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More About Test Lab R&D Activities

Personnel at the Test Lab have been and continue to be involved in the following projects and activities:

HRMS Test Conversion Using Toolbook and Click 2 Learn's SCORM® Document Type Definition (DTD) Development of DLN / DND
e-Learning Metadata Guidelines
SCORM® 1.2 to 1.1 Conversion and Conformance Testing Test and evaluation of SCORM® compliant authoring tools
Conversion of MS Office documents to XML DocBook-based DTD Development of an experimental SCORM® 2004 LMS
Using XML Spy to Create DocBook-based SCOs (Sharable Content Objects) Member of the Treasury Board Secretariat Metadata e-Learning Sub-Group
Development of the SCORM® Dynamic Appearance Model (DAM) White Paper Member of the Industry Canada Eduspec Advisory Committee
Development of a SCORM® DAM Concept Demonstration Member of the NATO ADL Technical Team
Member of CORDRA Working Group Member of the TTCP HUM-TP 2 Working Group
Member of the NDOL Metadata Working Group Member of ADL Technical Working Group
Member of the IMS International Conformance Programme Committee  

For more information, please contact contact the DLN Test Lab Coordinator.