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Saint-Constant , Quebec
Tourism Region: Montérégie

Exporail, le Musée ferroviaire canadien, s'est donnée pour mandat de faire connaître l'histoire et le rôle des chemins de fer d'une façon vivante et interactive. Non seulement les visiteurs peuvent-ils voir des trains, des tramways et toute l'infrastructure qui s'y rattache, mais ils peuvent également faire l'essai de ces moyens de transport sur le site du Musée. Le 1959, l'un des derniers tramways de la ville de Montréal, est en fonction tous le jours, tout comme le petit train de jardin. Et chaque dimanche, c'est un train grandeur nature qui emmène ses passagers pour un mini-trajet jusqu'à la Montée des Bouleaux.

Créé en 1961, le Musée possède aujourd'hui la plus importante collection ferroviaire au Canada et l'une des plus importantes en Amérique du Nord. Ses activités de recherche, d'acquisition, de conservation, d'interprétation et de diffusion sont largement soutenues par une équipe de près de 80 bénévoles.

About the Collections
An Exceptional Collection

Over the past fifty years, the Canadian Railroad Historical Association has gathered and preserved many unique archival documents and railway objects bearing witness to the key role played by railways in the development of Canada. These artifacts also evoke the many skills and challenging working conditions of thousands of railway workers.

Objects and documents were acquired through donations from railway companies and private collectors, most of whom worked in the railway industry. Today, the Museum's specialized collection includes over 250,000 objects and documents and is recognized by governments as being of national interest. The collection features many unique artifacts representing a key period, event, organization or person in the history of Canadian railway technology since 1836.

The collection includes 140 railway vehicles, some of which are unique:

- CPR 144:the oldest surviving Canadian-built steam locomotive

- the largest steam locomotive built in Canada and the last to be built for a Canadian railway, CPR 5935

- CNR's oldest diesel locomotive, CNR 77

- the most powerful steam locomotive in the entire Commonwealth, designated as a national historic site, CNR 4100

- a steam-operated rotary snowplow, a Canadian invention.

- the Saskatchewan, Sir William Van Horne's private car, designated as a national historic site

- 10,000 small railway artifacts

- Montreal's first electric streetcar, No. 350 the Rocket

- about 100 small-scale models of railway vehicles

- four buildings characteristic of railway infrastructure including a completely restored century-old station

- Montreal's first observation streetcar

- more than 200,000 archive documents including works of art, drawings, rare books, old photographs, manuscripts and periodicals
Approximate number of objects in the collections: 10,000

Lors de sa fondation à l'occasion du premier centenaire du chemin de fer canadien, l'A.C.H.F. a décidé de collectionner les documents les plus divers: photographies, correspondance, plans et devis, tous relatif à l'histoire du chemin de fer au Canada.
When the C.R.H.A. was founded to celebrate the centenary of railroads in Canada, it was decided to collect a wide variety of documents : photographs, correspondence, documents, plans and specifications, all relating to the history of the railroads in Canada.

THE C.R.H.A. ARCHIVES, preserved in the Exporail pavillon at the Canadian Railway Museum, includes over 80 archival fonds and collections from railway companies such as the CN, the CP and the Grand Trunk, from manufacturers such as MLW and CC&F;, and from prominent men such as Charles Melville Hays and William Cornelius Van Horne. The archives contain over 80,000 plans, 32,000 photographs, 90m of documents of every description. The Archives also have their own documentation cente.

Database accessible on site (Archilog)
Architectural Records • Cartographic Materials • Electronic Records • Prints and Drawings • Manuscripts • Microforms • Films and Videos • Photographs • Sound Recordings • Textual Records

Decorative Arts
Ceramics, Porcelain or Pottery • Costumes • Furniture or Furnishings • Metalwork, Silverwork or Goldwork • Textiles or Tapestries

Fine Arts
Paintings, sculptures, drawings, prints.
Culture: American • Canadian : Aboriginal or First Nations • European
Period: Modern • Historical
Media: Painting • Photography • Prints and Drawings • Sculpture • Sketchbooks or Albums • Film and Video

Human History
Ceremonial Objects • Chemistry • Clocks or Time-Keeping Devices • Communications Devices • Costumes and Accessories • Currency • Electricity • Exploration and Survey • Furniture or Furnishings • Imaging : Film : Film History and Technology : Photographs : Video • Industrial Technology and History • Manuscripts • Maps, Charts, Plans or Blueprints • Medals • Medical History and Technology • Meteorology • Physics, Mathematics or Metrology • Printing and Bookbinding • Stamps • Toys and Games • Transportation : Aviation : Marine : Motorized ground : Non-motorized ground : Railway

More about our Collections

Services & Activities
Commented visits; exhibitions; animation; Tramways rides (every day); Trains rides (on Sunday only); special thematic events (see our web site for more details); demonstration of a steam locomotive and a turntable; "discovery car" for kids; telegraph demonstration; Educational programing for groups and schools; souvernir shop.

Research Services

Since its beginnings in 1932, the Canadian Railroad Historical Association has always been preserving precious archives : photographs, letters, blue prints, etc. linked to the history of railways in Canada. THe archives are now opened to the public upon request. Free access is also possible on Wednesdays afternoon. Ask for our Archivist, Josée Vallerand, who will gladly help you. The archives holdings regroup more than 80 fonds such as CN, CP, Grand Trunk, MLW & CC&F;, and also from people such as W.C. Van Horne and C.M. Hays.


Name of Service :
Archives/Library Center of the Canadian Railroad Historical Association.

Type of Service;
Documents pertaining to rail transportation history and its related technology.

Address :
110 St. Pierre Street, St. Constant, Quebec, Canada J5A 1G7.

Telephone :
(450) 638-1522

Fax :
(450) 638-1563

Internet address;

Hours :
Tuesday to Thursday.
9 a.m. to 12.00 p.m. and 1.00 to 4.00 p.m.

The Archives Center is open to the public by appointment only.

For Information Requests :
Researchers may request information by telephone, fax, on the Internet or by letter. Requests will be attended to according to the availability of the archivist and related to the degree of importance.
Research fees in the amount of $25.00 per hour may be applicable to each request.
The cost of reproducing documents will be charged where applicable.
For further information, please consult the Archival Repository.

Researching your railway relatives.

Loans :
The Archives Center does not lend documents from other repositories.

Research Tools :
The Archives Center has all the necessary research tools to find pictures among the various fonds and collections.

Resource Person :
Mrs. Josée Vallerand, Archivist.

Consultation Room Procedures :
The Archivist will produce the documents as requested by the researcher, who will also have access to the documentation center. Precise regulations are available on site

Fee structure of the C.R.H.A. Archives /Library Center

Fee structure for non-commercial and for commercial use, please contact the Archivist.

C.R.H.A. members receive 10% discount on items ordered.
Archival Records • Films • Information Centre • Library • Video Library • Slide Library • Conference or Symposium

Educational Programs

Contact our educational department in writing
Maurice Binette : maurice.binette@exporail.org
School Programs : Age 0-4 (Pre-School) : Age 5-11 (k-6) : Age 12-17 (7-13)(Quebec: Secondary 1-CEGEP) • Demonstrations • Discovery Room or Centre • Films • Internships • Lectures

Visitor Services

Bilingual Services • Guided Tours : English : French • Accessible by Public Transportation • Children's Activities or Services : Nursing area or Change Table • Meeting Room Rental • Parking Facilities : Free : Bus • Gift shop • Special Needs Facilities : Parking : Signs : Washrooms : Wheelchairs available : Wheelchair access • Cloakroom • Washrooms

Volunteer Services
Volunteer Services Available • Volunteer Training Offered
Number of volunteers: 120
Activities: conduite de tramways, conduite de locomotives, mécanique, construction des voies, archives.

Member Privileges
visitez notre site : www.exporail.org

Food Services
picnic tables are available at the entrance of the museum. A specialy modified CN car is also available on the museum site. During the summer season (and on week-ends during the rest of the year) the restaurant "Le Tramway" is opened to the public in the main exhibition pavillon Exporail.
Snack Bar or Vending Machines • Picnic Area • Catering Services • Reception Facilities • Restaurant
• Other : A banquet room, accomodating up to 350 people is available upon reservation. A "Traiteur" service is also available (you may hire your own if you wish). For more info, please contact Francine St.Jean at mfcd@exporail.org

Internet Services
General Information  •  Collections  •  Events  •  Education  •  School Visits or Programs  •  Children  •  Directions or Map  • 

More about our Services

Publications & Products

Museum Guide • Catalogues • Posters • Postcards • Slides • Newsletters • Videos • Brochures • Scholarly Papers • Books • Magazines • Monographs • Periodicals • T-Shirts or Sweatshirts or Caps • Commemorative Souvenirs

Hours & Admission

Operation: Year Round 
2005 Programmation

Week of April 17
Volunteer Appreciation Week Exporail pays tribute to its volunteers.

May 8 Mother’s Day
Admission fee discount to all Mothers.

May 21 to 23 1861
Military Camp Historical animation with the 6th Hochelaga Light Infantry

May 29
Journée des Musées montréalais Free admission to the museum.

Vernissage of the new Summer exhibit Also Celebrations of St-Constant Family Day

June 19
Father’s Day Admission fee discount to all Fathers.

July 2 & 3
Conference on the Hidden Treasures of Europe Conference on Great Britain’s Terrier Class Steam Locomotive.

July 9- 10
« Hidden treasures from overseas » A unique chance to discover three of locomotives from the Old World, SNCF, Dominion of Canada, John Molson and “Waddon”, Thomas the Tank engine’s little brother.

August 20-21
« A great passion for small trains ». Our popular weekend dedicated to model trains is back. Share the passion of miniature trains enthusiasts.

September 10-11
« Gandy Dancers » Discover the world of the “Gandy Dancers”, these unique workers who maintain the railway tacks. The nickname “Gandy Dancers” was coined because they used to jump up and down to level the ballast between railroad ties, performing what looked like an Irish jig !

Sept. 30 to October 2
Journées de la culture. Free admission to the museum.

October 22-23
« Railway ghosts ». Chills will run up the spines of young and old alike when they run into ghostly railway apparitions.

« Christmas ! ». Relive the Christmas Magic of the 1950’s with our special exhibit.

February & March 2006
New Winter Exhibit Activities related to the seasonal exhibit.

See our selection of educational programs for groups of young visitors
Open: Hours - 2005 Season

Until May 15 :
Weekends and Holidays only from 10 am to 5 pm.
Groups with reservation on week days.

May 16 to September 5 :
Daily from 10 am to 6 pm.

September 7 to October 30 :
Wednesday to Sunday from 10 am to 5 pm.

November to April 2006 :
Weekends and Holidays only from 10 am to 5 pm.

* Schedules are subject to change without notice
Admission: Charged
Discounts: Seniors • Students • Groups • CMA members

110, rue Saint-Pierre,  Saint-Constant,  Quebec 
J5A 1G7
Telephone:   450-638-1522
Fax:   450-638-1563

E-mail: mfcd@exporail.org

Mailing Address:
110, rue Saint-Pierre , Saint-Constant , Quebec
J5A 1G7

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Last updated: 2005 07 27