Government of Canada Gouvernement du Canada

News Release

Message from the Minister for National Volunteer Week

By freely giving of their time, millions of volunteers across Canada contribute to the growth of our economy, the vitality of our communities, and the well-being of all Canadians. The generosity of Canadians and its impact on society are significant: a large part of our economy, our social assistance, health, and education systems and our community networks depend on their contribution and their efforts.

Our volunteers vividly embody our common values, like sharing and helping one another. One has only to look at the extraordinary support of Canadians when a disaster or tragedy strikes, either in our country or elsewhere in the world, to understand just how much these values have shaped our collective identity. National Volunteer Week presents a wonderful opportunity to recognize these values that strengthen the social fabric of Canada and to celebrate the invaluable contribution of volunteers to our quality of life.

As Minister of Canadian Heritage and Minister responsible for Status of Women, I heartily thank all volunteers in Canada. You are our most precious resource, and your commitment is a source of inspiration and pride for all of us.

Happy National Volunteer Week!

[ Canadian Heritage ]

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