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SCAN services invaluable to CF membersIllustration: Next exit, CIVVIE Street

The Second Career Assistance Network (SCAN) helps CF members plan, prepare for and enter a civilian lifestyle and satisfying and productive second careers.

SCAN includes counseling, training, education, upgrading and accreditation for a career change – all of which you may want to use depending on your individual needs. You should access SCAN early and periodically during your career – we strongly encourage you not to wait until your last year of service to take advantage of SCAN services.

Transition seminars offer general information on major transition subjects and personal long-term goals. Seminars may cover Personal Enhancement Program (PEP) services, administration procedures on release, disability pensions, and/or financial benefits on release.

Long Term Planning (LTP) seminars are also available periodically. They provide CF members with the opportunity to engage in topics such as financial planning, house purchase and mortgage, wills and estates, disability pensions and other related benefits administered by Veterans Affairs Canada (VAC), PEP and its component programs, Service Income Security Insurance Plan (SISIP) benefits, and career development and transition.

SCAN services are delivered through Personnel Selection Offices (PSOs) on bases and wings throughout Canada.

Visit for more information, and click on “What's New” for the 2004 SCAN Seminar Schedule.

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