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National Historic Sites Of Canada System Plan

Appendix 4 - Building Social and Community Life
Appendix Legend


Adelaide Hunter Hoodless Homestead (S), ON Childhood home of activist and organizer Adelaide Hunter Hoodless
Africville (S), NS Community representative of Black settlement in Nova Scotia, enduring symbol to Black Canadians
Belcourt, Reverend Georges-Antoine (P), PE Roman Catholic missionary at Red River (1831-58), founded Farmer's Bank of Rustico, Prince Edward Island
Brilliant Suspension Bridge (S), BC Doukhobor-built bridge, symbol of Doukhobor culture
Caisse Populaire (Mouvement Desjardins) (E), QC Cooperative banks began in Lévis, Quebec in 1901
Cooperative Union of Canada (E), ON Formed in 1909 by George Keen, Ontario and Nova Scotia Cooperative Societies
Frontier College (E) Provided social welfare and education to isolated resource-based workers
Grain Growers'Grain Company (E), MB Formed in 1905, cooperative marketing agency for Prairie farmers
Hoodless, Adelaide Hunter (P), ON Active in founding institutes of household science, women's institutes
Imperial Order of Daughters of the Empire (E), ON Founded in 1900 to encourage patriotism and social service
Monument Lefebvre (S), NB Multi-function building, symbol of Acadian cultural revival
Windsor Agricultural Fair (E), NS Begun in 1765, featured livestock, produce and sports events
Young Women's Christian Association (YWCA) (E), NB Supported an enlarged role for women in employment, higher education and public service
Bourgeoys, Marguerite (P), QC Founded Congrégation de Notre-Dame (1658), first Canadian religious community
Brick, Reverend John Gough (P), AB Anglican missionary, settlement of Peace River district
Caughnawaga Mission / Mission of St. Francis Xavier (S), QC Jesuit mission to Mohawks established 1647
Caughnawaga Presbytery (S), QC Oldest surviving building at mission, 18th century
Christ Church/Quidi Vidi Church (S), NF Early 19th-century outport village church
Christ Church Royal Chapel (S), ON Historic royal chapel linked with establishment of Mohawk Peoples in Ontario
Church of Our Lady of Good Hope (S), NT Early northern Oblate mission church, outstanding interior decoration
Church of the Holy Cross (S), BC Fine Carpenters' Gothic mission church by Salish craftsmen, 1905-08
Clinch, Reverend John (P), NF Medical and missionary pioneer, introduced Jenner vaccine for smallpox
Congrégation de Notre-dame (E), QC Founded circa 1650 by Marguerite Bourgeoys for children's education
Congregation Emanu-el Temple (S), BC Oldest surviving synagogue in Canada, built in 1863
Coughlan, Reverend Laurence (P), NF First Methodist mission in British North America (1765) at Harbour Grace, Newfoundland
d'Youville, Sainte-Marie-Marguerite (P), QC Founder of the Order of the Sisters of Charity (1737); sainthood 1990
Demers, Bishop Modeste (P), BC First Roman Catholic bishop of Vancouver Island (1846), missionary to the Columbia district
First Canadian Hospital (S), QC Site of Augustine Order Hospital
Fort Sainte Marie II (S), ON Jesuit mission to Hurons, 1649-50
Free Meeting House (S), NB 1821 meeting house, symbol of ecumenical spirit
Gravelbourg Ecclesiastical Buildings (S), SK Major cathedral, bishop's residence and convent school from Prairie Franco-Catholic colony
Grey Nuns of Montréal (E), QC Founded by Sainte-Marie-Marguerite d'Youville in 1747 to care for the sick
Grey Nuns'Convent (S), MB Early Red River frame mission house, erected in 1845-51
Hart, Ezekiel (P), QC First Jewish legislator in Canada, Member of Quebec Assembly (1807), influenced 1832 law on civil and political freedoms for Jews in Canada
Hay River Mission Sites (S), NT Mission buildings, significant to Dene community
Hebron Mission (S), NF 1830s complex of linked Moravian mission buildings
Her Majesty's/St. Paul's Chapel of the Mohawks (S), ON First Protestant church in Upper Canada, 1785
Holy Trinity Church (S), SK Early Anglican mission church in the West
Hopedale Mission (S), NF Important Moravian mission, established in 1782
Hôtel-Dieu de Saint-Joseph de Tracadie (E), NB Facilities in Tracadie (1849-1965) and Sheldrake Island (1844-94), served as a lazaretto

Appendix 4 - Building Social and Community Life

National Historic Sites Of Canada System Plan

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