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Learning Management System FAQs

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Will I still get the qualification for the course I am taking through the LMS?

During the Proof of Concept (POC) period for all on-line courses leading to a national or pseudo qualification, HRMS (Human Resource Management System) will be updated off-line or manually, following the existing business practice. In final implementation this update will be done automatically through an interface with HRMS.

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What do I do if I am trying to self-enroll, and I am not in the system?

Contact the DLN Support Services Group at 1-888-486-4743 or send an email to

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Whom do I call if I have a problem with the LMS?

Between the hours of 07:00 and 17:00, there will be someone at the DLN Support Services Group at 1-888-486-4743. You can also send an email to the requesting help.

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What happened to the existing systems for training, such as ITMIS and HRMS?

The functionality of ITMS (Individual Training Management Information System) was rolled into the MITE (Military Individual Training and Education) module of HRMS, a PeopleSoft application. For all military and civilian HR data (including training data) HRMS is and will remain the system of record.

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What happens if I forget to log out of the LMS?

The LMS will automatically log you out after 20 minutes of inactivity.

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When I'm taking a Web-based training or On-line Self-Paced offering, will I automatically be logged out of the LMS?

No, even though you are at another URL, the LMS will not log you out.

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Can an LMS Administrator and an instructor have different types of administrator access to the LMS?

An instructor can be given an Administrator account that has Discussion Group Moderator privileges. This gives the instructor the ability to manage discussion groups associated with course offerings.


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