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Defence Learning Network – LMS Pre-Login Page

Please note that the Defence Learning Management System runs on the Internet through the GPNet, not the Defence Intranet (DWAN). You will not be able to access the LMS from your workstation. Only GPNet workstations, laptop computers with GPNet access or standalone computers with Internet connection can be used to access the LMS. If you have any questions, please contact the DLN Support Services Group at 1-888-486-4743, ext. 2, or email them at

Welcome to the Learning Management System (LMS) Portal. This Internet web page will lead you to your Managing Authority's course offerings within the LMS. Click here to download a Word copy of the LMS Student Guide.

Check out these courses on the DLN LMS and at Other Government Departments.

Royal Military College   Navy   Land Force Command   Air Force   Civilians


Click on the icon above (RMC, Navy, LFC, Air Force, and Civilians) to enter your MA-specific area on the LMS. You will then go to the Pre-login page of the LMS.

If you are a new student, you must register in the LMS first. Select New Student from the menu bar on the left hand side of the Pre-login page. The Registration window will open, and you must complete all mandatory fields. Your status will remain "tentative" until you receive a confirmation e-mail from the DLN Support Services Group, which should take two business days. Once you receive this e-mail, you can start enrolling in courses.

If you are a returning student, select Log In from the menu bar on the left of the Pre-Login window. Enter your login ID and password in the Login window.


Course, Student and Training Administrators can take the LMS Administrator Course from your specific MA.

The course covers:

  • the use of course tools (creating catalogues, products, resources and offerings),
  • managing students (creating accounts and enrollments, sending reminders, and billing)
  • student performance (entering attendance and results), and
  • manage and moderate discussion groups

If you are not sure what to do, run into any problems, have questions or want help, please contact the DLN Support Services Group at either 1-888-486-4743 ext 2, or email at