National Defence
Symbol of the Government of Canada

News Release

Defence Minister announces contract for Army weapon effects simulation system

NR–03.019 - March 3, 2003

OTTAWA-The Honourable John McCallum, Minister of National Defence, and Lieutenant-General Mike Jeffery, Chief of the Land Staff, today announced the award of a $137-million contract to Cubic Defense Applications of San Diego, California, for a new weapon effects simulation system for the Canadian Army.

The principal subcontractor, SNC Lavalin, of Montreal, Quebec, will provide logistics support for 10 years, starting in 2005. The system itself will be fully fielded by 2006.

"Leading edge technology like this offers our troops the most realistic and safe way to train for operations," said Minister McCallum. "This is an excellent example of meeting the commitment to give our soldiers the best possible bang for the buck."

"The weapon effects simulation system has been my number one training priority," said Lt.-Gen. Jeffery. "It will allow our soldiers to train as closely as possible to the way they will fight in operations, and it will give us the ability to measure and therefore improve our performance in the field."

Although much hardier and far more sophisticated, the system is comparable to the "laser tag" played in commercial venues. Lasers and radios will simulate weapons fire, with hits being recorded by computerized sensors attached to soldiers or vehicles.

The principal suite will be capable of supporting Battle Groups of up to 2200 soldiers and vehicles, and will be located at the Army's new Canadian Manoeuvre Training Centre in Wainwright, Alberta. This suite will remotely monitor and record all field activity and provide detailed feedback instantly.

A subordinate suite will be located at the Combat Training Centre in Gagetown, N.B. It will support up to 500 soldiers and vehicles. Four smaller suites will support up to 150 soldiers each. These suites will monitor and record activity directly into the player computers.

Testing and delivery will start in 2004, with final deliveries by late 2005. Funding for the initiative was provided for in the February 2003 federal Budget.


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