DRAFT—February 2005

URL: http://VRAweb.org/CCOweb/
E-mail: CCO@vraweb.org

CCO provides guidelines for selecting, ordering, and formatting data used to populate catalog records. CCO is designed to promote good descriptive cataloging, shared documentation, and enhanced end-user access. Whether used locally to develop training manuals, or universally as a guide to building consistent cultural heritage documentation in a shared environment, CCO will contribute to improved documentation and enhanced access to cultural heritage information.

The CCO Project team would like your comments on the chapters that are available. Your feedback is needed to ensure that the CCO guide will be a useful cataloguing tool for the community. Please use the e-mail address above or the Feedback link from the pull-down menu.

A project of the Visual Resources Association.


Front page images courtesy the Art Images for College Teaching website, a free-use image resource for the educational community.

Copyright © 2003 Visual Resources Association