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Setting www.virtualmuseum.ca as your default home page


Make VMC Your Home Page

Note: The VMC site is best viewed with Netscape 4.0 and Internet Explorer 5.0 at 800x600 pixels.

Select your browser version to learn how to set VMC as your home page.
   Netscape Navigator 6
   Netscape Navigator 4.7x and 4.8
   Netscape Navigator 7.01
   Netscape Navigator 8.1
   Microsoft Internet Explorer
   Mozilla FireFox
If you don't know your browser version, go to the "Help" menu and select "About" Navigator or Communicator or Internet Explorer: disregard any numbers to the right of the decimal point.

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Netscape Navigator 6

To make VMC your home page, follow these simple steps:

  1. From the "Edit" menu at the top of your screen, choose "Preferences".

  2. Type: http://www.virtualmuseum.ca in the "Home page location" text field.

  3. Click OK.

The VMC home page will now be the first page you see when you launch your browser.

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Netscape Navigator 4.7x and 4.8

To make VMC your home page, follow these simple steps:

  1. From the "Edit" menu at the top of your screen, choose "Preferences".

  2. Type: http://www.virtualmuseum.ca in the "Home page location" text field.

  3. Click OK.

The VMC home page will now be the first page you see when you launch your browser.

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Netscape Navigator 7.01

To make VMC your home page, follow these simple steps:

  1. From the "Edit" menu at the top of your screen, choose "Preferences" then choose "Navigator".

  2. Type: http://www.virtualmuseum.ca in the "Home page location" text field.

  3. Click OK.

The VMC home page will now be the first page you see when you launch your browser.

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Netscape Navigator 8.1

To make VMC your home page, follow these simple steps:

  1. From the "Edit" menu at the top of your screen, choose "Preferences" then choose "Navigator".

  2. Type: http://www.virtualmuseum.ca in the "Home page location" text field.

  3. Click OK.

The VMC home page will now be the first page you see when you launch your browser.

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Microsoft Internet Explorer

To make VMC your home page, follow these simple steps:

  1. From the "Tools" menu at the top of your screen, choose "Internet Options".

  2. Click the "General" tab and change your home page address to http://www.virtualmuseum.ca

  3. Click OK.

The VMC home page will now be the first page you see when you launch your browser.

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Mozilla FireFox

To make VMC your home page, follow these simple steps:

  1. From the "Tools" menu at the top of your screen, choose "Internet Options".

  2. Click the "General" tab and change your home page address to http://www.virtualmuseum.ca

  3. Click OK.

The VMC home page will now be the first page you see when you launch your browser.

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