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Defence Learning Network
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DLN Downloads and Documents

Project Documentation available at the Capabilities Initiative Database website. Email the DLN Web Site Coordinator for more information.

Learning Management System: Student Guides and Access Forms
Test Lab: SCORM® download and White Paper about accessibility
NewsRoom: presentations, speeches, the DLN newsletter

Learning Management System

Email the DLN Web Site Coordinator for more information.

LMS Student Guide
LMS Administrator Appearance Forms
LMS Administrator Guide (4Mb)

Test Lab

Email the DLN Web Site Coordinator for details on these products:

  1. DND LOM (Learning Object Metadata) MetaData Editor
    FAQ Management System
    SCORM® Dynamic Appearance Model


Email the DLN Web Site Coordinator to find out about additional material.


Learning... anywhere, anytime, just-in-time.
Students/LearnersLearning FacilitatorsCourseware Developers