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Table 11: Details on Transfer Payments Programs (TPPs) for the Department of Canadian Heritage


All these transfer payments programs are voted, which means that each year the Parliament of Canada votes annual Appropriation Act or Acts to grant expenditure authority to the Crown for the departments and agencies. This spending authorization lapses at year-end.

1) Name of Transfer Payment Program: Celebration, Commemoration and Learning program
2) Start Date: 2003-2004 3) End Date: N/A 4) *Total Funding: $7.4M
5) Description of Transfer Payment Program**:

The purpose of this program is to ensure an integrated and dynamic federal approach to national celebrations and commemorations. Its objectives are to create opportunities for Canadians to connect in celebrating their history, their diversity, their achievements, and strengthen their sense of belonging to Canada as well as learn about and celebrate the significant people, places, symbols, anniversaries and events that have marked Canada's development and that are integral to Canadian life and values. A five-year annual plan for Celebration, Commemoration and Learning ensures that annual themes are integrated in the many activities that the Government and its partners initiate every year.

The Celebrations component consists of all events organized under the banner of "Celebrate Canada!" The celebrations take place over an 11-day period from June 21 to July 1 every year. It includes National Aboriginal Day, St Jean-Baptiste Day, and Canadian Multiculturalism Day in addition to Canada Day celebrations. These events provide opportunities for Canadians to come together in their communities to discover and appreciate the richness and the diversity of Canadian society and to show their sense of belonging to Canada and pride in being Canadians.

The Celebrate Canada! Program works with regional offices across the country and volunteer Celebrate Canada! Committees in the provinces and territories to provide seed funding for celebrations across Canada and to hold an annual Poster Challenge aimed at students. The program is also responsible for coordinating the Canada Day noon-time ceremony on Parliament Hill.

The Commemorations component allows the commemoration of persons; achievements and situations which have made their mark on the country, as well as to revive interest in them, and in the history of Canada. This is achieved through various means including the erection of memorials and royal proclamations.

Finally, the Learning component makes educational materials and resource guides available on annual themes. The Canada Day Poster Challenge Activities Guide is an example of the educational material developed in this area.

6) Objective(s), expected result(s) and outcomes:

Canadians' have a greater sense of awareness of Canadian history, achievements through increased opportunities to celebrate the people, their stories, and key events.

Canadians have the opportunity to learn about and celebrate Canada's diversity, culture, history and achievements.

Canadians are enabled to organize and participate in events that celebrate Canada.

Canadians feel a sense of connectedness with Canadian identity and values.

7) Achieved results or progress made:

More Canadians have had opportunities:

  • To express their pride in belonging to Canada.
  • To learn about Canada's diversity, culture, and history
  • To come together and celebrate Canadian Achievements

No polls/surveys have been conducted.

  Millions of $ 8) Actual Spending 2002-03 9) Actual Spending 2003-04 10) Planned Spending 2004-05 11) Total Authorities 2004-05 12) Actual Spending 2004-05 13) Variance(s) (#10 - #12 )
14) Business Line (BL): Canadian Identity            
-Total Grants 2.3 1.5 1.2 1.6 1.6 (0.4)
- Total Contributions 5.5 5.7 9.9 5.8 5.7 4.2
- Total Other Transfer Payments            
15) Total for BL 472.7 510.5 672.3 629.5 628.6 31.3
16) Total TPP 861.1 869.6 1,072.90 999.2 997.9 75
17) Comments on Variances: Transfers were made to other departmental programs in order to adjust for emerging priorities.
18) Significant Evaluation Findings and URL to last evaluation:

The most recent report on the formative evaluation of the Celebrate Canada! Program was released October 20, 2004. The evaluation found "that the lack of a stable A-base allocation for the Program has significantly weakened program delivery, causing delays in the transfer of G&C allocations to regional offices, delays in provision of operating funds to Celebrate Canada! Committees, delays in processing of grants and contributions to community groups, and less time for community groups to do fund-raising, using Celebrate Canada! awards as leverage. It has also been a factor in production schedules for promotional materials, which some community groups say arrive too late to be useful."

The evaluation also found "that potential for objectives achievement could be improved by earlier decisions on funding applications, earlier distribution of promotional materials and Canada Day Poster Challenge teachers guides, and modest increases to smaller Celebrate Canada! Committee operating budgets to ensure Committees are able to meet periodically and do community outreach."

Since the release of the report, the program received $10M in Budget 2005 to alleviate the funding stress. This allowed for earlier budget transfers to regional offices who in turn are able to make recommendations on grants and contributions as well as transfer the funds to Celebrate Canada Committees and community groups in a timely manner.

* Total funding is calculated from 1994-95 (creation date of the Department of Canadian Heritage)

** Celebration, Commemoration and Learning program can be identified under the wording: Grants/Contributions to non-profit organizations, Canadian institutions, individuals, the private and public sectors and other levels of government for the purposes of furthering participation in Canadian society and Celebrate Canada! activities. This wording regroups three other Transfer Payment Programs that are under $5M (Court Challenges Program, Human Rights Program and Canadian Studies).

Date modified: 2005-11-01
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