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Useful Links

Navigate quickly to relevant content and related material on other sites! The list of links below has been chosen carefully to provide information that is beneficial to our visitors. We hope that you find this link resource page useful and interesting. Take some time to enjoy more links on the topics that interest you! If you know of any Web sites that should be reviewed for inclusion on this list, please let us know.

For Youth

Kids can find oodles of cool links to help with homework or for fun! Check out creative and educational links for kids of all ages!

curiosikid (in Spanish)

For Teachers

Make learning fun! Teachers and educators can check out these Web sites from A to Z to find links that will broaden their students’ capacity and keep the classroom exciting!

Nicholson Family Letters, Richmond, Quebec 1908-1913
Learning (Alberta Government)
Halton District School Board
Elementary Teachers' Federation of Ontario
Association des enseignantes et des enseignants francophones du Nouveau-Brunswick (in French)
New Brunswick Teachers' Association
Capital Classroom
Newfoundland and Labrador Teachers' Association

Artists/Art Galleries

A showcase of websites related to various artists and art galleries opens the door to the world of art!

Fine Art by Rob Elphinstone
The Impressionists
Perceptive Art
Art History
Paalen Archive


Our country is built on culture – see the assorted list of cultural websites to gain a deeper understanding of our fascinating culture.

Cultural, Heritage and Recreation
Cultural Heritage Search Engine

Animals of all Shapes and Sizes

A fantastic list of websites allows you to explore all kinds of furry and not-so-furry friends!

Milkweed Patch
Butterflies Starting Page
Canadian Wildlife Service


Enjoy websites related to the Haida of the Queen Charlotte Islands (Haida Gwaii).

Urban Rez Café

Museums Associations in Canada

A wonderful resource that directs you to the various Museum Associations across the country and provides insight on a vast amount of information relating to museums and museum practices!

Association Museums New Brunswick
Association of Manitoba Museums
British Columbia Museums Association
Canadian Museums Association
Community Museums Association of Prince Edward Island
Federation of Nova Scotian Heritage
Alberta Museums Association
Museum Association of Newfoundland and Labrador
Museums Association of Saskatchewan
Ontario Museum Association
Société des musées québécois
Yukon Department of Tourism and Culture
Yukon Historical and Museums Association


A variety of other related links that are worth visiting!

The Museum of Online Museums
Cégep de Lévis-Lauzon (in French)
Portal to Nunavik
La Voix de la Nouvelle-Écosse (in French)
Canada's Digital Collections
National Film Board (NFB)