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RMC launches new generation of courses for NCMsRoyal Military College of Canada Badge and Coat of Arms

The Royal Military College of Canada's first-ever major academic program designed exclusively for non-commissioned members not pursuing an officer career path is now up and running.

The Army Technical Warrant Officers' Program (ATWOP), launched August 27, is a result of a Land Force Doctrine and Training System initiative and several years of co-operation and development with the Army. The one-year course is designed to develop the technical skills of Army warrant officers from a variety of occupations in order to meet the hi-tech challenges of the modern security environment, and to bring NCMs more effectively into the military decision-making process.

The establishment of the ATWOP is part of a CF-wide effort to increase professional development opportunities for all ranks, says Canadian Defence Academy (CDA) commander Rear Admiral David Morse, who oversees CF-wide common education and professional development.

“As the modern battlefield demands more from our NCMs,” RAdm Morse says, “they must be given learning opportunities to meet the challenge. Courses such as the ATWOP, and those offered at the newly established NCM Professional Development Centre in St-Jean-sur-Richelieu, are designed to do just that.”

The core curriculum of the ATWOP shares many common elements with the one-year officers' courses run through RMC's Department of Applied Military Science. The program is adopting the NCM Corps 2020 professional development model by establishing common content with one of the officers' courses, the Land Forces Technical Support Program (LFTSP), says course developer Major Roger Sashaw.

“In next August's ATWOP intake, the warrant officers will take their pre-course package, introductory studies, and core applied technology courses with the officers,” Maj Sashaw says. “It's a common-sense approach that will allow us to put the theory of NCM Corps 2020 into action and save money in the process.”

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