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The latest issues of the ACA Bulletin are available to members at:

The ACA Bulletin (ISSN 0709-4604) is the Association's newsletter, published six times per year on a bi-monthly basis. The Bulletin keeps members informed of ACA activities, archival developments, conferences, workshops, publications and other topics of interest to archivists.

Members are encouraged to share their successes with colleagues across Canada through contributions to The Bulletin.  Articles about successful events and innovative practical solutions to common issues are welcomed.

Submissions may be in ASCII format, and should be sent to the Editor at:

Larry Dohey, Co-editor
ACA Bulletin
Roman Catholic Archdiocese
P.O. Box 1363
St. John's, NL Canada  A1C 5M3
Tel: (709) 726-3660



Items for the Bulletin should be submitted to the Editor by the dates shown below. Copy should be typed and double-spaced, sent as an electronic file on disk or e-mail attachment in word or wordperfect.  Contributors are asked to save the file in plain text or rich text format; i.e. no or minimal formatting.

  • February 10 for March Bulletin
  • April 10 for May Bulletin
  • June 10 for July Bulletin
  • August 10 for September Bulletin
  • October 10 for November Bulletin
  • December 10 for January Bulletin

Display advertising is accepted on a prepaid basis, with production ready digital file to be supplied by the advertiser.  Please refer to the advertising rate information (PDF) identified near the bottom of this page. 

Recent issues of The Bulletin are available to Members at:

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Advertising Rates (PDF)

Related Links

ACA Bulletin

Related Records

Advocacy Booklets

Jessie Chisholm

  Co-editor, ACA Bulletin  
Larry Dohey

  Co-editor, ACA Bulletin  





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