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Home Honours & Awards Medals Chart Special Service Medal (SSM)

Special Service Medal (SSM)

Special Service Medal


The Special Service Medal (SSM) was created to recognize members of the Canadian Forces who are taking part in activities and operations under exceptional circumstances.


The Special Service Medal (SSM) recognizes members of the Canadian Forces (CF) who have performed a service determined to be under exceptional circumstances, in a clearly defined locality for a specified duration. The SSM recognizes approved activities underway on 11 June 1984 or subsequently established. This medals is always issued with a bar that specifies the special service being recognized, each bar having its own criteria.


The Medal shall be circular in form, of copper and zinc alloy, 36 mm in diameter, bearing:

on the obverse, a maple leaf surrounded by a laurel wreath;

on the reverse the inscription "SPECIAL SERVICE SPÉCIAL" ensigned with the Royal Crown and Cypher.

A single-toe claw attached to the top of the medal and to the centre of a straight, slotted bar.

The ribbon is 32 mm wide with a dark green centre (12 mm) flanked with white stripes (5mm) and edged with red (5 mm). The dark green is similar to the "unification green" of the uniform worn when the medal was approved in 1984, red and white are the official colours of Canada as appointed by King George V in 1921.

The bars are silver in colour with a raised edge and bear the title of the bar on a pebbled background.


The medal is issued only with a bar representing the particular special service. The bars awarded to date are:

  1. PAKISTAN 1989 - 90 (Authorized by PC 1991-1061).
    A minimum of 90 days service with the Mine Awareness and Clearance Training Program in Pakistan, during the period beginning on March 15, 1989 and ending on July 29, 1990, under the auspices of the United Nations.
    NOTE: This bar is no longer issued. The recipients of this bar can, if they wish to do so, exchange it for the United Nations Special Service Medal (UNSSM).
  2. ALERT (Authorized by PC 1995-2003).
    An aggregate of 180 days of honourable service on the posted strength of Canadian Forces Station (CFS) Alert, or of honourable service with a military force operationally deployed to or at CFS Alert, since it began its operation on 01 September 1958 and still continuing. Units deployed at CFS Alert include such detachments as aircrew flying into the station for re-supply missions.
  3. PEACE - PAIX (Authorized by PC 1995-2004).
    An aggregate of 180 days of honourable service in peacekeeping operations, from November 1947 (the beginning of international peacekeeping operations) to 21 June 2001. It was issued for service which had not been recognized by any other award in, or accepted into, the Canadian Honours system at the time.
    NOTE: Since 21 June 2001, no further missions are approved for this bar. Peacekeeping service eligibility is now counted towards the Canadian Peacekeeping Service Medal (CPSM).
  4. NATO + OTAN (Authorized by PC 1995-2005).
    An aggregate of 180 days of honourable service within the North Atlantic Treaty Organization's (NATO) area of responsibility between 01 January 1951 and 19 October 2004. Qualifying service is service while posted to a NATO unit, or to a Canadian Forces or allied formation or unit outside territorial limits of Canada under the operational control of a NATO headquarters, or in Canada on an operational staff directly participating in the operational control of such formations and units. In the latter case, only those staff personnel serving in an operations room directly participating in the control of ships and aircraft in NATO operations and exercises qualify for this service. NOT ALL time served in Europe nor at sea can be counted towards this bar.

    NOTE: Eligibility for this bar has been suspended on 19 October 2004 until further notice. Persons who have reached the required 180 eligible days before 19 October 04 remain eligible. Persons in eligible positions or operations on 19 October 04 can continue to count their time until the end of that posting or deployment only. NATO service starting after 19 October 04 is considered ineligible until further notice. Once the review of the criteria is completed, the information on the remaining eligible NATO service will be made available.
    Eligible HMCS List
  5. HUMANITAS (Authorized by PC 1997-124).
    An aggregate of 30 days of honourable service performed outside Canada since June 11, 1984 in support of any humanitarian operation, conducted in response to a disaster or human conflict, set out in the schedule, including rescue, relief and reconstruction operations, provided the service has not been acknowledged by the award of any other honour that is part of or is recognized by the Canadian Honours System.
    Eligible Mission List
  6. RANGER (Authorized by PC 1999-1742).
    An aggregate of four years of honourable service as a Canadian Ranger, performing the duties of providing a military presence in support of Canadian sovereignty including reporting unusual activities, collecting local data of significance to support military operations, providing local expertise, assistance and advice, as guide and advisor, in search and rescue activities, and completion of a minimum of three Ranger Patrol Exercises, within Canada or its territorial and contiguous waters since 1947.


The SSM shall be worn in sequence prescribed in the Canadian Orders, Decorations and Medals Directive, and in the following manner:

on the left breast, suspended from the ribbon described above, between the General Service Medal (GSM) and the Canadian Peacekeeping Service Medal (CPSM);

one bar is worn centred on the ribbon; if multiple bars have been awarded, they shall be evenly spaced on the ribbon in the order earned, with the first bar earned worn the closest to the medal; and

where the undress ribbon is worn, a silver, gold or red maple leaf is worn to denote respectively a second bar, third bar or fourth or subsequent bar.


The use of a post-nominal is not authorized for this medal.


The medal was designed by Bruce Beatty.