New/Nouveau Brunswick



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Archaeological Services promotes New Brunswick heritage awareness. With thousands of years of history in our province, archaeology plays a major role in recognizing and interpreting the accomplishments of those who have gone before. The archaeological and cultural information associated with, for example,   a   3000-year-old   First   Nation
village is totally different from that recovered from a 17th century French trading post. Through archaeology we find that both sites and the people who occupied them have played unique roles in New Brunswick's past.

Archaeology, combined with the spoken history of elders, presents an enriched interpretation. Working with other agencies and communities, Archaeological Services produces educational products intended to disseminate accurate knowledge and to generate respect for past and present cultures.

Archaeological Services education programming places special emphasis on the promotion of cross-cultural understanding. First Nations' traditions, heritage and cultural sensitivities are recognized. Archaeological Services offers specific educational programs for First Nations communities, government departments, other agencies and the public.

Visit our on-line exhibits!

Metepenagiag  (Where Spirits Live )
Wolastoqiyik  (Portrait of A People)

If you have a question concerning Archaeological Services education programming please click here.

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