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About CHIN About CHIN


The Canadian Heritage Information Network (CHIN), a Special Operating Agency of the Department of Canadian Heritage, was created in 1972 to foster sound management of the knowledge and collections developed by Canadian museums, and provide public access to these through a national inventory.

CHIN today supports an active network of over 1200 not-for-profit member heritage institutions across Canada, serving as a national centre of excellence that provides a visible face to Canada's heritage through the world of networked information. CHIN's vision is to connect Canadians and worldwide audiences to Canada's heritage by promoting the development, presentation and preservation of Canada's digital heritage content for current and future generations of Canadians.

To reach these goals, CHIN is focusing on the following four priorities:
Skills Development
Promoting Heritage content Access and Use in Civic Life
Public Engagement and Participation
International Outreach

Skills Development

Priority 1

Enhance the skills of member museums by leveraging emerging technologies to develop convenient, personalized, and interactive online services.

By providing heritage professionals with the means to share their collections and know-how with each other, CHIN helps Canadian museums establish themselves as world leaders in the effective use of information and communication technologies.

CHIN members also enjoy access to comprehensive products and services that address all aspects of the digital content process. Membership is free for public, not-for-profit Canadian heritage institutions. Through its professional Web site and related activities, CHIN helps strengthen the knowledge and abilities of the Canadian heritage community with respect to the creation, presentation, management, and preservation of digital content. The CHIN site provides easy access to extensive resources that draw from CHIN's own work and research as well as other centres of expertise around the world. These online resources include:

In May 2006, CHIN launched the Knowledge Exchange, a new section of the CHIN Web site that fuels creativity, communication and collaboration among heritage professionals by providing self-paced e-learning products, peer-to-peer online communities of practice, and engaging presentations by experts. This initiative enhances the ability of heritage professionals to learn with CHIN, and from each other.


Promoting Heritage content Access and Use in Civic Life

Priority 2

Further the use of heritage content in education by enabling virtual learning environments, supported by a compelling repository of Canadian museums content.

For CHIN and its member institutions, the Virtual Museum of Canada (VMC) is by far one of the network's proudest accomplishments. Administered by CHIN, brings a rich collection of engaging high-quality online content into Canada's homes, schools, and workplaces.

Through the VMC's galleries, virtual exhibits, interactive games, and other digital content, heritage institutions can present their collections to a much wider audience than ever before, while showcasing Canada's innovative use of digital technologies to the world.

In 2007, the VMC will enable museums to further engage Canada's educators and learners in active learning through a new pilot project entitled AGORA - The VMC Learning Centre. Supported by reusable learning resources, the space offers authoritative learning content (text, images, voice, video and multimedia) accompanied by tangible outcomes, in a manner that facilitates access and use in various research and learning scenarios.

Through investment programs, CHIN supports the development of online museum content to be showcased at

Under a competitive process, heritage organizations submit proposals to the VMC Investment Program to produce bilingual virtual exhibits, interactive games, and educational tools that engage diverse audiences through quality research and appealing presentation. Proposals are reviewed by an Editorial Board comprised of representatives from the museum community, as well as other sectors such as the publishing, education, library, and new media. A new investment program dedicated to content tailored for the Museum Learning Space is also underway.

The Community Memories Program helps small museums create online exhibits that capture local histories, providing Canadians from coast to coast to coast with insight into the values and experiences that have shaped the country's collective identity. Museums with successful proposals are supplied with user-friendly software, and museums with three or fewer full-time employees also receive a standard investment.

Public Engagement and Participation

Priority 3

Increase public interest and participation by analyzing audiences to better target needs, and implementing effective communication strategies.

CHIN is resolutely committed to staying on the leading edge of digital heritage research and technology that enhances public engagement and participation.

Accordingly, it closely monitors technological and industry trends, and publishes original research nationally and internationally. CHIN also works to improve heritage information management, maximize benefits for knowledge creators and distributors, and increase the ability of museums to capitalize on new business opportunities.

International Outreach

Priority 4

Enhance international collaboration that engages worldwide audiences in Canada's rich heritage.

CHIN works nationally and internationally, offering workshops, convening meetings on subjects of common interest to its membership, as well as sponsoring and attending conferences and events that provide opportunities for heritage professionals to increase their expertise. Underlying all of CHIN's activities is a continued, collaborative research program designed to advance our collective understanding of issues associated with new technologies and digital content, particularly in the areas of intellectual property and online audiences.

CHIN also represents the Canadian heritage community internationally in projects related to access to heritage information, and has been so recognized for its work in developing standards for museum documentation. This work encompasses a broad range of information types and the technical protocols necessary for the exchange of information in a widely distributed environment.

Virtual Museum of Canada (VMC) Logo Date Published: 2002-04-27
Last Modified: 2006-11-24
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