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CF members invited to submit research proposalsMedical branch badge, left, and Dental branch badge.

Under the direction of the Health Services Research & Development Board, the Quality of Life Research Programme has been developed for all CF personnel interested in conducting health-related research.

Aimed at improving both the quality of life of CF members and the quality of CF health care delivery, the types of research eligible for funding are limited to the measurement of health indicators (physical or psychological), medicine, and social services issues experienced by or related to CF Regular and Reserve Force members – current, retired or veterans. Funding will be awarded to research that will provide concrete, useful deliverables in policy, procedures, protocols or equipment.

Personnel applying for funds need not have a research background, and external partnerships are encouraged. All submitted proposals must be in accordance with specific Research & Development formats and include all required supporting documentation. If these conditions are not met, the proposal will not be considered for funding.

Before preparing and submitting a proposal, interested personnel should contact the Programme Manager at or at (613) 945-6967. Visit (Intranet users only) and click on “QOL Research” under “Projects” for additional information, guidelines, and application forms.

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