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Pour © communiquer avec : McMaster Museum of Art. Tous droits réservés.

McMaster Museum of Art
Hamilton (Ontario)
Région touristique : Hamilton-Wentworth

The McMaster Museum of Art is a cultural resource for many communities. It houses McMaster University's nationally significant collection of close to 6,000 works of art, presents a range of permanent collection and temporary exhibitions and offers a regular schedule of public programmes. Highlights include an internationally recognized collection of German Expressionist prints; a selection of European Old Master paintings; a survey collection of Canadian historical and contemporary art; and Inuit art with an emphasis on Cape Dorset prints and sculptures. A permanent exhibition of the Herman H. Levy Collection, featuring intimate 17th century and significant 19th century paintings by Claude Monet, Camille Pissarro and Vincent van Gogh, is always worth a look. The Museum contains state-of-the-art facilities -- five exhibition galleries, a Paper Centre, Education Gallery and a Library and Resource Centre -- all of which provide unprecedented access to the collection and related material. Both permanent collection and temporary exhibitions provide access to a diversity of artists, styles, themes and subject matter representing local, national and international concerns. The McMaster Museum of Art has been designed with an educational emphasis in mind to encourage learning, investigation, discovery and enjoyment.


The Herman H. Levy Collection,  01 janvier 1997 au 01 janvier 2010,  Exposition


The McMaster/Goethe Project,  01 septembre 2006 au 25 août 2007,  Exposition


The Past is Forgiven: Herman Levy and Josef Herman, in their times,  16 novembre 2006 au 28 avril 2007,  Exposition


Arnaud Maggs: Nomenclature,  23 novembre 2006 au 20 janvier 2007,  Exposition


Sharon Switzer: Falling From Grace,  23 novembre 2006 au 20 janvier 2007,  Exposition


Renseignements supplémentaires sur les activités

Renseignements sur les collections
The development of the collection which the Museum houses is closely linked to the history and educational mandate of McMaster University. From its origins in Toronto in 1887 until its move to Hamilton in 1930, the University commissioned and collected works of art which included paintings of biblical subjects and University dignitaries for display in offices, classrooms and ceremonial spaces. It was following a donation of European prints by the Carnegie Institute in the 1930s that systematic collecting and proactive programming was begun by the University to encourage the appreciation of art by students and the public. During the 1950s, 1960s and 1970s several faculty members contributed to the formulation of a coherent permanent collection. As a result of their efforts, European prints and Canadian art were regularly added to the collection and their teaching philosophy, which valued direct experience with original works of art, was embraced by the University. In recent years an emphasis has been placed on collections development and education. It was decided that the University's art collection should stress quality and the formal, stylistic and historical relationships among specific works and that the collection would be built selectively and with purpose. Acquisitions policies emphasize the relationship between the teaching of art, art history and other subject areas (especially within the Humanities) as well as broader learning, research and public enjoyment. Three areas have been singled out for development -- Canadian art, early 20th century German Expressionist art and modern and contemporary European art -- and is directed by the Museum's Acquisitions Committee.
Nombre d'objets ou spécimens dans la collection : 6,000

Arts décoratifs
Textiles ou tapisseries

The Herman H. Levy Collection of European and American art; the Denner Wallace Collection of early 20th century German prints; a nucleus of Old Master paintings; a history of printmaking from the 16th to the 20th centuries; a survey collection of Canadian historical and contemporary art; Inuit art with an emphasis on Cape Dorset prints and sculpture; 20th century modern and contemporary European art; the Charles P. Fell Collection of Chinese art and artifacts.
Culture: Américaine • Asiatique • Canadienne : Inuit • Européenne
Période : Contemporaine • Moderne • Historique
Médium : Média mixtes, multimédias ou installations • Peintures • Photographies • Estampes et dessins • Sculptures • Carnets à croquis ou albums
Divers : Art religieux

Renseignements supplémentaires sur nos collections


Services de recherche
Dossiers d'archives • Centre d'information • Bibliothèque • Diapothèque

Programmes éducatifs
Stages • Causeries

Services aux visiteurs
Visites guidées : Anglais • Près des transports en commun • Centre d'information • Stationnement : Payant : Autobus • Aménagement pour besoins spéciaux : Stationnement : Toilettes : Accessible aux fauteuils roulants • Toilettes

Services de restauration
Aire de pique-niques

Services Internet
Renseignements généraux  •  Collections  •  Activités  •  Programmes ou visites scolaires  •  Directions ou carte  • 

Renseignements supplémentaires sur nos services

Publications et produits

Catalogues • Brochures

Heures d'ouverture et droits d'entrée

Période :
Ouvert : Tuesday-Friday 11:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.
Sunday 12:00 p.m. - 5:00 p.m.
Fermé : • les lundis  • les samedis 
Closed statutory holidays and the week of December 25 - January 1
Droits d'entrée : Gratuite
"Pay what you can, if you can" with a suggested donation of $2.00. Students and seniors are free.

McMaster Museum of Art
University Avenue, McMaster University
1280 Main Street West,  Hamilton (Ontario)
L8S 4L6
Téléphone :   (905) 525-9140 ext. 23081
Télécopieur :   (905) 527-4548

Courriel :

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Dernière mise à jour : 2006 11 05