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Canada-France Agreement on Museum Cooperation and Exchanges

On November 26, 1990 the Governments of Canada and of the French Republic signed the Canada-France Agreement on Museum Cooperation and Exchanges. The objective of the Agreement is to create and develop special, lasting ties between museums and museum professionals in Canada and France, in a mutual quest for excellence.

The Canada-France Agreement is first and foremost an innovation tool for museological exchanges. By funding joint projects under this agreement, the Government of Canada encourages museums and professionals from all provinces and territories to forge links and develop lasting ties with France.

The Heritage Programs Directorate and the regional offices of the Department of Canadian Heritage work closely to implement the Canadian component of the Canada-France Agreement.

Eligible Recipients

To qualify for funding under the Canada-France Agreement, applicant institutions must meet Museums Assistance Program eligibility criteria. Eligible applicants are:
  • Incorporated non-profit Canadian museums which:
    • provide services to the public year-round;
    • employ at least the equivalent of one full-time professional staff; and
    • have policies for key museological functions and a three to five-year strategic/business plan.

  • Incorporated non-profit museums and heritage service organizations.

N.B. Government of Canada organizations and crown corporations are not eligible for funding under the Canada-France Agreement. Applicants that are either part of other levels of government, or are part of academic or cultural organizations must have their own distinct objectives, programs and budget.

Requesting Financial Assistance

Canadian museums wishing to submit a project for funding under the Canada-France Agreement should contact designated a Program Officer at the nearest regional office  of the Department of Canadian Heritage. The Regional Program Officers will provide useful advice and required materials to prepare and submit an application.

Project proposals are reviewed competitively once each year. Application packages must be directed to the nearest regional office of the Department of Canadian Heritage or, for national organizations, to the national office.

Please note that application materials and timelines for 2007-2008 will be posted shortly.

All applications for funding under the Canada-France Agreement will need to include the following:

  • a signed collaboration agreement confirming the commitment of both the French and the Canadian organizations to participate in the project;
  • the application form, signed by an authorized official which includes:
    • The sections describing your organization, your project and the proposed budget (the project description must include the objectives and specify where the project will take place, the names of the partners involved and the participating institutions and expected results);
  • the organization’s official documents.

Assessment of Requests for Financial Assistance

Funding applications from Canadian institutions for the Canada-France Agreement will be assessed according to eligibility criteria and guidelines of the Museums Assistance Program. Projects that qualify for funding under the Canada-France Agreement will be primarily:

  • projects that promote professional development - workshops, seminars, internships;
  • projects that help forge special and lasting ties between Canadian and French museums – exchanges, structured work placements, joint activities, collaboration strategies;
  • research projects between museum professionals in Canada and in France on important museological themes.

Projects recommended for funding will be assessed by a joint Canada-France committee. The committee will agree on and select common funding proposals. Canada’s financial participation in the projects selected for funding by the joint committee will require approval from the Minister of Canadian Heritage.


The funding approved by the Department of Canadian Heritage will not generally exceed 50% of the project’s eligible expenditures.

Among the expenditures that are normally eligible under the Museums Assistance Program, only the following items will be considered under the Canada-France Agreement:

  • travel and accommodation/lodging expenses for staff working on projects funded under the Agreement, in keeping with Treasury Board guidelines and administrative costs related to the project.
N.B. Funds provided by the French Government include airline tickets for French participants coming to Canada and accommodation, meals and travel by Canadian participants while in France. Expenses are reimbursed following the completion of the project and upon submission of receipts.

Reporting Requirements

Institutions receiving funding under the Canada-France Agreement will be required, at the end of the project, to submit a descriptive report on the activities undertaken with the funding provided, the overall results achieved and the benefits to the museum community and the Canadian public. A financial report will also be required.

Public Acknowledgment

Organizations that receive financial assistance under the Canada-France Agreement must explicitly acknowledge the source of this support. In accepting support from the Department of Canadian Heritage, the institutions must publicly acknowledge the assistance received from the federal government. They will receive guidelines in this respect. For detailed information, please visit: Public Acknowledgement of Financial Assistance


For further information on the Canada-France Agreement, please contact a consult a Program Officer at the nearest regional office to discuss your project in advance.

Date modified: 2006-10-16
Important Notices