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The DLN Project Team and its many partners, who bring a full range of expertise in training development and continuous learning, provided this recommended reading list.

It includes key resources on distributed learning, content management, web design, courseware development and other topics.

Share your thoughts on other useful books you've discovered, by using the Contact Us button at the top of the page.

Distributed Learning Books

Technology-Based Training: The Art and Science of Design, Development, and Delivery by Kevin Kruse, Jason Keil. Jossey-Bass Publishers, 1999.

E-Learning: Strategies for Delivering Knowledge in the Digital Age; Marc J. Rosenberg. McGraw-Hill Professional Publishing, 2001.

ABCs of e-learning, Reaping the Benefits and Avoiding the Pitfalls, Brooke Broadbent, Jossey-Bass, 2002.

About Web-based Training

Designing Web-Based Training: How to Teach Anyone Anything Anywhere Anytime — by William K. Horton, 2000.

CourseBuilder for Dreamweaver: by Donna L. Baker, Publisher: Coriolis 2002.

Web-Based Training: Using Technology to Design Adult Learning Experiences; Margaret Driscoll, Larry Alexander. Jossey-Bass Publishers, 1998.

About Web Site Development

Constructing Accessible Web Sites — Thatcher, J., Bohman, P., Burks, M., Lawton Henry, S., Regan, B., Swierenga, S., et al. 2002 Birmingham, UK: Publisher: Glasshaus 2002.

Usability Engineering — Jakob Nielsen, Publisher: Morgan Kaufmann.

Don't Make Me Think — Steve Krug, Publisher: New Riders Publishing 2000.

About XML

XML How to Program — by Deitel, Deitel, Nieto, Lin & Sadhu, Publisher: Prentice Hall 2001.

XML in a Nutshell — by Harold & Means, Publisher: O'Reilly Press, 2001.


Content Management Bible — by Brian Boiko, Publisher: Hungry Minds 2001.


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