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Result(s) 31 - 40 of 52
Photo of Louise Tanguay Mother Nature
Louise Tanguay
Nature is a reflection of who we are; it's a mirror
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Photo of Lyne Bessette Life on Two Wheels
Lyne Bessette
In Canada we're lucky to have training centres all across the country. Living in a cold climate is no obstacle to developing as an athlete. We train differently in winter, that's all, and in the summer we perform just as well.
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Photo of Marc Cassivi The Critics We Love to Hate
Marc Cassivi
They always think we want to put them down
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Photo of Marc Garneau Satellites: Canada's Real Contribution to the Field of Space Technology
Marc Garneau
If I were to shut down all of Canada's satellite systems, you'd notice right away. They have become an integral part of the country's infrastructure, like our roads.
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Photo of Mary Jane Lamond Safegarding a Fragile Heritage
Mary Jane Lamond
Canada has a Gaelic culture that is all its own
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Photo of Mary Jane Lamond Nova Scotia Celebrates its Roots
Mary Jane Lamond, Gaelic singer
For me, it's not just about... saving the language, I do this because I enjoy doing it and it is fun
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Photo of Natalie Bull Reusing Heritage Buildings
Natalie Bull, Heritage Canada
We let heritage buildings end up in landfills while we recycle our pop cans
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Photo of Natalie MacLean Quenching a Thirst for Knowledge
Natalie MacLean
Canadian wines hold their own on the world stage and I recommend them often
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Photo of Nicolas Gill The Way of Gentleness
Nicolas Gill
It is very difficult to survive as an athlete in Canada with no funding except that provided by governments.
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Photo of Paula Burchat Run Paula Run!
Paula Burchat, Ultramarathoner
There can be a very spiritual aspect involved in long distance running
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