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Toronto , Ontario
Tourism Region: Toronto

Vtape is an information resource centre and distribution system for video and media works by artists and independents.

Born from a love of video and media arts and actively involved in fulfilling the needs of both artists and audiences, Vtape makes these exciting contemporary forms accessible to viewers in Canada and around the world.

Serving artists, curators, programmers, scholars, students, and teachers alike, Vtape’s commitment is to video and media works – to their cataloguing, their exhibition, their distribution, their preservation and their future.

Vtape is actively involved in the continuous evolution of information resources and media technologies, seeking new ways to bring artists and audiences together.


 The Symptom or the Cure? Reconfigurations of the Post-Mexican Imaginary,  November 11, 2006 to January 13, 2007,  Film and Video


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About the Collections
Vtape is a leading artist-run, non-profit distributor of video and media works produced by artists and independents. Featuring more than 700 artists and 3000 titles, Vtape’s diverse collection ranges from the 1970s to the present and continues to grow steadily.

Vtape is committed to bringing artists and their evolving body of work, not just individual titles, into distribution and does not de-accession works from its collection, believing that works gain historical and cultural value through time. Works from Vtape’s collection are shown internationally in museums, art galleries, universities, libraries, festivals
and community centres.
Approximate number of objects in the collections: 3000

Vtape offers curators, educators and students the opportunity to research our reference collection of over 1000 articles about video art and video artists.

More about our Collections

Services & Activities
Exhibition Support
Dubbing and Restoration
Research Centre
Viewing Salon
Online Resources

Research Services
Vtape houses an active on-site Research Centre, specializing in information resources related to video and media arts. Here, viewing stations and computer workstations, for 1-2 people each, allow users to search for and view titles from our distribution collection database. Easy access to our reading library with hundreds of Canadian and international video catalogues and a full selection of periodicals, books and individual artists’ files, is complemented by online access to the Vtape article reference archive, which contains thousands of printed articles from the early 1970s to the present.

Available by appointment:
Tuesday to Friday, 11 am to 5 pm, Saturday, 12 pm to 4 pm,
or by special arrangement.
Research Centre fee is $3/hour.
Archival Records • Information Centre • Library • Video Library • Conservation or Restoration
• Other : Vtape’s website is a portal to an extensive collection of information about video and media arts. Search through Vtape’s online catalogue for information about the artists and titles included in our
collection, and access the article reference archive, one of the only searchable databases for printed articles focusing on video art.

For users unable to access the Research Centre in person, Vtape offers the opportunity to work with an experienced Vtape staff member . Based on your requests, information will be located and provided to you by mail or fax. Customized research fee is $20/hour, plus photocopy, fax and applicable shipping charges.

Visitor Services
Films and Videos • Accessible by Public Transportation • Art Rental • Information Centre or Desk • Special Needs Facilities : Washrooms : Wheelchair access • Washrooms

Volunteer Services
Volunteer Services Available • Volunteer Training Offered
Number of volunteers: 18
Activities: Article Archive Interns
Board of Directors

Internet Services
General Information  •  Collections  •  Events  •  Other Internet Services  • 

More about our Services

Publications & Products
Vtape offers selected catalogues, monographs and artists’ publications specific to video and media arts, for sale on-site or by mail order.

Catalogues • CD-ROMS • Videos • Books • Monographs • Other : Vtape offers the preview, rental and sale of videotapes and mediaworks from its collection for the purposes of research, exhibition, screening and institutional and private acquisition.

Hours & Admission

Operation: Year Round 
Open: Tuesday to Friday, 11am to 5pm
Saturday, 12pm to 4pm
Closed: • Mondays  • Sundays 
all statuatory holidays
Admission: Free
$3 an hour for research/viewing stations

401 Richmond St. W.Suite 452,  Toronto,  Ontario 
M5V 3A8
Telephone:   416.351.1317
Fax:   426.351.1509

E-mail: info@vtape.org

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Last updated: 2006 11 09