirement of a FCP (Level 4) container, create a Residue container.


  37. What is the minimum number of pieces acceptable for the FCP level?

    The minimum number of pieces for mail grouping for Publications Mail is 6 pieces for any grouping level. The last residue container has no minimum number of groupings.


  38. What are the 18 sites where DCF (Level 3) consolidation is not permitted?

    Mail for the following centres does not consolidate to a Distribution Centre Facility (DCF).

    Halifax NS (including Dartmouth) London ON
    Moncton NB Windsor ON
    Saint John NB Winnipeg MB
    Quebec QC Regina SK
    Montreal QC Saskatoon SK
    Ottawa ON Edmonton AB
    Toronto ON (and Greater Toronto Area) Calgary AB
    Hamilton ON Vancouver BC
    Kitchener ON Victoria BC


  39. What is the price for mail sorted to the FCP level?

    For LCP and Machineable Publications Mail, FCP has the same price point as Residue.


  40. What are the FCP levels in the National Presortation Schematic?

    The current FCP levels are indicated in this table:



  41. What instruction would a NDG customer need on the new requirement for FCP sortation?

    The NDG Training Web site has been updated for the use by NDG mailers to see how to include the FCP level in their mail preparation.


  42. What process am I, as a customer, to follow when using the vinyl label holders for bags?

    The holders are intended to be used with mailbags containing Publications Mail, Catalogue Mail, Unaddressed Admail and Addressed Admail (only when bags are used).

    The mailer is given the nylon tie straps and the vinyl label holders for use on the mailbags only. These can be ordered at no charge from Postal Stores as per the normal ordering process.

    Step 1 - the mailer affixes the bag label holder to a grommet of the mailbag at the opposite corner of the bag to the metal keeper holder with the nylon tie strap.

    Step 2 - the mailer completes and prints the bag label according to specifications (no keeper label is required).

    Step 3 - the mailer inserts the bag label into the bag label holder ensuring the delivery information is visible.

    At the destination, the bag label is removed from the vinyl label holder allowing the holder on the bag to be re-used.


  43. How do I order the bag label holder?

    Mailers can order the bag label holder by using the current process for ordering Unaddressed Admail tags. The bag label holders are available free of charge, through the Canada Post - Postal Stores, as per the normal ordering process, as follows:

    bag label holders, catalogue # SO-54
    nylon tie straps, catalogue # 200-12-080


  44. Where do I, as a customer, get more information on preparing mail?

    Further information is available from the Postal Guide. From the right hand column, select Mail Preparation and Presortation to get to the guides, then select the appropriate service guide.


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