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Doon Heritage Crossroads
Kitchener (Ontario)
Région touristique : Grand River Country

The 20th century begins in Waterloo County at Doon Heritage Crossroads.

Set against sixty beautiful acres of environmentally sensitive forest, marsh and farmland, Doon Heritage Crossroads in Kitchener is a re-creation of a rural village and two farms, where costumed interpreters welcome visitors to the year 1914. Over twenty-five historic buildings, period furnishings, rare breed farm animals, heritage gardens, and demonstrations of daily chores help visitors discover an exciting era of change in Canadian history.

Teachers will discover unique hands-on learning opportunities, for all grade levels, in our curriculum-based educational programs tied to the Ontario Ministry of Education Curriculum.

Home to the award-winning Waterloo Regional Curatorial Centre, one of Canada’s best museum storage and preservation facilities. The Curatorial Centre is open for tours by appointment.

Also home to the Waterloo County Hall of Fame.

Complimentary guidebooks are available in English, German, French, Japanese, Portuguese, Braille, and large-print. Ask for a copy of our "Guide to Access for Visitors with Disabilities", outlining services for visitors with special needs.

Throughout our May to December season, we play host to a number of special events which offer fun-filled opportunities for family entertainment. Whether it's vintage fire trucks on display, fall fair exhibits of prize winning baking and preserves, or the joy of singing carols during the Christmas season, you'll find something for everyone at Doon Heritage Crossroads.


Starry Night,  22 décembre 2006 au 22 décembre 2006,  


Renseignements supplémentaires sur les activités

Renseignements sur les collections
When the Waterloo Historical Society was founded in 1912, then president W.H. Breithaupt and Secretary H. W. Brown stated that "it is the ambition of the Society to acquire at an early date, a substantial fireproof county building in which to preserve permanently all such records and general objects of historic interest". Since 1912, the collection of artifacts (many having been collected by the Waterloo Historical Society) and buildings, which has come to be known as Doon Heritage Crossroads, has grown into one of the largest community museum collections in Ontario.

Doon Heritage Crossroads has two missions. The mission which is most obvious to the community is the interpretation of a re-created 1914 village and two farms which celebrate the rural history of the Region of Waterloo. But Doon Heritage Crossroads also collects and preserves artifacts which relate to all time periods, municipalities, and cultures of the Region's history, hence the large size and scope of the existing regional history collection. This larger collection can now be managed and preserved for future exhibition.
Nombre d'objets ou spécimens dans la collection : 40,000

Doon Heritage Crossroads' library and archives is open to the public during regular business hours, Monday to Friday, 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. To ensure access to the library, it is always best to call ahead.

Doon Heritage Crossroads maintains a library of books, journals and magazines which focus on the history of the Region of Waterloo, life in the nineteenth and early twentieth centuries, and antiques and collectibles of all sorts.

The Doon Heritage Crossroads' archival collections include personal and organizational fonds, correspondence, memoranda, notebooks and diaries, maps and plans, photographs and other visual and audio-visual media, paintings and documentary art, and a wide range of ephemeral or fugitive materials. Books or other published works are considered archival if acquired as part of an archival collection (fonds).

Individual books and other published works of historical value are part of the collecting mandate of Doon Heritage Crossroads and are housed with the archival collection. Contemporary trade publications that are not considered to be rare are in the public reference library. These publications include books, periodicals, pamphlets, videotapes and others.

As well, the archives room at the Waterloo Regional Curatorial Centre is the repository for the permanently retained organizational records of Doon Heritage Crossroads and its predecessor organizations, consistent with Records Retention Schedules developed with Corporate Records/Archives, Corporate Resources Department of the Region of Waterloo. These include the following:
records documenting ownership of the collection; records documenting the history of objects in the collection
records pertaining to programs and activities in the living history site; records relating to building histories and building restorations.
Documents cartographiques • Estampes et dessins • Photographies • Documents textuels

Arts décoratifs
Céramique, porcelaine ou poterie • Costumes • Meubles ou mobilier • Verre • Ferronnerie, argenterie ou orfèvrerie • Instruments de musique • Textiles ou tapisseries

Culture: Canadienne : Autochtone ou Premières Nations • Européenne
Période : Historique
Médium : Peintures • Photographies
Divers : Art folklorique • Art religieux

Histoire humaine
Agriculture • Zootechnie • Objets archéologiques • Objets de cérémonie • Horloges ou instruments qui marquent le temps • Équipement de communication • Informatique • Costumes et accessoires • Monnaie • Électricité • Exploration et relèvement • Meubles ou mobilier • Objets et technologie domestique • Traitement d'images : Photographie • Technologie et histoire industrielles • Cartes, tableaux, plans ou bleus • Médailles • Histoire et technologie médicales • Souvenirs • Histoire et technologie militaires • Instruments de musique • Objets religieux ou liturgiques • Équipement de sports • Timbres • Jeux et jouets • Transport : Terrestre motorisé : Terrestre non motorisé : Ferroviaire • Histoire locale • Armes et armements

Sciences naturelles
Collections biologiques ou plantes et animaux : Agricole ou domestique : Espèces menacées : Collections vivantes : Botanique : Plantes vasculaires, Plantes à graines

Renseignements supplémentaires sur nos collections


Services de recherche
Dossiers d'archives • Bibliothèque • Laboratoire • Identification d'objets ou de spécimens scientifiques • Conservation ou restauration

Programmes éducatifs
Programmes pour les écoles : 0-4 ans (Préscolaire) : 5-11 ans (Maternelle à 6e année) : 12-17 ans 7e à 13e années (Québec : Secondaire 1 à CEGEP) : 18 ans et plus (Postsecondaire) • Programmes pour les aînés • Programmes pour la famille • Cours ou ateliers • Démonstrations • Stages • Causeries

Services aux visiteurs
Services bilingues • Activités et services pour jeunes : Salle réservée à l'allaitement ou table à langer • Location de salles de réunion • Sentiers d'interprétation de la nature ou jardins • Stationnement : Gratuit : Autobus • Boutique • Aménagement pour besoins spéciaux : Stationnement : Écriteaux : Toilettes : Fauteuils roulants disponibles : Accessible aux fauteuils roulants • Toilettes
• Autres visites guidées : Complimentary printed visitor guide available in English, French, German, Portuguese and Japanese

Services de bénévoles
Services de bénévoles offerts • Formation aux bénévoles offerte
Nombre de bénévoles :  800+
Tâches :  Special events; gardening; collections conservation; Board of Directors/Friends of Museum

Avantages d'adhésion
Individual/Family Membership Benefits: free unlimited admission to both Doon Heritage Crossroads and Joseph Schneider Haus; 10% discount off all items valued $5.00 or more in the museums' gift shops; discounts on selected workshops, special programs and lectures; one complimentary Guest Pass for you to share with a friend; a wallet size membership card; memberships are good for one year from date of purchase.

Plus Reciprocal benefits at other museums and galleries in the region.

Services de restauration
Casse-croûte ou distributeurs automatiques • Aire de pique-niques • Infrastructure d'accueil

Services Internet
Collections  •  Activités  •  Éducation  •  Programmes ou visites scolaires  •  Directions ou carte  • Histoire locale  • 

Liens touristiques locaux
Attractions locales  •  Hôtels  • Restaurants  • Magasinage  •  Autres services  • 

Publications et produits
George Bechtel. The 1914 Look; Landscapes and Gardens of Waterloo County. Kitchener: Regional Municipality of Waterloo, 1991.

Robert Stephen Bromley. Remembering the Railway Steam Era; Doon Heritage Crossroads Railway Oral History Project. Kitchener: Regional Municipality of Waterloo, 2000.

Margaret Goodbody. The Peter Martin House; Preliminary Report. Kitchener: Regional Municipality of Waterloo, 1986.

Margaret Goodbody. Scottish Settlement and Farm Architecture in Southern Waterloo County. Kitchener: Regional Municipality of Waterloo, 1988.

Margaret Goodbody. Streetscapes and Landscapes of Rural Waterloo County, circa 1910. Kitchener: Regional Municipality of Waterloo, 1986.

Elizabeth Hardin. The Grand Trunk Railway System in Waterloo County. Kitchener: Regional Municipality of Waterloo, 2000.

Elizabeth Hardin. Loyalty in Things Spiritual; The Freeport United Brethren Church, 1861-2001. Kitchener: Regional Municipality of Waterloo, 2001.

Al Junker. Township Halls in Waterloo County, 1900-1914. Kitchener: Regional Municipality of Waterloo, 1988.

Elizabeth Macnaughton. Electric Power in the Villages and Farms of Waterloo County, 1914. Kitchener: Regional Municipality of Waterloo, 1984.

Elizabeth Hardin Macnaughton. Life in the Rural Home, Waterloo County, 1900-1914. Kitchener: Regional Municipality of Waterloo, 1987. (Reprinted 1997.)

Elizabeth Macnaughton. The New Agriculture in Waterloo County. Kitchener: Regional Municipality of Waterloo, 1990.

Elizabeth Macnaughton. The Old Order Mennonite Community in the Early Twentieth Century. Kitchener: Regional Municipality of Waterloo, 1988.

Elizabeth Macnaughton. Preliminary Report on the General Store Re-restoration, Doon Pioneer Village (1984). Kitchener: Regional Municipality of Waterloo, 1984.

Elizabeth Macnaughton. Restoration and Interpretation of the Wellesley Post Office, Waterloo County, 1914. Kitchener: Regional Municipality of Waterloo, 1986.

Elizabeth Macnaughton. Tailors and Tailoring in Rural Waterloo County, 1900-1914. Kitchener: Regional Municipality of Waterloo, 1986.

Elizabeth Macnaughton. Transition and Tradition: A Guide to Clothing Styles in Waterloo County, 1907 to 1914. Kitchener: Regional Municipality of Waterloo, 1994.

Terry Veevers and Karen Hewson. Blacksmithing in Waterloo Region, 1900-1914. Kitchener: Regional Municipality of Waterloo, 1989.

Guides du musée • Affiches • Cartes postales • Bulletins d'information • Vidéos • Brochures • Livres • Rapports annuels • T-shirts, sweatshirts ou casquettes • Souvenirs commémoratifs • Trousses pédagogiques

Heures d'ouverture et droits d'entrée

Période : Saisonnière 
Open from May 1 through December 23.
Ouvert : Open seven days a week, from May 1 through Labour Day - 10 am to 4:30 pm.

Open weekdays, from Labour Day through December 23 - 10 am to 4:30 pm.
Fermé : Living history village closed from December 24 through April 30. Offices, research library and Waterloo Regional Curatorial Centre open year round.
Droits d'entrée : Payante
Rabais : Aînés • Étudiants • Groupes • Membres de l'AMC

Doon Heritage Crossroads
10 Huron Road at Homer Watson Blvd.,  Kitchener (Ontario)
N2P 2R7
Téléphone :   519-748-1914
ATS :   519-748-0537
Télécopieur :   519-748-0009

Courriel :

Adresse postale :
Doon Heritage Crossroads
10 Huron Road,  Kitchener (Ontario)
N2P 2R7

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Dernière mise à jour : 2006 12 18