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In homes, schools and libraries across Canada, people are looking for evidence of what it means to be a Canadian. Archives Canada is a gateway to archival resources found in over 800 repositories across Canada--it's your gateway to Canada's collective memory!

Through Archives Canada you can:

  • Search archival holdings across Canada
  • Access Provincial and Territorial Archival Networks
  • View digitized photographs, maps, documents and online exhibits developed around Canada's history
  • Find contact information for repositories where these resources are held. Archival descriptions and digitized products are added regularly.

Archives Canada is an official archival portal maintained by the Canadian Council of Archives (CCA), and is a joint initiative of CCA, the Provincial – Territorial Archival Networks, and Library and Archives Canada. All archival descriptions and links contained in the searchable database are provided by provincial – territorial councils, their members, and Library and Archives Canada.

We welcome your feedback.