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Other Publications

List of Publications

The Power and Passion of Archives: A Festschrift in Honour of Kent Haworth
Reuben Ware, Marion Beyea, Cheryl Avery (editors). ACA (2005) 269 pp., ISBN 1-895382-26-2

In this collection of fifteen essays, colleagues of Kent Haworth remember his influential career and explore those ideas he so passionately and effectively advocated: accountability; access and users of archives; descriptive standards. Proceeds from the sale of this publication will go toward the Kent Haworth scholarship.

Member price: $20/$18 US           Non-member price: $25/$23 US

Imagining Archives: Essays and Reflections by Hugh A. Taylor
Edited by Terry Cook and Gordon Dodds. Scarecrow Press (2003) 254 pp., paper 0-8108-4771-X

Hugh A. Taylor is one of the most important thinkers in the English-speaking world of archives. A retired civil servant and archival educator, he was named to the prestigious Order of Canada, his nation's highest civilian award. The fifteen essays in this volume are presented in chronological order so that readers may appreciate the broadening evolution and rich interconnections in Taylor's thought as these occurred over more than three decades. These essays link archives to social life and contemporary ideas. Long before postmodern scholars' recent fascination with "the archive," Taylor was intent on constructing archives anew, imagining them as places where archivists connect their records with social issues, with new media and technologies, with the historical radition of archives, with the earth's ecological systems, and with broader spiritual meaning. Also included are two original essays by editors Terry Cook and Gordon Dodds.

Member price: $37.50           Non-member price: $45.

The Archival Imagination. Essays in Honour of Hugh Taylor
Barbara L. Craig, Editor. ACA (1992) 263 pp., ISBN 1-895382-06-8

This collection was presented to Hugh Taylor by his colleagues to acknowledge the impact he has had on archival writing and thought during a remarkable archival career. The book includes eleven essays, eclectic in subject and style, and reflecting a variety of interests.

Member Price soft cover: $20/$18US hard cover: $30/$27US

Non-Member Price soft cover $25/$23US hard cover: $35/$32US

Canadian Archival Studies and the Rediscovery of Provenance, Tom Nesmith, Editor. (A joint publication with the Society of American Archivists.)

Member Price: $60/$55US           Non-Member Price: $68/$59.50US.

Occasional Papers Series

Price per copy for all occasional papers:  member price $8 ($7 US) or non-member $10 ($9 US).

Guidelines for the Development of a Two-Year Curriculum for a Master of Archival Studies. ACA (1990) 25 pp., paper cover, ISBN 1-895382-00-9.

The Guidelines provide practical guidance to educational institutions in the development of archival education programmes and activities.

Guidelines for the Development of Post-Appointment and Continuing Education and Training Programmes.  ACA (1991) 48 pp., paper cover, ISBN 1-895382-02-5.

The Guidelines are designed to provide practical guidance to provincial and regional professional associations, to educational institutions, and to archival institutions in the development of archival educational and training activities.

The Monetary Appraisal of Archival Documents in Canada by S.D. Hanson. ACA (1992) 21 pp., paper cover, ISBN 1-895382-04-1.

Prepared for and published by the ACA, this publication introduces and discusses the underlying rationale and the criteria applied in establishing the fair market value of archival documents.

Promoting Archives: A Handbook by Anne ten Cate. ACA (1992) 26 pp., paper cover, ISBN1-895382-08-4.

Prepared for and published by the ACA, this occasional paper is a preliminary guide in the examination of the need for archivists to develop better ways of communicating the value of archives to sponsors, to reach out with more sophisticated tools to a wider audience, and to demonstrate the value of archives. The booklet is intended to encourage creative thinking about the promotion of archives. 

Preparing For Monetary Appraisals: A Guide For Canadian Archival Institutions by Brock Silversides. ACA (2004) 18 pp., paper cover, ISBN 1-895382-22-X

Prepared for and published by the ACA, this booklet constitutes a practical guide for archival institutions preparing their collections for a monetary appraisal. It discusses the concept and process of the monetary appraisal, the duties and responsibilities of the parties involved, the differences between a National Archival Appraisal Board and independent appraisers, who does appraisals and what to look for in an appraiser, the costs involved, the criteria used by appraisers, and the information required by them. As well it contains a bibliography of relevant readings and an information checklist to help institutions prepare for appraisals.

Advocacy Booklets

Electronic documents on Business Archives, Municipal Archives and Medical Archives are available at, while print copies of booklets on Business Archives and Municipal Archives are now available.

Cost is $2 each, plus shipping and handling, as well as taxes are required.

Archivaria, the Journal of the Association of Canadian Archivists

Back issues are available at a single copy rate of $50 each or on a multiple copy basis; the list of rates & availability of specific issues is kept up to date on the ACA web site at
Subscription information and forms are also available at this web site.

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