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Neward on a Dirt-Simple Web Services

Posted by: Jack Vaughan on Thu Dec 14 11:15:47 EST 2006    0 comments    last post: Thu Dec 14 11:15:47 EST 2006
Read Ted Neward on Interop on TheServerSide.NET Interoperability Blog, wherein we talk about that most obvious of interoperability choices, the ubiquitous “Web service.” Along the way we employ WCF, VB, WebLogic, WSDL and more. Read more on Interop.

NCache 3.0 provides object queries in distributed caching

Posted by: ann morris on Thu Dec 14 07:02:53 EST 2006    2 comments    last post: Fri Dec 15 08:16:36 EST 2006
Alachisoft has released version 3.0 of NCache, a distributed object cache for .NET. NCache now provides support for object queries through an object query language (OQL).

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XF Rendering Server gets XPS generation capabilities

Posted by: Andra Barbu on Wed Dec 13 12:38:48 EST 2006    0 comments    last post: Wed Dec 13 12:38:48 EST 2006
Ecrion Software Inc. has announced support for the new XPS format in the XF Rendering Server product suite.

Customizing content query RSS feeds

Posted by: Jack Vaughan on Wed Dec 13 11:32:09 EST 2006    0 comments    last post: Wed Dec 13 11:32:09 EST 2006
The Content Query web part lets developers call up content and show it as an RSS feed. So, if you have a Content Query web part showing the latest news articles published on a site, you can offer readers an RSS feed of this same content for them to subscribe to. That RSS output feed can be changed.

Test software targets Winforms, presentation layer

Posted by: Jack Vaughan on Wed Dec 13 11:22:32 EST 2006    0 comments    last post: Wed Dec 13 11:22:32 EST 2006
Infragistics Inc. released TestAdvantage for Windows Forms 2006 Volume 3 for use with Windows Forms applications built using NetAdvantage for Windows Forms controls.

Microsoft releases WPF/E, its so-called "Flash killer"

Posted by: Brian Eastwood on Wed Dec 13 10:04:45 EST 2006    1 comment    last post: Wed Dec 13 12:44:15 EST 2006
The company has rolled out a preview version of WPF/E, a browser- and platform-agnostic Windows Presentation Foundation version that can add media, graphics and animation to HTML, SearchVB.com reports.

Source Safe Web Interface v2.0 Released

Posted by: Floyd Price on Wed Dec 13 08:18:22 EST 2006    0 comments    last post: Wed Dec 13 08:18:22 EST 2006
Component Workshop Ltd (UK) announed the release of SSWI 2.0. SSWI is a Visual Source Safe extension that allows developers to access versioning repositories via the internet from a standard web browser.

C# godfather Anders Hejlsberg on dynamic languages, LINQ

Posted by: Jack Vaughan on Tue Dec 12 11:11:03 EST 2006    1 comment    last post: Tue Dec 12 12:05:04 EST 2006
Last month at TechEd Europe in Barcelona, Hejlsberg discussed software futures that include more dynamic language support, and more integrated query support.

Eclipse vying with Visual Studio

Posted by: Jack Vaughan on Tue Dec 12 11:09:54 EST 2006    2 comments    last post: Fri Dec 15 09:29:55 EST 2006
A recent Evans Data survey showed that the adoption rate of Eclipse has more than doubled in Europe, raising the Eclipse IDE (integrated development environment) as a challenge to Microsoft Visual Studio.Net among developers there.

Article: Web application threats for 2007

Posted by: Michelle Davidson on Tue Dec 12 09:28:11 EST 2006    0 comments    last post: Tue Dec 12 09:28:11 EST 2006
Next year looks to be another busy year for Web application threats. In this article, SPI Dynamics outlines the top 7 application development trends expected to bring trouble.

MyGeneration ships 1.2

Posted by: Mike Griffin on Mon Dec 11 15:38:45 EST 2006    0 comments    last post: Mon Dec 11 15:38:45 EST 2006
It has been nearly a year since MyGeneration's last release. Finally, download.com's most downloaded .NET development tool is sporting .NET 2.0 support along with a whole host of new features ...

ReSharper 2.5 for Visual Studio 2005 released

Posted by: Alex Morozov on Mon Dec 11 14:31:12 EST 2006    0 comments    last post: Mon Dec 11 14:31:12 EST 2006
ReSharper 2.5 for Visual Studio 2005, the latest version of the most intelligent add-in to Visual Studio, boosts performance, adds convenient navigation features, enhances on-the-fly error analysis, and extends smart code assistance to Visual Basic code.

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Spring.NET 1.1 release preview 3 on tap ( Mon Dec 11 12:33:54 EST 2006 )
Content management system supports browser-based Web development ( Mon Dec 11 10:34:25 EST 2006 )
Beyond Web Services, a look at bridging Java/.NET apps ( Fri Dec 08 16:42:29 EST 2006 )
Scoble and Winer duke-out issue of MS and innovation ( Thu Dec 07 16:17:29 EST 2006 )
Nevron .NET Vision Q3 2006 released ( Thu Dec 07 11:08:37 EST 2006 )
Does Microsoft assume all control over Office UI innovations? ( Wed Dec 06 16:35:28 EST 2006 )
To boldly go where RSS has not gone before ( Wed Dec 06 15:24:01 EST 2006 )
WPF/E and Script# ( Wed Dec 06 10:45:30 EST 2006 )
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Developer options for virtualizations

For developers juggling multiple development projects and environments, virtualization technology is useful. (November 22, Article)

Windows Presentation Foundation and your architecture - Where does it fit?

Windows Presentation Foundation (WPF) is a new client user interface technology that ships as part of .NET 3.0. (November 2, Article)

XAML finds common ground

Opening up the SDLC to non-engineers requires re-examination of processes and clarification of roles, according to Burton Group's Chris Howard. (November 20, Article)

The Old New Thing

These chapters explain the quirks behind the user interface design of Windows and the complexity of GetWindowText. (November 9, Book Excerpt)

Scripps Institute does 3D with WPF

A small team of engineers at the Scripps Research Institute for biomedics has quickly built a 3D rendering app using Windows Presentation Foundation. (November 1, Article)

When Ajax calls

Frank, UI Designer First Class, carefully chose an Ajax solution, used a framework, and read a book. He did his caching dutifully. He made that server call. Disappeared from the radar screen. Went to "lunch," never came back. (October 11, Cartoon)

Interoperability: Bridging .NET and Java

Interoperability is no longer a luxury but a necessity. This mini-guide is an overview of techniques being used to bridge the worlds of .NET and Java technology. (October 27, Guide)

Interop Plugfest: SOAP, Tango, Glassfish and WSDL

In this Q&A; interview, Jorgen Thelin addresses the ins and outs of a Web services 'plugfest' run in recent years by Microsoft and others. (October 19, Q&A; Interview)

TSS.NET coverage: P&P; West 2006

TheServerSide.NET tuned in to the recent Patterns & Practices Summit in Redmond. Peruse this page of resources for our complete show coverage. (October 12, Event Coverage)

Visual Studio vs. Vista: What's going on here?

Buried in Microsoft's announcement that SP1 for VS05 was going into beta testing was news on which development environments would be supported on Vista. (October 12, Article)

IronPython: Python on the .NET framework

IronPython is Microsoft's implementation of Python running on the .NET Framework. Brent Sheets has gathered resources that explain the benefits of IronPython. (October 4, Guide)

Simon Guest on the people side of SOA

In this podcast, Microsoft group program manager for architecture strategy Simon Guest discusses the need for architects to pay more attention to the user experience. (September 28, Podcast)

Q&A; with "Domain-Driven Design" author Jimmy Nilsson

Developer Jimmy Nilsson looked at the work of Evans and Fowler and worked to put domain-oriented principles into practice. His book, Applying Domain-Driven Design and Patterns, describes what he learned. (September 25, Q&A; Interview)

Essential Windows Workflow Foundation

Workflow in the world of Microsoft .NET 3.0 is based around activities. A new book by Dharma Shukla and Bob Schmidt on Windows Workflow Foundation (WF) helps you understand how large WF programs execute, and what happens at the level of a single activity. (August 20, Book Excerpt)

Daniel Selman on Business Rules

In this tech talk, ILOG's business rules product manager Daniel Selman delves into business rules and the Business Object Model, as well as the benefits of rule maintenance through a business rules engine. ILOG's rules software supports both the Java and .NET platform. (September 13, Tech Talk)

Effective Use of Microsoft Enterprise Library

This chapter excerpt covers how to build applications using Microsoft Enterprise Library's application blocks, shows how to develop and use a new application block, and explains how Enterprise Library is changing for .NET 2.0. (August 30, Book Excerpt)

Applying Domain-Driven Design and Patterns: With Examples in C# and .NET

In this free chapter download, Jimmy Nilsson looks at infrastructure considerations for Domain-Driven Design, NHibernate and the happy state of "Persistence Ignorance." (July 20, Book Excerpt)

Guckenheimer on VSTS

"Software Engineering with Microsoft Visual Studio Team System" is not a book for developers or architects if what they want is something that can't be understood outside of their own discipline. Like the tools it describes, the book is about the team. (June 19, Book Excerpt)

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