National Defence
Symbol of the Government of Canada


Statement by the Minister of National Defence on the death of Trooper Mark Andrew Wilson

NR-06.074 - October 8, 2006

OTTAWA – The Honourable Gordon O’Connor, Minister of National Defence, issued the following statement today on the death of Trooper Mark Andrew Wilson:

“A brave, young Canadian, Trooper Mark Andrew Wilson, was killed yesterday serving in Afghanistan. I extend my deepest condolences, and those of all Canadians, to his family and friends.

Trooper Wilson was killed when the armoured vehicle he was traveling in was hit by an Improvised Explosive Device in the Panjwayi area of Afghanistan west of Kandahar. Serving alongside his fellow soldiers, Trooper Wilson was patrolling the future location of a new roadway, which is important to the reconstruction process in the region. He served valiantly and bravely in the face of an enemy that uses random and cowardly means to try to prevent any progress for the Afghan people to achieve their freedom and stability.

We have all lost a brother and a good soldier. While Trooper Wilson will be sorely missed, we can only hope that in their grief, his family and loved ones can find strength and comfort in the knowledge that all Canadians are proud of his sacrifice. While we are indeed all saddened by this incident, we will not cease our efforts to help the Afghan people.”

Trooper Mark Andrew Wilson was a member of the Royal Canadian Dragoons, based in Petawawa, Ontario.


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