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CHIN Members

The Canadian Heritage Information Network (CHIN) brings together 1177 member institutions across Canada.

1910 Boomtown
48th Highlanders Museum
8th Hussars Regimental Museum
Acadian Historical Village
Acadian Museum and Archives of West Pubnico
Admiral Digby Museum
Admiralty House Museum and Archives
Aero Space Museum
Age of Sail Heritage Centre
Agnes Etherington Art Centre
Agricultural Museum of New Brunswick Incorporated
Air Defence Museum
Air Force Heritage Museum and Air Park
AKA Gallery Inc.
Alberni Valley Museum
Alberta Aviation Museum
Alberta Beach & District Museum and Archives
Alberta Community Development
Alberta Railway Museum
Alberta Rockies Mountaineering Foundation
Alberta Sports Hall of Fame and Museum
Albert County Museum
Alberton Museum
Alix Wagon Wheel Museum
Allan MacPherson House (The)
Allen Sapp Gallery
Alliance of Natural History Museums of Canada
Amos Seaman School Museum
Ancient Echoes Interpretive Center
Anderson Farm Museum
Anna Swan Museum
Anthropology Laboratory Museum
Anthropology Museum
Antique Automobile Museum
Appaloosa Horse Club of Canada Museum and Archives
Aquatic Hall of Fame & Museum of Canada Inc.
Archival and Special Collections
Archives and Collections Society
Archives des Soeurs Grises de Montréal
Archives populaires de Pointe-St-Charles
Armand-Frappier Museum
Arnprior and District Archives
Arnprior and District Museum
Aron Museum
Art Gallery of Alberta
Art Gallery of Algoma
Art Gallery of Greater Victoria
Art Gallery of Hamilton
Art Gallery of Northumberland
Art Gallery of Nova Scotia
Art Gallery of Ontario
Art Gallery of Prince Albert
Art Gallery of Southwestern Manitoba
Art Gallery of the South Okanagan
Art Gallery of Windsor
Art Gallery of York University
Artspeak Gallery
Ashern Pioneer Museum
Assiniboia and District Historical Museum
ASTER La Station scientifique du Bas-Saint-Laurent
Astrolab du Mont-Megantic
Atelier d'histoire Hochelaga-Maisonneuve
Atlantic Reference Centre
Atlantic Salmon Museum
Atlas Coal Mine National Historic Site
Atlin Historical Museum and Visitor Center
Aurora Museum
Avondale Heritage and Conservation Foundation, Incorporated
Avonlea and District Museum - Heritage House
Backus Heritage Village
Badger Creek Museum
Baie Verte Peninsula Miners Museum
Bamfield Community School Association
Banting Interpretation Centre
Baptist Heritage Center
Barbour Living Heritage Village
Barkerville Historic Town
Basilica Museum
Bata Shoe Museum (The)
Battlefield House Museum
Bay Chaleur Military Museum
Beachville District Museum
Beaton Institute
Beau Village Museum (Le)
Beaverbrook Art Gallery
Beaverbrook House Commission
Belfast Historical Society
Bell Island Community Museum
Benares Historic House
Bengough & District Museum
Bentley Museum
Biblical Museum of Canada
Bideford Parsonage Museum
Big Droke Pre-Historic Cultures Foundation, Inc.
Biggar Museum and Gallery
Big Valley Historical Society Museum
Billings Estate Museum
Billy Bishop Heritage Museum
Birdtail Country Museum
Bishop's Falls Heritage Museum
Boissevain Community Archives
Bonar Law Historic Site
Bonne Bay Archives
Bonnechere Museum
Bothwell-Zone Oil Museum
Botwood Heritage Centre
Boundary Museum Society
Bowden Pioneer Museum
Bowen Island Museum and Archives
Bowmanville Museum
Bradley Museum
Bralorne Pioneer Museum
Brant Museum and Archives
Britannia Heritage Shipyard, National Historic Site
British Columbia Aviation Museum
British Columbia Forest Discovery Centre
British Columbia Golf Museum
British Columbia Museum of Mining
British Columbia Orchard Industry Museum
British Columbia Wine Museum
Brockville Museum
Brome County Historical Society Museum
Brooks and District Museum
Bruce County Museum & Cultural Centre
Bruce Mines and Plummer Additional Union Public Library
Buchans Miners Museum
Buffalo Nations Museum
Bulkley Valley Museum
Burgeo Centennial Memorial Museum
Burin Heritage House Inc.
Burk's Falls and District Museum
Burlington Art Centre
Burnaby Art Gallery
Burnaby Village Museum
Burrough of the Gleann Museum
Bytown Museum
Calgary Police Service Interpretive Centre
Calgary Zoo
C.A.M.I.'s Historical Heritage Complex
Campbell Carriage Factory Museum
Campbell River Museum & Archives
Canada Agriculture Museum
Canada Aviation Museum
Canada's Aviation Hall of Fame
Canada Science and Technology Museum
Canada's Sports Hall of Fame
Canadian Baseball Hall of Fame & Museum (The)
Canadian Broadcast Museum Foundation
Canadian Bushplane Heritage Centre
Canadian Centre for Architecture
Canadian Clay and Glass Gallery
Canadian Fire Fighter's Museum
Canadian Football Hall of Fame and Museum
Canadian Fossil Discovery Centre
Canadian Golf Hall of Fame and Museum
Canadian Guitar Players Association
Canadian Heritage Digital Archives
Canadian Historical Aircraft Association
Canadian Medical Hall of Fame
Canadian Military Engineers Museum
Canadian Military Heritage Museum
Canadian Military Heritage Museum
Canadian Museum of Civilization
Canadian Museum of Hindu Civilization
Canadian Museum of Nature
Canadian Museum of Rail Travel - Cranbrook
Canadian Nautical Research Society
Canadian Petroleum Interpretive Centre
Canadian Ski Museum (The)
Canadian Society for Education through Art
Canadian Transportation Museum and Historic Village
Canadian War Museum
Canadian Warplane Heritage Museum
Cape Bonavista Lighthouse Provincial Historic Site
Cape Breton Centre for Heritage and Science
Cape Breton Miners' Museum
Cape Ray Lightkeepers House
Cape Sable Historical Society
Captain Kennedy House Museum
Carberry Plains Museum
Carbonear Heritage Society
Carleton University Art Gallery
Caroline Wheels of Time Museum
Casa Loma
Cascapedia River Museum
Castle Kilbride
Cataraqui Archaeological Research Foundation
Cathedral of St. John the Baptist Archive & Museum
CBC Museum
Centennial Museum of Sheguiandah
Central New Brunswick Woodmen's Museum, Inc.
Central Okanagan Heritage Society
Centre culturel de Verdun
Centre culturel et patrimonial la Poudrière de Windsor
Centre culturel Ti-Yarihuten
Centre d'archives régional des Îles
Centre d'art Rotary de la Sarre
Centre de la nature du mont Saint-Hilaire
Centre de recherche de la société de généalogie de Saint-Eustache
Centre d'exposition d'Amos
Centre d'exposition de Baie-Saint-Paul
Centre d'exposition de l'Université de Montréal
Centre d'exposition de Mont-Laurier
Centre d'exposition de Rouyn-Noranda
Centre d'exposition de Val d'Or
Centre d'exposition du Centre des arts de Shawinigan
Centre d'exposition l'Imagier
Centre d'exposition Raymond-Lasnier
Centre d'histoire de Montréal
Centre d'interprétation archéologique de la Gaspésie (La Martre) Inc.
Centre d'interprétation Archéo Topo
Centre d'interprétation de la Côte-de-Beaupré
Centre d'interprétation de la foresterie
Centre d'interprétation de l'ardoise
Centre d'interprétation des pionniers de l'aviation (CIPA)
Centre d'interprétation du Moulin Bernier
Centre d'interprétation du patrimoine de Sorel
Centre d'interprétation et de recherche philatélique du Canada
Centre historique des Soeurs de Notre-Dame du Bon-Conseil de Chicoutimi
Centre national d'exposition Jonquière
Centre of the Universe
Centre régional d'archives de l'Outaouais
Centre Thématique Fossilifère
CFB Esquimalt Naval and Military Museum
CFB Gagetown Military Museum
CFB Petawawa Military Museums
Chamber of Mines of Eastern British Columbia
Champlain Trail Museum and Pioneer Village
Chapel Gallery
Chapelle des Soeurs des Saints Noms de Jésus et de Marie
Chapman Museum
Charlotte County Museum
Chase and District Museum and Archives Society
Chateau Ramezay Museum
Chatham-Kent Museum
Chilliwack Museum and Archives
Choco-Musée Erico
Cinémathèque québécoise
Cité de l'or (La) / Corporation du Village minier de Bourlamaque
Cité Historia, Musée d'histoire du Sault-au-Récollet
City Hall Art Gallery
City of Calgary - Civic Art Collection
City of Edmonton Archives
City of Penticton's R.N. Atkinson
City of Richmond Archives
Clarke Museum
Claybank Brick Plant National Historic Site and Museum
Clothing & Textiles Hallway Museum
Coalition of Canadian Healthcare Museums and Archives
Coaticook Historical Society
Cobalt Heritage Silver Trail
Cobalt Northern Ontario Mining Museum
Colborne Lodge
Colby Curtis Museum
Colchester Historical Museum
Cole Harbour Heritage Farm Museum
Collection entomologique Ouellet-Robert
Collections and Conservation Centre
Collingwood Museum
Colony of Avalon
Commanda General Store Museum
Commonwealth Air Training Plan Museum
Comox Air Force Museum
Comox Archives and Museum
Comox Valley Art Gallery
Comox Valley Community Arts Council
Compton County Historical Museum Society
Confederation Centre Art Gallery
Congrégation des Soeurs de Notre-Dame du St-Rosaire
Congrégation des Soeurs de Sainte-Anne
Congregation Shaar Hashomayim Museum
Contemporary Art Gallery
Corner Brook Museum & Archives
Corporation Archéo-08
Corporation archiépiscopale Catholique Romaine de Sherbrooke
Corporation du Moulin des Jésuites
Correctional Service of Canada Museum
Costume Museum of Canada
Council of Heritage Organizations in Ottawa
Council of Nova Scotia Archives
Country Heritage Park
Courtenay and District Museum and Archives
Cowichan Bay Maritime Centre
Cowichan Valley Museum
Craft Council of Newfoundland & Labrador
Craigdarroch Castle
Craigflower Manor and Schoolhouse
Craik Community Archives & Oral History Society Inc.
Creamery Square Museum
Creston and District Historical and Museum Society
Crow's Nest Military Artifacts Association Inc.
Crowsnest Museum
Crowsnest Pass Ecomuseum Trust Society
Cumberland County Museum
Cumberland Heritage Village Museum
Cumberland Museum and Archives
Cumberland Township Historical Society
Cupids Museum
Currency Museum of the Bank of Canada
Dalhousie Art Gallery
Dalnavert Museum
Daly House Museum
Danish Canadian National Museum and Gardens
Darlingford School Heritage Museum
Davenport Centre Heritage Hall at Bonnechere Park
Dawson City Museum and Historical Society
Dawson Creek Art Gallery
Dawson Creek Station Museum
Delta Museum and Archives
Département d'anthropologie, Université de Montréal
Department of Culture and Recreation, City of Hamilton
Department of Natural Resources, Geological Survey of Canada
DesBrisay Museum & Exhibit Centre
Design Exchange
Dickson Store Museum
Diefenbaker House Museum
Diefenbunker, Canada's Cold War Museum
Discovery Centre
Doak Historic Site
Doig River First Nation Cultural Center
Dominion Modern: Museum of Modern Achitecture & Design
Donalda and District Museum
Doon Heritage Crossroads
Dorset Soapstone Quarry Site
Doukhobor Village Museum
Dr. Henry N. Payne Community Museum
Dr. Sun Yat-Sen Classical Chinese Garden
Dr. V.L. Watson Allied Arts Centre
Dryden and District Museum
Duck Lake Regional Interpretive Centre
Dufferin County Museum and Archives
Dufferin Historical Museum
Dundurn Castle
Durrell Museum
Earth Sciences Museum
East Coulee School Museum
École de design industriel, Université de Montréal
École du Rang II d'Authier
Écomusée du Fier Monde
E.C. Smith Herbarium
Edinburgh Square Heritage and Cultural Centre
Edmonton Heritage Festival Association
Edmonton Power Historical Foundation
Edmonton Public Schools Archives
Église historique de Barachois
Eldon House
Elgin County Pioneer Museum
Elgin Military Museum
Elliott Avedon Museum and Archive of Games
Elman W. Campbell Museum
Elmira Railway Museum
Emily Carr House
Enderby and District Museum Society
Englehart & Area Historical Museum
Enoch Turner Schoolhouse
EPTEK National Exhibition Centre
Erland Lee (Museum) Home
Estevan Art Gallery and Museum
Evolution of Education Museum
Expression, centre d'exposition de Saint-Hyacinthe
Fairfield Museum & National Historic Site
Fanshawe Pioneer Village
Farmers' Bank of Rustico
Fenelon Falls Museum (The)
Fernie and District Historical Society Museum
Filberg Heritage Lodge and Park
Fine Art Collection & Gallery 1C03
Fine Art Collection
Firefighters Museum of Nova Scotia
Fire Fighters Museum of Winnipeg
Fisheries Museum of the Atlantic
Fisherman's Museum
Fishermen's Museum
Fishermen's Museum, Musgrave Harbour
Foreman Art Gallery of Bishop's University
Fort Calgary
Fort Dauphin Museum Inc.
Fort Edmonton Park
Fort Frances Museum & Cultural Centre
Fort Garry Horse Museum and Archives (The)
Fort Henry
Fort Ingall
Fort La Reine Museum
Fort Malden National Historic Site
Fort Museum of the North West Mounted Police
Fort Ostell Museum
Fort Sackville Foundation
Fort Saskatchewan Museum
Fort Selkirk (Yukon Government)
Fort Steele Heritage Town
Fort Vermilion Heritage Centre
Fort Whoop Up Interpretive Centre
Founders' Hall - Canada's Birthplace Pavilion
Fox Harbour Community Museum
Fraser River Discovery Centre
French Shore Interpretation Centre
Frères Maristes, Château-Richer
Fultz House Museum
Fundy Geological Museum
Gabriel Dumont Institute
Gabriola Historical and Museum Society
Galerie d'art du Centre Culturel de l'Université de Sherbrooke
Galerie d'art du Parc
Galerie de l'UQAM
Galerie historique Lucienne-Maheux du Centre hospitalier Robert-Giffard
Galerie Montcalm
Gallery Gachet
Gallery Lambton
Gallery TPW
Galt Historic Railway Park
Garden of the Gulf Museum
Gardiner Museum of Ceramic Art
Gaspesian British Heritage Village
Gateway Labrador Inc.
Gatineau Valley Historical Society
General Currie Heritage School
George C. Harris Museum
George Johnston Museum
Georgina Pioneer Village
Gibson House Museum
Gitwangak Heritage Village Museum
Gitxsan Treaty Office
Glace Bay Heritage Museum
Glenbow Museum
Glenhyrst Art Gallery of Brant
Glovertown Heritage Society Inc.
Godfrey Dean Art Gallery
Golden Museum
Government House Heritage Property
Grand Coteau Heritage and Cultural Centre
Grande Prairie Museum
Grand Falls Museum
Grand Forks Art Gallery
Grand-Pré National Historic Site of Canada
Granisle Museum and Information Centre
Greater Vernon Museum and Archives
Green Family Forge: A Blacksmith Museum
Greenwood Centre for Living History
Greenwood Military Aviation Museum
Grey Roots: Your Heritage and Visitor Centre
Grimsby Museum
Grist Mill at Keremeos
Guelph Museums: Guelph Civic Museum & McCrae House
Gut of Canso Museum and Archives
Guysborough Historical Society
Haida Gwaii Museum at Qay'llnagaay
Haida Heritage and Repatriation Society
Haig-Brown House
Haileybury Heritage Museum
Haldimand County Museum and Archives
Hallmark Society
Hamilton Children's Museum
Hamilton Military Museum
Hamilton Museum of Steam and Technology
Hawthorne Cottage National Historic Site
Hayward China Museum
Hazelton Pioneer Museum and Archives
Hector Exhibit Centre
Helmcken House
Henry-Stuart House
Herbert CPR Train Station Museum
Herbier Marie-Victorin
Heritage Community Foundation
Heritage Farm and Village
Heritage House Museum
Heritage Models Centre
Heritage Museum
Heritage North Museum
Heritage Winnipeg Corporation
Herschel Island Territorial Park
Highland Village Museum / An Clachan Gàidhealach
High Prairie and District Museum
Hillcrest Museum
Hiscock House Provincial Historic Site
Historical Museum Association of St. James-Assiniboia Inc.
Historic Fort York
Historic Hat Creek Ranch
Historic Markerville Creamery
Historic O'Keefe Ranch
Historic Yale Museum
Historic Zion Schoolhouse
History of Transportation
H.M.C.S. Haida Naval Museum
Hockey Hall of Fame
Homer Watson House & Gallery
Homestead Museum
H.R. MacMillan Space Centre
Huble Homestead/Giscome Portage Heritage Society
Hudson Historical Society
Hudson's Hope Historical Society Museum
Humboldt and District Museum
Huron County Museum and Historic Gaol
Huronia Museum
Hutchison House Museum
HVACR Heritage Centre Canada
Hyatt One-Room Schoolhouse
Hycroft China-Clay Products Interpretive Centre
Île-à-la-Crosse Heritage and Historical Society
Indian Bay Ecosystem Corporation
Innisfail and District Historical Village
International Fox Museum and Hall of Fame
International Historic Heritage Foundation (Canada)
Inuit Heritage Centre
Inuit Heritage Trust Incorporated
Ireland House at Oakridge Farm
Irish Moss Interpretive Centre and Museum
Iroquois Falls Pioneer Museum
Irving House Historic Centre and New Westminster Museum/Archive
Islands Museum
James J. O'Mara Pharmacy Museum
Japanese Canadian National Museum
Jasper - Yellowhead Museum and Archives
Jewish Heritage Centre of Western Canada Inc. (The)
Jewish Historical Society of British Columbia
John Fisher Memorial Museum
John M. Cuelenaere Public Library - Grace Campbell Gallery
John N. Leamon Museum
John R. Park Homestead
Johnson Geo Centre
Jordan Historical Museum of the Twenty
Joseph Brant Museum
Just for Laughs Museum
Kaatza Station Museum
Kamloops Art Gallery
Kamloops Museum and Archives
Kamsack & District Museum
Karsh Masson Gallery
Keillor House Museum
Keir Memorial Museum
Kelowna Art Gallery
Kelowna Museum
Kenderdine Art Gallery
Keno City Mining Museum
Kent Museum
Kettle River Museum
Kettle Valley Steam Railway
Khyber Digital Media Centre
Kilby Store and Farm
Kings County Museum (NB)
Kings County Museum
Kings Landing Historical Settlement
King's Point Heritage Society Inc.
King Township Museum
Kitchener-Waterloo Art Gallery
Kitikmeot Heritage Society and Cultural Centre
Kitimat Centennial Museum
Kluane Museum of Natural History
Kootenay Gallery of Art, History and Science
'Ksan Historical Indian Village and Museum
Laboratoire de recherche sur les musiques du monde
Labrador Heritage Society
Labrador Interpretation Centre
Lac Cardinal Pioneer Village Museum
La Cité de l'énergie
La Fabrique de la Paroisse Notre-Dame de Montréal
La Galerie d'Art Stewart Hall, Centre culturel de Pointe-Claire
LaHave Islands Marine Museum
Lake of the Woods Museum
La Maison de la Culture de Gatineau
Lambton Heritage Museum
Langham Cultural Centre
Langley Centennial Museum
Lang Pioneer Village
Lanigan & District Heritage Centre
La Pulperie de Chicoutimi
La Société d'histoire et de généalogie de Val- d'Or
L'Association francophone de Saint-Jean
Law Society of Upper Canada Archives
Leighton Art Centre
Lennox and Addington County Museum and Archive
Lennoxville Ascot Historical and Museum Society
Leonard and Bina Ellen Gallery
Les Augustines de la Miséricorde de Jesus de Roberval
Les Franciscains (service des archives)
Les Impatients
Les Promoteurs d'Angliers - Site historique T.E. Draper - Chantier de Gédéon
Les Sept Chutes - Site d'Interprétation et de Plein Air
Lester-Garland House
Lester Garland Premises
Lillian Stevenson Nursing Archives/Museum
Lillooet Museum
Lithuanian Museum-Archives of Canada
Little White Schoolhouse Museum
Living Prairie Museum
L.M. Montgomery Institute of U.P.E.I.
L.M. Montgomery Lower Bedeque School
L'Odyssée des Bâtisseurs
Log Cabin Museum and Archives
London Museum of Archaeology
London Regional Children's Museum
Lougheed House Conservation Society
Lower Fort Garry National Historic Site of Canada
Loyal Edmonton Regiment Museum
Lundy's Lane Historical Museum
Lunenburg County Historical Society and Fort Point Museum
Lutz Mountain Heritage Museum
Lytton Museum and Archives
Macaulay Heritage Park
MacBride Museum
Macdonald Farm Historic Site
MacDonald House Museum
Macdonald Stewart Art Centre
Mackenzie and District Museum
MacKenzie Art Gallery
MacKenzie Crossroads Museum
Mackenzie House
MacLachlan Woodworking Museum
MacLaren Art Centre
Magnetawan Historical Musem
Magnetic Hill Zoo
Mahone Bay Settlers Museum
Maison Centrale des Filles de la Charité du Sacré-Coeur
Maison des Chapais
Maison des cultures amérindiennes
Maison des Jésuites de Sillery
Maison du colon
Maison du Granit
Maison Dumulon (La)
Maison Pierre-Lacroix Inc.
Maison Saint-Gabriel
Malagash Area Heritage Museum
Maltwood Art Museum and Gallery
Manido Chiman
Manitoba Agricultural Hall of Fame
Manitoba Agricultural Museum Inc.
Manitoba Baseball Hall of Fame & Museum
Manitoba Children's Museum
Manitoba Crafts Museum and Library
Manitoba Electrical Museum & Education Centre
Manitoba Indian Cultural Education Centre (People's Library)
Manitoba Sports Hall of Fame and Museum
Maple Ridge Art Gallery
Maplewood Farm
Margaret Laurence Home
Marguerite Bourgeoys Museum
Marine Museum of the Great Lakes At Kingston
Maritime Heritage Society of Vancouver
Maritime Museum of British Columbia
Maritime Museum of the Atlantic
Market Gallery (The)
Markham Museum
Marsh Collection Society
Mary March Regional Museum and Logging Exhibit
Mary's Point Shorebird Reserve and Interpretive Centre
Marystown Heritage-Museum Corporation
Massey Area Museum
Mather Post Office Museum
McCord and District Museum
McCord Museum of Canadian History
McLean Mill National Historic Site
McMaster Museum of Art
McMichael Canadian Art Collection
Medalta Potteries Historic Site
Medicine Hat Museum and Art Gallery, A National Exhibition Centre
Meewasin Valley Authority
Melfort and District Museum
Memory Lane Heritage Village
Mendel Art Gallery
Mennonite Heritage Village
Mentoring Artists for Women' s Art, Inc.
Métis Nation of Ontario Cultural Commission
Metis Nation Saskatchewan Secretariat Inc.
Miami Museum Inc.
Miami Railway Museum
Michel-Natal-Sparwood Heritage Society
Michener House Museum
Military Museum
Millertown Museum
Millet and District Museum and Archives
Mill of Kintail Conservation Area
Milltown - Head Bay d'Espoir Museum
Ministers Island
Ministry of Community, Aboriginal and Women's Services - Heritage Branch
Mirror and District Museum
Mission Museum
Missisquoi Museum
Mississippi Valley Textile Museum
Mockbeggar Plantation Provincial Historic Site (The)
Modern Fuel Artist - Run Centre
Moncton Fire Department Historical Society
Moncton Museum
Moncur Gallery
Montgomery's Inn
Montréal Biodôme
Montréal Botanical Garden
Montréal Insectarium
Montreal Museum of Fine Arts
Montreal Science Centre
Moore Museum
Moose Jaw Museum & Art Gallery
Moose River Gold Mine Museum
Morrin Centre
Morris & District Centennial Museum
Morris and Helen Belkin Art Gallery
Morse Museum and Cultural Centre
Mossbank and District Museum Inc.
Mountain Mills Museum
Mountain View Museum (Olds Historical Society)
Mount Saint Vincent University Art Gallery
M.S.A. Museum Society
Muir-Cox Shipbuilding Interpretive Centre
Multicultural History Society of Ontario
Musée Acadien de Caraquet
Musée acadien de l'Université de Moncton
Musée acadien du Québec à Bonaventure
Musée agricole aux couleurs de la campagne
Musée Beaulne
Musée Bon-Pasteur
Musée d'art contemporain de Montréal
Musée d'art contemporain des Laurentides
Musée d'art de Joliette
Musée d'art de Mont Saint-Hilaire
Musée de Charlevoix
Musée de Guérin
Musée de Lachine
Musée de la civilisation
Musée de la Gaspésie
Musée de la Mer
Musée de la mer de Pointe-au-Père
Musée de la nature et des sciences
Musée de l'Éducation
Musée des Abénakis
Musée de Sainte Anne
Musée des beaux-arts de Sherbrooke
Musée des communications et d'histoire de Sutton
Musée des Hospitalières de l'Hôtel-Dieu de Montréal
Musée des maîtres et artisans du Québec
Musée de société des Deux-Rives
Musée des ondes Emile Berliner
Musée des Pionniers et des Chanoinesses
Musée des Religions
Musée des Télécomunications
Musée des Ursulines de Québec
Musée des Ursulines de Trois-Rivières
Musée d'histoire naturelle du parc de Miguasha
Musée du Bas-Saint-Laurent
Musée du Centre Élisabeth-Bergeron
Musée du costume et du textile du Québec
Musée du Fjord
Musée du Fort Saint-Jean
Musée du Fromage Cheddar
Musée du Haut-Richelieu
Musée du Royal 22e Régiment Museum
Musée Eudore-Dubeau, Université de Montréal
Musée François-Pilote
Musée Héritage Museum and Archives
Musée historique des Soeurs de l'Assomption de la Sainte Vierge
Musée Historique de Tracadie Inc.
Musée Laurier
Musée Louis-Hémon
Musée Marc-Aurèle Fortin
Musée maritime du Québec Inc.
Musée Marius-Barbeau
Musée minéralogique et minier de Thetford Mines
Musée national des beaux-arts du Québec
Musée Pierre-Boucher
Musée Pointe Des Chênes
Musée québéquois de culture populaire
Musée régional de Kamouraska
Musée régional de la Côte-Nord
Musée régional de Rimouski
Musée régional des mines de Malartic
Musée régional de Vaudreuil-Soulanges
Musée Saint-Joseph Museum Inc.
Museum London
Museum of Anthropology
Museum of Antiquities
Museum of Health Care at Kingston
Museum of Natural History
Museum of Northern History at the Sir Harry Oakes Chateau
Museum of the Highwood
Museum on the Boyne
Muskoka Boat and Heritage Centre
Muskoka Lakes Museum
Myrtleville House Museum
Nanaimo District Museum
Nancy Island Historic Site
Nanton Lancaster Society Air Museum
National Archives of Canada
National Battlefields Commission (Plains of Abraham)
National Gallery of Canada
National Library of Canada
Native Cultural Arts Museum
Naval Museum of Alberta Society
Naval Museum of Quebec
NB Federation of Naturalists
Nebenaigoching Heritage Inc.
Nelson and District Museum, Archives, Art Gallery and Historical Society
Nepean Museum
Nepisiquit Centennial Museum & Cultural Centre
Neutral Ground Inc.
New Brunswick Archaeological Services
New Brunswick Art Bank
New Brunswick Museum
New Brunswick Railway Museum
New Brunswick Sports Hall of Fame
Newfoundland and Labrador Health and Community Services Archive and Museum
Newfoundland Science Centre
New Iceland Heritage Museum
Newman Wine Vaults
Niagara Historical Museum
Nickle Arts Museum
Norris Arm Heritage Museum
North Atlantic Aviation Museum
North Bay Area Museum
Northern Life Museum and National Exhibition Centre
Northern Lights Centre
North Highlands Community Museum
North Huron District Museum
North Shore Archives
North Sydney Museum
North Vancouver Museum and Archives
Norwegian Laft Hus
Notukeu Heritage Museum
Nova Scotia Museum
Nova Scotia Museum of Industry
Nova Scotia Museum of Natural History
Nova Scotia Sport Hall of Fame
Nurse Bennett Heritage House
Nurses Association of New Brunswick
Oakville Galleries
Oakville Museum
O'Dell House Museum
Ogniwo Polish Museum Society Inc.
Oil Museum of Canada
Okanagan Falls Museum and Heritage Society
Okanagan Military Museum
Olde Jail Museum
Old Log Church Museum
Olympic Hall of Fame and Museum
Ontario Association of Art Galleries
Ontario Heritage Foundation
Ontario Jewish Archives (The)
Ontario Provincial Police Museum
Ontario Science Centre
Ontario Tobacco Museum and Heritage Centre
Orangedale Railway Museum
Oseredok Ukrainian Cultural and Educational Centre
Osgoode Township Historical Society and Museum
Oshawa Community Museum and Archives
Osoyoos Museum Society
Ottawa Art Gallery (The)
Ottawa House 'By-The-Sea' Museum
Our Lady of Mercy Museum
Owen Sound Marine and Rail Museum
Paipoonge Museum
Parc archéologique de la Pointe-du-Buisson
Parc de la Rivière Mitis
Parks Canada
Parkwood, The R.S. McLaughlin Estate
Paved Art + New Media
Peace Gallery North
Peace River Centennial Museum and Archives
Peel Heritage Complex
PEI Shellfish Museum
Pelee Island Heritage Centre
Pembina Thresherman's Museum Inc.
Pembroke Heritage Murals
Penetanguishene Centennial Museum
Perry Oldtimers Museum
Perth Museum
Petawawa Emerald Necklace Trail System
Peterborough Centennial Museum and Archives
Petites Franciscaines de Marie (Les)
Petrolia Discovery Foundation Inc. (The)
Phonothèque québécoise
Pier 21 National Historic Site
Pioneers Museum
Pitt Meadows Museum
Platform: Centre for Photographic and Digital Arts
Pointe-à-Callière, musée d'archéologie et d'histoire de Montréal
Point Ellice House and Garden
Point Leamington Heritage Interpretation Centre
Pope Museum
Port Colborne Historical and Marine Museum
Port Dover Harbour Museum
Port Hardy Museum and Archives
Port Moody Station Museum
Powell River Historical Museum & Archives Association
Prairie Art Gallery
Prairie Mountain Regional Museum Inc.
Prairie River Museum
Prairie West Historical Society Incorporated
Prêtres de Saint-Sulpice de Montréal
Prince Albert Historical Museum
Prince Edward Island Museum and Heritage Foundation
Prince Edward Island Potato Museum
Prince Edward Island Regiment Museum
Prince of Wales Northern Heritage Centre
Princess Patricia's Canadian Light Infantry (PPCLI) Regimental Museum and Archives
Prince Township Museum
Province of New Brunswick, Heritage Branch,
Pump House Steam Museum
Quebec Anglophone Heritage Network
Queens County Historical Society & Museum
Queens County Museum
Quesnel and District Museum and Archives
Railway & Forestry Museum, Prince George
Railway Coastal Museum
Red Deer and District Museum
Red Lake Regional Heritage Centre
Redpath Museum
Redwater & District Museum
Reford Gardens
Regina Plains Museum
Regroupement des organismes du patrimoine franco-ontarien (ROPFO)
Restigouche Regional Museum
Revelstoke Firefighters Museum
Revelstoke Museum and Archives
Revelstoke Railway Museum
Reynolds-Alberta Museum
Richmond Art Gallery
Richmond Museum & Heritage Services
Richmond Nature Park
Rideau Canal Museum
Rideau Hall
RiverBrink - Home of the Weir Collection
Riverton Transportation & Heritage Centre
Road to Yesterday Museum
Robert McLaughlin Gallery
Rocky Mountain House Museum
Roedde House Museum
Rosetown and District Museum Inc.
Ross Farm Museum
Rossland Historical Museum
Ross Memorial Museum
Ross Museum
Rotary Museum of Police & Correction
Roulston Museum
Rowsell House Interpretation Center
Royal Alberta Museum
Royal Botanical Garden
Royal British Columbia Museum
Royal Canadian Geographical Society
Royal Canadian Ordinance Corps Museum
Royal Military College of Canada Museum
Royal Ontario Museum
Royal Saskatchewan Museum
Royal Tyrrell Museum of Palaeontology
Rundle's Mission Historic Site
Ruthven Park National Historic Site
Saidye Bronfman Centre for the Arts
Saint Anne Museum
Saint-Boniface Museum
Saint John Arts Centre
Saint John Jewish Historical Museum
Salles d'exposition de la Maison de la culture et du patrimoine Conseil Arts et culture de St-Eustache
Salmo Museum
Salmon Arm Museum and Heritage Association
Salon national d'histoire et de patrimoine
Sam Waller Museum
Saskatchewan Arts Board Permanent Collection
Saskatchewan Craft Council
Saskatchewan Municipal Government
Saskatchewan River Valley Museum Inc.
Saskatchewan Science Centre
Saskatchewan Sports Hall of Fame and Museum
Saskatchewan Western Development Museum
Satterthwaite Heritage Log Cabin
Sault Ste. Marie Museum
Scarborough Historical Museum
'School Days' Museum
School House Museum
Science East - The York County Gaol
Science World British Columbia
Scugog Shores Historical Museum
Secwepemc Museum and Heritage Park
Serbian Heritage Museum
Sesquicentennial Museum and Archives
Shearwater Aviation Museum
Shelburne County Genealogical Society
Shelburne County Museum
Sherbrooke Village
Sheriff Andrews House
Shubenacadie Canal Commission
Sidney Historical Museum
Silvery Slocan Museum & Archives
Simcoe County Museum
Simon Fraser Gallery Art Gallery
Simon Fraser University Museum of Archaeology & Ethnology
Sinclair Inn National Historic Site
Sipiweske Museum
Sir Andrew MacPhail Foundation
Sir William F. Coaker Heritage Foundation
Site Historique de la Maison la Montagne
Site Historique du Banc-de-Paspébiac
Site historique du Moulin Legaré
Smith Falls Railway Museum of Eastern Ontario
Smithson International Truck Museum
Société d'histoire de Sherbrooke
Société d'histoire et généalogie de St-Sébastien
Société d'horticulture et d'écologie de Longueuil
Société d'Interprétation de la Basse-Côte-Nord
Société du patrimoine religieux de St. Hyacinthe
Société Historique Alphonse-Desjardins
Société historique de Clair Inc. (La)
Société historique du Marigot
Society for Arts and Technology
Sodbusters Archives and Museum
Soeurs Missionnaires de l'Immaculée-Conception
Soeurs Saint-Joseph de St-Hyacinthe
Soeurs Servantes du Saint-Coeur de Marie
Sooke Region Museum
South Central Museum Association
Southern Alberta Art Gallery
South Grey Museum & Historical Library
South Saskatchewan Photo Museum
South Similkameen Museum
Spadina Museum: Historic House and Gardens
Spruce Lane Farm
Spruce Row Museum
S.S. Moyie National Historic Site
S.S. Sicamous Restoration Society
St. Ann's Academy
Station Cultural Centre, Town of Okotoks Museum and Archives
Station House Studio and Gallery Society
St. Catharines Museum
Stettler Town and County Museum
Steveston Museum
Stewart Museum at the Fort Ile St-Hélène
St. George's Heritage Museum
St. James Beachkirk Textile Museum
St. John the Divine Church
St. Lewis Heritage Museum
St. Mary's Church-Museum
St. Mary's Historical Society of Maxstone
St. Marys Museum
St. Norbert Arts Centre
Stony Plain and Parkland Pioneer Museum Society
Story of People
St. Peter, Dynevor Old Stone Church
Stratford Festival Archives
Stratford-Perth Museum
Strathcona County Heritage Foundation Museum
Strathroy Middlesex Museum
Sturgeon River House Museum
St. Vital Historical Society Incorporated
Sudbury Region Police Museum
Sukanen Ship Pioneer Village & Museum
Summerland Museum and Heritage Society
Sundre Pioneer Village Museum
Sunnybrook Farm Museum and Interpretive Centre
Sunrise Trail Museum
Sunshine Coast Museum & Archives
Surrey Art Gallery
Swan Valley Museum
Swift Current Museum
Sydney Mines Heritage Museum
Symmes Inn Museum
Taber Irrigation Impact Museum
Tagé Cho Hudän Interpretive Centre
Teeterville Pioneer Museum
Telephone Historical Centre
Temiskaming Shores Public Library
Textile Museum of Canada
Theatre Museum Canada
The Beaches Heritage Centre
The Cameron Highlanders of Ottawa Regimental Museum
The Canadian Canoe Museum
The Canadian Clock Museum
The Dominion Institute
The Exploration Place at the Fraser-Fort George Regional Museum
The Gallery of Early Canadian Flight
The Galt
The Indian Museum of Mashteuiatsh
The Manitoba Museum
The Meaford Museum
The Rooms - Provincial Art Gallery Division
The Rooms - Provincial Museum Division
The Windsor Wood Carving Museum
Thunder Bay Art Gallery
Thunder Bay Military Museum
Thunder Bay Museum
Timber Village Museum
Timmins Museum
Todmorden Mills Heritage Museum and Arts Centre
Tom Thomson Memorial Art Gallery
Torbay Heritage Committee/Museum
Toronto Aerospace Museum
Toronto Police Museum
Tourism Elliston Inc.
Townsite Heritage Society
Trail Museum
Transcona Historical Museum
Trembowla Trembowla Historic Site & Museum/The Cross of Freedom Inc.
Trinity Museum
Trochu and District Museum
Tr'ondek Hwech'in First Nation
Twillingate Museum and Crafts
Two Rivers Gallery of Prince George and Region
UBC Botanical Garden and Centre for Plant Research
Ukrainian Canadian Congress - Saskatchewan Provincial Council
Ukrainian Museum of Canada
U'mista Cultural Centre
University of Alberta Museums
University of Lethbridge Art Gallery
University of Moncton Art Gallery
University of Toronto Art Centre
Uplands Cultural and Heritage Centre
Upper Canada Village
Urban Shaman Gallery
Uxbridge-Scott Museum and Archives
Valemount & Area Museum
Vancouver Aquarium Marine Science Centre
Vancouver Art Gallery
Vancouver Holocaust Education Centre
Vancouver Island Military Museum Society
Vancouver Maritime Museum
Vancouver Museum
Vancouver Police Historical Society & Centennial Museum
Vanderhoof Museum
Varley Art Gallery of Markham (The)
Vegreville Regional Museum
Vernon Public Art Gallery
Veterans Memorial Military Museum
V. Gross' Doll Museum & Gift Shop
Video Pool Media Arts Centre
Villa Bagatelle
Village Québécois d'Antan inc.
Wadena & District Museum & Gallery
Wakaw Heritage Museum
Wallace and Area Museum
Wallaceburg and District Museum
Walter Phillips Gallery
Waskada Museum
Wasyl Negrych Pioneer Homestead
Watson Crossley Community Museum
Wawota and District Museum
Welland Historical Museum
Wellington County Museum and Archives
Western Canada Aviation Museum Inc.
Westlock and District Museum
West Parry Sound District Museum
West Point Lighthouse Museum
West Vancouver Museum and Archives
Wetaskiwin & District Museum
Whistler Museum and Archives Society
Whitchurch-Stouffville Museum
White Elephant Museum Inc.
Whitehern Historic House & Garden
Whiteley Museum
White Rock Museum and Archives
White Water Gallery
Whitman House Museum
Whitney Pier Historical Museum
W.H. Steeves Museum
Whyte Museum of the Canadian Rockies
Willoughby Historical Museum
Willow Bunch Museum
Willow Bunch Trading Post
Windsor's Community Museum
Winnipeg Art Gallery
Winnipeg Railway Museum
Winterland EcoMuseum
Winterton Boat Building Museum
Wood Islands Lighthouse
Woodland Cultural Centre
Wood Mountain Rodeo Ranch Museum
Workers Arts and Heritage Centre
W.P. Fraser Herbarium - University of Saskatchewan
Wyatt Heritage Properties
Xá:ytem Longhouse Interpretive Centre
Yale and District Historical Society
Yarmouth County Museum
York Museum
York Region District School Board Heritage Schoolhouse
York Sunbury Museum
Yukon Archives
Yukon Arts Centre Gallery
Yukon Beringia Interpretive Centre
Yukon Cultural Services Branch
Yukon Transportation Museum
YYZ Artists' Outlet
Zoo «sauvage» de Saint-Félicien Zoo