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What's New - Archived 2002

30 Oct


CF Music - The Regular Force section of the Auditioning Information for Canadian Force Bands (MOC 871) has been updated to include openings for SAXOPHONE and OBOE.

30 Oct


Frequently Asked Questions - This section has been revised and now includes a section on the Queen's Golden Jubilee Commemorative Medal (QGJM). These FAQs are also available through the Honours and Awards Medals Chart (refer to Queen's Golden Jubilee Commemorative Medal (QGJM) listing).

29 Oct


Traditions and Heritage - The Canadian Forces Artists Program (CFAP) section has been updated and now includes the APPLICATION FORM AND GUIDELINES in PDF format (NOTE: Deadline for applications is 31 Jan 2003).

05 Sep


CF Music - The Regular Force section of the Auditioning Information for Canadian Force Bands (MOC 871) has been updated to include openings for SAXOPHONE.

07 Aug


Honours and Awards - The Honours and Awards Chart has been revised. Specifically, the South-West Asia Service Medal (SWASM) has been added.

06 Aug


Heritage & Traditions - National Inventory of Canadian Military Memorials. The database has been updated to include 833 new memorials. To date, the database contains over 7,000 images associated with 3,473 individual Canadian military memorials.
With your help, the Department of National Defence's Directorate of History and Heritage (DHH) and the Organization of Military Museums of Canada (OMMC) hopes to continue the search for military memorials from across the country.

04 Jul


Honours and Awards - The Honours and Awards Chart has been revised. Specifically, the NATO Medal for the Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia (NATO-FYROM) has been added.

01 Jul


WEB Site - The DHH WEB site has been completely redesigned. Please recheck ALL previously saved links and visit our HOME PAGE for further info.

27 Jun


Honours and Awards - The Honours and Awards Chart has been revised. Specifically, the Eligible and NON-Eligible Mission lists for the Canadian Peacekeeping Service Medal (CPSM) have been amended (AMENDMENT 8 and 7 respectively).

26 Jun


History and Archives - The DHH Library Holdings have been updated.

14 Jun


Heritage & Traditions - National Inventory of Canadian Military Memorials. The database has been updated to include 219 new memorials. To date, the database contains over 6400 images associated with 2640 individual Canadian military memorials.
With your help, the Department of National Defence's Directorate of History and Heritage (DHH) and the Organization of Military Museums of Canada (OMMC) hopes to continue the search for military memorials from across the country.

28 May


CF Music - The Regular Force section of the Auditioning Information for Canadian Force Bands (MOC 871) has been updated to include openings for Trumpet.

24 May


Honours and Awards - Honours and Awards Chart Special Service Medal (SSM) - Humanitas, Eligible Missions and OPERATIONS has been amended (AMENDEMENT 2).

14 May


Honours and Awards - The Honours and Awards Chart has been updated:

  • All UN medals now read "XX days consecutive service" (NOTE: this is a clarification of AND NOT a change in UN eligibility requirements).
  • Eligibility for SSM PAKISTAN, PEACE - PAIX and NATO + OTAN bars have also been revised (NOTE: this is a clarification of AND a change in eligibility requirements).
  • UNTAG and UNMIH entries have been corrected.

  • 25 Apr


    History and Archives - The Significant Dates in Canadian Military History section has been updated to include over 400 new dates.

    05 Apr


    Honours and Awards - The Medals Chart has been updated to include images and description of Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II's Golden Jubilee Commemorative Medal.

    14 Feb


    Heritage & Traditions - National Inventory of Canadian Military Memorials. The database has been updated to include over 200 new memorials. To date, the database contains over 6400 images associated with 2421 individual Canadian military memorials.
    With your help, the Department of National Defence's Directorate of History and Heritage (DHH) and the Organization of Military Museums of Canada (OMMC) hopes to continue the search for military memorials from across the country.