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W.P. Fraser Herbarium
Saskatoon (Saskatchewan)
Région touristique : Western Central

The W.P. Fraser Herbarium (SASK) of the University of Saskatchewan, in the Department of Crop Science and Plant Ecology, College of Agriculture, is a vascular plant collection whose beginnings date back to 1925. Subsequently, it has grown to over 150,000 accessioned specimens, to now represent the largest plant collection in Saskatchewan and a major Western Canadian herbarium. Although it contains specimens from around the world, its main focus is the flora of Saskatchewan, and secondarily that of western and northwestern Canada.

Herbarium Functions
The Fraser Herbarium serves a combination of teaching, research and extension (i.e., public service roles, as summarized below, although these roles are often overlapping rather than clearly separable. In its teaching role, the herbarium enables instructors to introduce students to examples of different kinds of plants, their morphological characteristics, ecological adaptations, evolutionary trends, species variability, etc., which often, because of time and distance factors, cannot readily be shown directly in the field. The herbarium represents a reference collection for university courses in plant taxonomy, plant ecology, phytogeography, general botany, economic plants, etc. Specimen sheets used by University of Saskatchewan instructors in various class laboratories average over 1000 during each academic year. Several hundred plant mounts are borrowed each year by private individuals for educational presentations. As well, the herbarium collection files are used directly by students in various upper division courses, and by advanced undergraduate and graduate students for special term projects and thesis research. Students also are able to utilize the available herbarium library resources for their studies and term reports.


Local history,  En permanence,  Exposition


Renseignements sur les collections
Plant collection primarily of Saskcatchewan. Important collections by Breitung & Harms.
Research collection of dried herbarium specimens of vascular plants with emphasis on the flora of Saskatchewan, Great Plains grasslands and boreal and Arctic North America.
Nombre d'objets ou spécimens dans la collection : 150,000

Documents cartographiques • Documents électroniques • Documents textuels

Arts décoratifs
Wood collection including bota tropical & temperate plants.

Histoire humaine
Agriculture • Exploration et relèvement • Foresterie • Cartes, tableaux, plans ou bleus

Sciences naturelles
Collections biologiques ou plantes et animaux : Agricole ou domestique : Espèces menacées : Spécimens scientifiques : Spécimens types : Organismes terrestres : Organismes aquatiques : Eau douce : Botanique : Champignons : Plantes non vasculaires, Lichens, Mousses (Bryophytes) : Plantes vasculaires, Plantes non florifères, Plantes à graines

Identification service of native and naturalized plants; inter-museum loans and exchanges; school loan service of teaching collections; library of plant taxononic references; plant systematic research facilities

Services de recherche
Basic research includes the study of native floro of Saskatchewan with emphasis in endangered species.
Dossiers d'archives • Bibliothèque • Diapothèque • Identification d'objets ou de spécimens scientifiques
• Autre : Identification of introduced and other exotic plants.

Programmes éducatifs
Support courses in botany, agronomy, horticulture at the undergraduate & graduate levels. Assists Highschool teachers to organize workshops.
Programmes pour les écoles : 18 ans et plus (Postsecondaire) • Cours ou ateliers • Démonstrations • Causeries

Services aux visiteurs
Advise regarding plant identification, nomenclature, origines.
Visites guidées : Anglais • Près des transports en commun • Stationnement : Payant : Autobus • Aménagement pour besoins spéciaux : Stationnement : Écriteaux : Toilettes : Accessible aux fauteuils roulants • Toilettes
• Autre : Spanish and French speaking staff available.

Services de bénévoles
Services de bénévoles offerts • Formation aux bénévoles offerte
Nombre de bénévoles :  1-2
Tâches :  Mounting herbarium specimens

Services de restauration
Coffee shops
• Autre : Available on 2nd floor.

Autres services
Extensive display regarding domestication of plants, origin of agriculture, natural history of Saskatchewan on 2nd floor.

Publications et produits
Articles about flora & vegetation of Saskatchewan. Undergraduate, master & doctoral thesis.

Publications érudites

Heures d'ouverture et droits d'entrée

Période : Toute l'année 
Ouvert : 9:00am - 4:30pm
Fermé : Statutory Holidays
Droits d'entrée : Gratuite

W.P. Fraser Herbarium
3C75 Agriculture Building,  Saskatoon (Saskatchewan)
S7N 5A8
Téléphone :   306-966-4968
Télécopieur :   306-966-5015

Courriel :

Adresse postale :
W.P. Fraser Herbarium
51 Campus Drive,  Saskatoon (Saskatchewan)
S7N 5A8

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Dernière mise à jour : 2004 07 05