National Defence
Symbol of the Government of Canada


Statement by the Minister of National Defence on the Death of Three Canadian Forces Search and Rescue Members

NR–06.038 - July 13, 2006

OTTAWA- The Honourable Gordon O'Connor, Minister of National Defence, issued the following statement today on the passing of three Canadian Forces members.

“I was deeply saddened to learn of the tragic death of three Canadian Forces members, who perished early this morning when their helicopter crashed during a search and rescue training exercise near Canso, Nova Scotia.

I extend my sincere condolences to the families and friends of these brave individuals who lost their lives, and to the families of their four crew mates who were also injured in the accident. My thoughts are with the members for their swift recovery.

While these tragic circumstances weigh heavily on our hearts, I am proud of the professionalism and dedication that these courageous men displayed daily while carrying out their duties for our country. They will be greatly missed by our Canadian Forces family.

On behalf of Canadians, I honour their memory and am humbled by their sacrifice."


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