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Creating and Managing Digital Content Creating and Managing Digital Content

Tip Sheets

Creating User-Friendly Web Pages


These Quick Tips provide some general design tips for creating user-friendly web pages, including:

  • ensuring access to your content and achieving rapid download times for users
  • general recommendations to improve accessibility for users.

For additional information about ensuring accessibility by people who may not be able to see, hear, move, or process some types of information, please see the Accessibility Guidelines prepared by the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C).

1.1.1 General Functionality Recommendations

Products must be viewable and fully functional in the current version of common browsers, i.e.:

  • Netscape 4.7 or higher
  • Internet Explorer (IE)5 or higher.

Recent browser surveys done for the CHIN site and the Virtual Museum of Canada showed that 60% of users were using Internet Explorer, while 25% of users were using Netscape. It is advisable to test your Web site using both browsers to ensure functionality in the majority of viewers' environments. You may also wish to test other available browsers.

When creating your directories, where applicable, use relative links, e.g. ../../english/index.html. This will speed download times for users, as users can quickly reload cached pages.

Always ensure that you close HTML tags:

</P>, </UL>, </TABLE> ,</B>

This will allow user agents (assistive technologies such as screen readers, screen magnifiers, and voice recognition software) to interpret your data.

1.1.2 Fonts

Be sure to use standard TrueType Fonts (TTF) to ensure that your product will display properly on a variety of platforms. Verdana, Arial, and Garamond are examples.


On a Macintosh system:

  • font sizes below 9 will not display well
  • bold formatting of font sizes below 11 will not be displayed.

1.1.3 Colours

Some older systems have a limited palette available, and their set-ups may vary. To ensure that your material will be viewable in a standard fashion, use Hexadecimal code for 216 "Web-safe colours", e.g. H1 {COLOR: #FF0000}.

A Web-safe colour chart can be found at:

Design any background graphic at the lowest colour depth (limit the number of colours) and resolution possible. This will ensure that it looks the same on various platforms.

1.1.4 Layout

Specifying all margins, background images and/or colour and text tags within the <BODY> allows you to use the full space of the window when displaying your HTML page and ensures that the page is displayed properly. Be sure to check to see how your page displays in different resolutions, with particular attention to 640 x 480 or 800 x 600. Recent statistics from show that 7% of viewers are viewing sites with a resolution of 640 x 480, 53% with 800 x 600, and 31% with 1024 x 768.

See a coding example for setting the display specifications.

1.1.5 Mouse-overs

Mouse-overs allow you to maximize the information you display in one page.
Using the onLoad="" in the <BODY> tag helps to download all mouse-over images as soon as the page is downloaded, so that when you mouse-over an image, it is already preloaded in the cache.

To see a coding example that demonstrates the use of onLoad.

1.1.6 Windows

Minimize the number of windows that can be opened at one time. Developers should review window navigation policies for each on-line resource.

  • If a resource requires another window to open to supplement the content, it should be obvious to the user that another window/browser has been opened (e.g., super-imposing a smaller window on the previous one).
  • Try to manage the windows and not continuously open new windows by creating navigation scenarios that re-use windows that are already open.
  • Try to ensure that a resource will not cause numerous windows to be open at the same time.

1.1.7 Updating information

If you frequently update the content of a Web page and would like to avoid viewers seeing an older, cached copy, add the command shown below to your page. The HTTP-EQUIV="EXPIRES" attribute works with most browsers.

<META HTTP-EQUIV="expires" CONTENT="31 Dec 99">

1.1.8 Tables

1. Splitting a single large table into many small tables will result in faster down load time. These multiple tables will appear to the user as one large table, as is illustrated in the following example:

Table One Row One
Table One RowTwo
Table Two Row One
Table Two Row Two
Table Two Row Three
Table Two Row Four
Table Three Row One
Table Three Row Two
Table Three Row Three

<table width="100%" border="0">
<tr><td>TABLE NUMBER</td><td>ROW NUMBER</td></tr>
<tr><td>Table One</td><td>Row One</td></tr>
<tr><td>Table One</td><td>RowTwo</td></tr>

<table width="100%" border="0">
<tr><td>Table Two</td><td>Row One</td></tr>
<tr><td>Table Two</td><td>Row Two</td></tr>
<tr><td>Table Two</td><td>Row Three</td></tr>
<tr><td>Table Two</td><td>Row Four</td></tr>

<table width="100%" border="0">
<tr><td>Table Three</td><td>Row One</td></tr>
<tr><td>Table Three</td><td>Row Two</td></tr>
<tr><td>Table Three</td><td>Row Three</td></tr>

More examples to reduce download time for tables.

1.1.9 Rules for Language Coding

The typographic presentation rules of individual languages must be taken into account in HTML coding. For example, a "no-break space" character (&nbsp;) must be added before the following punctuation in French text: exclamation mark, question mark, colon and semi-colon.

Identifying the language of the document using the Language attribute allows user agents to interpret text. In order to assist user agents, you must also identify changes in the language in the body of a document.

English <HTML LANG="en">
French <HTML LANG="fr">
Spanish <HTML LANG="es">
German <HTML LANG="de">

Because the spelling of certain words changes depending on the country (eg. color/ colour), you should also identify the country subcode. This will help user agents determine punctuation and hyphenation rules. The code for Canadian
English is en-ca; the code for Canadian French is fr-ca.
e.g. <HTML LANG="en-ca">
<HTML LANG="fr-ca">

HTML standard should be used for all special and accented characters.

The use of character entity references for characters within <ALT> attributes or <TITLE> tags may result in the display of these entity references, rather than the intended characters. The solution is to use the intended character itself. For example, instead of coding "&eacute;", simply insert "é" after <ALT>= and within <TITLE> tags.

1.2 Images

It is recommended that all HTML pages including their components, such as images, not take more than 10 seconds to download using a 56 K modem (approximately 60 K). Large images that take too much time to display may cause users to turn off their graphic display, or leave your site. In general, images are the largest elements on a page.

The following table contains approximate download time for an HTML page based on the size of the page and the speed of the download.

Modem 10 kB 30kB 50kB 100 kB 500 kB 00 kB
14.4 6.4 sec 19.2 sec 32 sec 64 sec 320 sec 640 sec
28.8 3.2 sec 9.6 sec 16 sec 32 sec 160 sec 320 sec
56 K 1.6 sec 4.9 sec 8.2 sec 16.5 sec 82.3 sec 164.6 sec
T1 .1 sec .2 sec .3 sec .6 sec 3.2 sec 6.4 sec
Cable .1 sec .2 sec .3 sec .5 sec 2.6 sec 5.2 sec

Table adapted from:

The following guidelines will assist in reducing download time for images.

  • Reduce image file sizes. A number of image applications have special features for optimizing graphics for the Web.
  • Use the GIF file format, which supports up to 256 colours, for Web graphics such as thumbnails, banners, navigation icons, etc. Reducing the number of colours in your GIF files will reduce the image file size.
  • The JPEG file format, which supports over 16 million colours, is used extensively for photographs and other continuous-tone images on the Web that require full colour display.
  • Note that both of these image formats have built-in compression algorithms that reduce the image file size.

Further information on Optimizing Web Graphics can be found at:


  • If an image file is still large after optimization, it should be organized into slices. Software such as Adobe ImageLab or Macromedia Fireworks can be used for image optimization.
  • Use WIDTH and HEIGHT in the <IMG> tag to specify the image size. By setting these attributes, you are 'reserving' space for that image to load, and the browser doesn't have to re-render the screen once the images are loaded. (no text or information will load in that area even if the image never loads.) Do not use WIDTH and HEIGHT to resize an image, only to specify its actual size.

<IMG ALT="example" src="example.gif" WIDTH="8" HEIGHT="160" border="0">

Additional tips for speeding up download time:

Avoid unnecessary use of icons, graphics and photographs. Avoid using images to display words in special fonts; it is better to code font changes into your HTML, using <FONT>, <B>, <I>, etc., rather than create images of the words.

Instead of using large full-size graphics images on your page, insert a thumbnail in the page and link from the thumbnail version to the larger image. Indicate the full image size (in kilobytes) and the file format, so the user knows the file size and type before loading the full-size image.

Re-use images where possible. Once an image has been loaded, it can be loaded quickly each time it is called in the HTML document. Each HTTP request requires additional time for the browser and server to deliver the image, unless the same cached image is reused on the Web page.

Further information on reducing download time can be found at:

1.3 HTML Validation and Quality Assurance

Perform a quality assurance check on your product. This includes checking all your internal and external links and validating your HTML. When validating your documents, be sure to check that your DTD (document type definition) is set to the appropriate version of HTML. Test all HTML pages in both IE5 and Netscape 4 environments, and on different system set-ups such as different monitor resolutions, PC, Macs, etc.

To assist in quality assurance, you can use products such as Bobby to test for W3C accessibility, and other validators to perform download time analysis and HTML validation.

Validators can be found at the following URLs:

1.4 File Formats

If you link to a large multimedia file, indicate the format and file size in megabytes. If your site requires plug-ins, it is advisable to advise the users of the requirement on the home page.

Additional Resources:

Webmonkey: The Web Developers Resource Jakob Nielsen's Website

Web Site Design Guide The Webmaster's Reference Library

HTML Help by the Web Design Group

Virtual Museum of Canada (VMC) Logo Date Published: 2002-04-27
Last Modified: 2006-06-13
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