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DLN Project Objectives

The DLN's objectives cover a lot of territory and every member of the DLN Team are working hard to meet the following objectives by full implementation (2006-2007):

  1. The creation of a physical network of Learning and Career Centres across the country, and the information technology infrastructure to support it.
  2. Configuration of a Learning Management System for the Department.
  3. Development of Centres of Excellence, including a Test Lab and Support Services Group.
  4. Development of a policy framework, incorporating training and professional development policies.
  5. Development of an industry standard application strategy.
  6. Development and implementation of a communication/change management plan.
  7. Development and maintenance of a Departmental Authority (DA) – knowledge management repository.

Other objectives:

  1. Confirm the assumptions made about the preliminary design of the DLN.
  2. Provide distributed learning as a desirable option for the target population.
  3. Establish partnering arrangements to benefit further development.
  4. Showcase the DLN to Other Government Departments to inspire future collaboration.
  5. Satisfy several training and professional development requirements.


Learning... anywhere, anytime, just-in-time.
Students/LearnersLearning FacilitatorsCourseware Developers