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Give a gift that kicks this holiday.
11 October 2006
Are you tired of giving socks, bath salts, or token gifts? Stuck for ideas for that special person on your list? That's why we've developed Oxfam Unwrapped. It's a unique collection of gift ideas that help you give something special to your friends or family and give something extra special to people who haven't got much at all.

Upcoming Events

  • World AIDS Day Breakfast
    AIDS Action Now for Women and Girls
    Dec 1st, 2006
    Sheraton Centre Hotel, Dominion Ball Room, 123 Queen St. W., Toronto, ON
  • World AIDS Day Breakfast
    Presented by Oxfam Canada and the AIDS Committee of Newfoundland and Labrador
    Dec 1st, 2006
    St. John's, Newfoundland

Be a part of the global voice that wants to put an end to poverty and social injustice!

Take Action Join Oxfam
Oxfam Canada
  • 250 City Centre Avenue
  • Suite 400
  • Ottawa, Ontario
  • K1R 6K7
  • tel: (613) 237-5236

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