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Two-way Exchanges
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Two-way Exchanges

Youth Exchanges Canada provides funding to support group two-way exchanges for Canadians generally between the ages of 12 and 17. Groups of 10 to 30 youth, from different regions of the country are twinned according to their age and interests. Each participant takes turns hosting their twin in their home. Participants play an active role in planning the exchange, communicate regularly with their twin, conduct research on the exchange communities and participate in fundraising.


  • Enhance knowledge and understanding of Canada among participants.
  • Connect Canadians with one another.
  • Develop a sense of Canadian identity and attachment to Canada by helping youth appreciate both the diversity and the shared aspects of the Canadian experience.


  • Exchanges Canada will pay for participants' and supervisors' return transportation.
  • Exchanges Canada covers costs for a number of chaperons to supervise the participants.
  • Exchanges Canada may also contribute to additional expenses incurred by youth with special needs.


Groups and Participants

  • School groups and non-profit community organizations.
  • 10 to 30 participants per group.
  • Canadians generally between 12 and 17 years of age.
  • Special measures will be taken to encourage the participation of youth from groups traditionally under-represented in exchange programs such as youth with disabilities, Aboriginal youth, youth from low-income households and youth from rural or isolated areas.
  • Exchanges involving more than two communities or camp stay exchanges can be considered.

Time and Duration

  • Exchanges can be done throughout the year.
  • Minimum of five days visiting the twin community plus travel time (exceptions considered for youth with special needs).
  • Completion of the full cycle of the exchange (preparation of the exchange, two stages of the exchange, post-exchange activities) is essential in order to achieve the objectives of the Youth Exchanges Canada program. A complete exchange cycle should generally cover a 6 to 8 month period.

Learning Component

  • Projects from eligible groups must demonstrate a strong educational component and should meet the Youth Exchanges Canada objectives presented above.
  • Projects should not be focused on major events such as sports tournaments, theatre festivals, debating competitions, etc. Such activities can be part of an exchange project, but must represent a minor element of the minimum five day exchange program.


Contact one of the following organizations.


Date Last Modified: 2006/10/19