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Java EE 5 SDK Update 2 is Out

Posted by: Nazrul Islam on Fri Dec 15 09:19:46 EST 2006    0 comments    last post: Fri Dec 15 09:19:46 EST 2006
Updated versions of Java EE SDK and Java Application Platform SDK are now available for download. The new version runs on JDK 6.0. In addition, App Platform SDK added a beta version of Portlet Container to enable development and testing of JSR 168 portlets.

Book Excerpt: Java Persistence with Hibernate

Posted by: Joseph Ottinger on Fri Dec 15 09:17:09 EST 2006    1 comment    last post: Fri Dec 15 09:58:18 EST 2006
Java Persistence with Hibernate, by Christian Bauer and Gavin King, explains Hibernate's implementation of the Java Persistence API, covering queries, fetching strategies, caching, transactions, conversations, best practices in database design, optimizations, and coverage of JBoss Seam, JBoss' application framework for JSF, EJB 3.0, and Hibernate.

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TSSJS-Europe Registration opened for 2007

Posted by: Joseph Ottinger on Thu Dec 14 07:19:28 EST 2006    1 comment    last post: Thu Dec 14 18:26:23 EST 2006
Last year was a great success for TheServerSide in Europe, so this year, we're doing it again – TheServerSide Java Symposium-Europe has been scheduled for June 27-29, 2007 in Barcelona, Spain. TSSJS-Europe brings TSS' hands-on approach to Enterprise Java development to attendees, with practical sessions that focus on what you're using today - or will be using tomorrow.

Davanum Srinivas: Why bundling JAX-WS in Java6 was a bad idea!

Posted by: Joseph Ottinger on Thu Dec 14 06:36:39 EST 2006    47 comments    last post: Fri Dec 15 09:32:46 EST 2006
Davanum Srinivas, in "Why bundling JAX-WS in Java6 was a bad idea!," points out that bundling JAX-WS means that updating the web services API to have new features or bug fixes involves actually patching the runtime environment - or still resorting to external libraries.

BEA Weblogic 10 appserver preview available for download

Posted by: Joseph Ottinger on Thu Dec 14 06:30:41 EST 2006    4 comments    last post: Fri Dec 15 04:43:17 EST 2006
BEA's implementation of the Java Enterprise Edition specification, WebLogic 10, is available for download from BEA's dev2dev site. It hasn't been certified as compliant yet, as it's undergoing the process, but it's worth looking into.

Carbon AS - J2EE Application Server looking for coders

Posted by: Abhilash Krishnan on Thu Dec 14 06:25:39 EST 2006    12 comments    last post: Fri Dec 15 05:14:26 EST 2006
Carbon AS Community Edition is intended to be an opensource J2EE Application server project hosted on SourceForge. Carbon AS will be based on Java Enterprise Edition 5 specification, and will be a high-end application server with full support for SOA, ESB, BPM, Portal services. We're looking for coders!

Transforming Hyperic - What Developers Gain from Virtualization

Posted by: John Walker on Thu Dec 14 06:18:21 EST 2006    0 comments    last post: Thu Dec 14 06:18:21 EST 2006
Virtualization gives developers unprecedented agility for developing on multiple platform architectures and OS's. We like our virtualized lab so much, we started building in new management capabilities into Hyperic HQ, our J2EE-based systems mgmt platform. This is Doug MacEachern's article below about how we use VMware ESX and how HQ has morphed as a result. With virtualization becoming a common topic for enterprise Java, it's worth a read.

Liferay 4.2 Released

Posted by: michael young on Thu Dec 14 06:15:25 EST 2006    9 comments    last post: Fri Dec 15 08:45:46 EST 2006
Liferay 4.2 has been released. It features ESB/JBI integration with jBPM and Apache ServiceMix, Parallel Rendering, Dynamic Vritual Hosting, and much more.

Executing business validations using OT Rules

Posted by: Guillermo Meyer on Thu Dec 14 05:56:00 EST 2006    4 comments    last post: Thu Dec 14 17:48:51 EST 2006
OT Rules is a simple open-source (LGPL) rule engine that focuses on execution, validation and business rules composition. This article shows how to use OT Rules to separate business logic from the code that uses it.

JTrac 2.0 released - open source issue tracker

Posted by: Peter Thomas on Thu Dec 14 05:18:17 EST 2006    6 comments    last post: Fri Dec 15 10:05:35 EST 2006
JTrac is an open-source issue tracker designed to be generic but allowing you to extensively customize fields, workflow, role capabilities, and more. JTrac is built using Spring, Spring WebFlow, Acegi and Hibernate.

What's New in Seam 1.1

Posted by: Michael Yuan on Wed Dec 13 12:54:57 EST 2006    43 comments    last post: Fri Dec 15 10:05:58 EST 2006
Seam 1.1 has been released to today. It features support for RAD/IDE tools, J2EE 1.4 deployment (and Tomcat), easy CRUD application creation, ready-to-use AJAX components, better JSF validation, and much more.

InteropBlog: Beyond Web Services, a look at a Java/.NET bridge

Posted by: Jack Vaughan on Wed Dec 13 10:18:59 EST 2006    0 comments    last post: Wed Dec 13 10:18:59 EST 2006
While the JNBridgePro interoperability tool does support SOAP and XML, there is a distinct effort here to formulate an approach that 'lets the Java do java, and the .NET do .NET.' Story on the TSS Interoperability Blog

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Book Excerpt: Java Persistence with Hibernate

Java Persistence with Hibernate, by Christian Bauer and Gavin King, explains Hibernate's implementation of the Java Persistence API, covering queries, fetching strategies, caching, transactions, conversations, best practices in database design, optimizations, and coverage of JBoss Seam, JBoss' application framework for JSF, EJB 3.0, and Hibernate. (December 14, Book Excerpt)

Google Web Toolkit Q&A;

Google Web Toolkit (GWT) lets you build Ajax applications in Java. In this tech talk, Bruce Johnson talks about what you can expect when you build your web app with GWT. Bruce also talks about using GWT with existing JavaScript libraries. (December 11, Tech Talk)

Ajax Push and Collaborative Enterprise Applications

Learn how to build a collaborative, multi-user application with Ajax Push. This talk, recorded at the Ajax Experience in October takes a complete trip through the Ajax Push pipeline, answering questions with the lessons learned from developing the ICEfaces framework. (December 4, TechTalk)

Using JMock in Test Driven Development

Using a detailed case study, application architect Paulo Caroli illustrates how to effectively apply Mock objects when performing Test Driven Development (TDD). (December 4, Article)

Google Web Toolkit Performance and Interoperability

In this tech talk, Bruce Johnson talks about what you can expect when you build Ajax applications in Java with the Google Web Toolkit (GWT). (November 27, TechTalk)

Free Book PDF Download: EJB Design Patterns

A companion/standalone book to Mastering EJB 2, EJB Design Patterns seeks to solidify and centralize all the cutting edge strategies and design patterns in use today.
(Book PDF Download)

Enterprise Ajax and Open Source

In this tech talk, ICEsoft CTO, Stephen Maryka, discusses the unique features of ICEfaces, a JSF framework for developing rich enterprise applications in Java, not JavaScript. Maryka also elaborates on the company's recent announcement to open source ICEfaces. (November 27, TechTalk)

Free Book: Mastering EJB 3.0

The fourth edition in the Mastering EJB series, this book provides in-depth coverage on the changes that come with EJB 3.0. More than 50% new and revised, the free download covers the latest features of the new release and information on the Java Persistence API and the entities defined therein. (July 17, Book Download)

Book Excerpt: Creating and Manipulating PDF

In chapter three of iText in Action: Creating and Manipulating PDF, Bruno Lowagie takes a close look at the PDF, explaining why PDF was invented and how it evolved into a de facto standard. Lowagie also lists different versions of the PDF specification to focus on features such as compression and encryption. (November 22, Book Excerpt)

Joe Keller on JBI

According to Joe Keller, Sun's acquisition of SeeBeyond was a "technology marriage made in heaven." In this tech talk, recorded at JavaOne 2006, Keller describes Sun's Java System Composite Application Platform Suite and explains how the product has expanded with technology from the acquisition for building out an ESB. (November 21, Tech Talk)

New Extensions Rev Up Stripes MVC

The Stripernate and Stripes Extras extensions help bind the Stripes MVC to Hibernate and speed development. (November 13, Article)

RSS and Atom in Action

This chapter excerpt, titled "Development kick-start," walks through installing a blog server and developing a simple blog application using the MetaWebLog API, a widely supported XML-RPC based Web services protocol that allows retrieving, posting and updating blog entries. (November 9, Book Excerpt)

JCR: A Practitioner's Perspective

Most online JCR resources provide introductory material but lack further guidance for using the specification in anger. This article walks through performing reads, writes, queries and deletions with a transient repository, but then delves deeper with questions and answers that address common issues most new JCR users are met with. (November 8, Article)

Building AJAX JSF Components

This chapter covers the fundamentals of AJAX APIs and builds on creating custom JSF components by showing how to bring AJAX practices to component development. The chapter also reviews two AJAX JSF component examples, and offers some tips and tricks for developing an AJAXian Faces component. (October 25, Book Excerpt)

Pro Java EE 5 Performance Management and Scalability

According to Steven Haines, performance and scalability testing are crucial to successful application deployment. These two chapters illustrate how to set up a proper testing environment and the strategy of ensuring performance before testing for scalability. (October 11, Book Excerpt)

AJAX Warrior: Back to the Future in a Fun Way!

This chapter excerpt walks through the planning, design and implementation stages of an example Ajax application: a game. Author Frank Zammetti covers "naked" Ajax (not using a library or toolkit), JSON, and CSS and DOM scripting techniques. Associative arrays and a new server-side framework are also discussed. (September 21, Book Excerpt)

Agile Java Development with Spring, Hibernate and Eclipse

These chapters, taken from Agile Java Development, focus on using Hibernate and Spring MVC to develop a sample application. Included are descriptions and benefits of the technologies, along with how-to's for developing classes needed to implement application functionality using Hibernate and building screens in the application using Spring MVC. (August 2, Book Excerpt)

Application Server Matrix

The Application Server Matrix is a detailed listing of J2EE vendors and their application server products, with information on latest version numbers, J2EE spec support and licensing, pricing, platform support, and links to product downloads and reviews.
(Application Server Comparison Matrix)

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