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Janet Weatherston
External Relations Branch
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Minister's Round Table on Parks Canada - 2005

Response of the Minister of the Environment to Recommendations Made at the Third Minister’s Round Table on Parks Canada (2005)

Facilitating More Memorable Visitor Experiences

To facilitate more experiences that will be memorable for visitors in national parks, national historic sites and national marine conservation areas, six recommendations were made.

Recommendation 10 – Funding:

Sufficient funding should be obtained and directed on a priority basis to restore infrastructure and visitor facilities to acceptable standards, and to implement an on-going preventative maintenance program.

Additional funding for content development and program delivery is also required.


Parks Canada’s asset recapitalization shortfall was $100 million annually. Budget Plan 2005 provided Parks Canada with additional funding amounting to $209 million over the next five years and $75 million annually thereafter. The recently approved multi-year user fee proposal will increase annual revenues growth by an estimated $25 million the fourth year of implementation. The combination of the two funding sources will address existing shortfalls on an on-going basis.

A portion of the funds will be used to implement an on-going preventative maintenance program. In addition, Parks Canada will undertake development of improved content and enhance program delivery capacity in consideration of needs and expectations.

Recommendation 11 – Research

To address changing demographics, Canadian diversity, and evolving tourism trends, invest in visitor related and socioeconomic research to better understand the needs, expectations and behaviours of current and potential visitors.

Parks Canada should use the research to identify key markets and effectively target visitor opportunities.


Parks Canada fully recognizes the role of research and science in the decision making process. The Agency will strengthen its visitor research and social science capacity by adding a Chief Social Scientist position and improving research coordination and dissemination. In collaboration with its partners, Parks Canada will continue to undertake research to better understand the needs, expectations and behaviours of current and potential visitors. This effort will include partnerships to improve the quality and availability of tourism, recreation and related information.

Parks Canada will carefully analyze visitor, public opinion, census and other data collected through its social science activities to describe and identify overall Canadian citizen and visitor segments. Parks Canada will improve the availability of research results to assist decision-making on strategic investments.

Recommendation 12 – Organizational Structure:

Create an effective organizational structure, adequately resourced, to lead the development and implementation of an improved visitor experience.


The Agency has recognized the need for organizational support to achieve enhanced visitor experiences. Staff have been assigned to serve on the Visitor Experience Council, which provides advice directly to the Parks Canada Executive Board on enhancing visitor experiences. In addition, a team has been assembled to support the Council and begin work on several initiatives. Key in these initiatives will be the establishment of a permanent dedicated organization to provide the cross functional coordination, a policy framework, supporting tools and staff training that are necessary to meet this challenge

Recommendation 13 – Continuum of Experiences:

Foster the development of a continuum of experiences that cross-promote and link sites (thematically, geographically), encouraging visitors to explore multiple destinations and enjoy a variety of activities


Parks Canada will investigate opportunities to more actively anticipate and respond to visitor expectations and cross-promote related activities and experiences through the development of a national marketing strategy and a national brand. In order to ensure the availability of a broader range of programs and activities, the Agency will invest in research, product development, staff training and capacity building, both internal to the Agency and with partners. Parks Canada will enhance the pre-trip planning tools, on-site orientation and departure information offered to facilitate cross-promotion. (Also see recommendations 1 and 15 for related content.)

Recommendation 14 – Spirituality

Parks Canada should embrace and present the spirituality of our land, people and places to allow visitors to move from the ordinary to the extraordinary.

Programs and activities should respect the authenticity and integrity of the people and places being presented.

Inspiring the imagination, Parks Canada should facilitate experiential activities that encourage respectful engagement with aboriginal culture, cultural heritage and natural heritage.


Parks Canada will work to ensure that visitors have memorable experiences through programs and activities based on a sound understanding of the authenticity and integrity of the Agency’s natural and cultural places, and of the needs and expectations of visitors.

The focus of programs and activities will be on connecting visitors with the spirituality of Canada’s land and peoples. Programs and activities will endeavour to engage people’s hearts and minds to move them out of the ordinary and help create powerful memories.

Parks Canada will work with its partners and staff to ensure that programs and activities respect the distinct cultural and natural heritage being presented. Furthermore, to recognize the unique relationship of Aboriginal peoples with Canada’s history, land and people, Parks Canada will explore additional opportunities for Aboriginal peoples to tell their own stories and provide an enhanced opportunity for memorable visitor experiences.

Recommendation 15 – Enriching the Visitor Experience

Facilitate participatory experiences and activities that appeal to a wider range of visitors. Parks Canada should:

  • provide an environment for visitors to create their own experience;
  • enhance interpretive services through partnerships with Aboriginal peoples, other groups and communities;
  • be built on a broader range of amenities and services to create a more complete, high quality experience; and
  • make parks, sites and marine conservation areas places to “do” as well as to see.


Parks Canada will work closely with key partners to facilitate memorable experiences that will appeal to a wider range of visitors to our parks, sites and marine conservation areas. Based on an enhanced research program providing improved understanding of visitor needs and expectations, the Agency will seek to optimize the choice of amenities and services available. Parks Canada will ensure visitor requirements, needs and expectations are a priority consideration in the development of all asset renewal programs.

Increased opportunities for memorable visitor experiences will be provided through revitalized and innovative programs developed in cooperation with Aboriginal peoples, local communities and other partners. The Agency will strive to provide a continually evolving participatory environment for visitors to create their own personalized experiences through improved pre-trip planning resources, integrated visitor focused on-site services, and enhanced post-trip support. (Also see recommendations 1 and 13 for related content.)

Last Updated: 2005-08-22 To the top
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