National Defence
Symbol of the Government of Canada


Statement by the Minister of National Defence on the passing of four soldiers

NR–06.060 - September 19, 2006

The Honourable Gordon O'Connor, Minister of National Defence, issued the following statement today on the passing of four soldiers:

“It is with great sadness that I send my condolences to the loved ones of Corporal Glen Arnold, Corporal Shane Keating, Corporal Keith Morley, and Private David Byers, who were killed by a suicide bomber yesterday in the Panjwayi region of Afghanistan. 

Canada mourns these brave soldiers who died while trying to bring hope and joy to children who have never known peace. We also pray for the swift recovery of the other soldiers and Afghan civilians who were wounded in this cowardly attack.

There are risks to our mission, but Canada’s government is showing international leadership, alongside our international partners, in standing up for something that is just - to help the Afghan people achieve peace and stability and rebuild their country and its institutions.

This tragic event comes at the conclusion of a successful mission in the Panjwayi region that routed the Taliban from the area and set the stage for development work to begin. Canada is committed to this mission and to the development of government and civil infrastructure that will ensure that Afghanistan does not succumb to the Taliban campaign of intimidation and violence.

I am proud of these soldiers’ contribution to our mission in Afghanistan and of all our CF members who soldier on in the name of democratic values and freedom.

Our nation stands behind you.”

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