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International Day of Disabled Persons

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International Day of Disabled Persons—December 3—came into being in 1992 via resolution 47/3 of the United Nations General Assembly.

This year's theme, “A voice of our own”, focusses on giving a voice to the human experiences of disabled persons, and is based on the goal of full participation and equality of persons with disabilities in social life and development as established by the World Programme of Action concerning Disabled Persons, adopted by the General Assembly in 1982.

Many CF bases, wings and units throughout Canada will be hosting events to mark the day. CFB Esquimalt, for example, is planning displays, speakers and entertainment, with special emphasis this year on non-visible disabilities.

Contact your local Employment Equity Officer or PAO for information about what your base, wing or unit is doing. Visit for more information about International Day of Disabled Persons and the UN.

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