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Calendrier d'activités

Gallery Lambton
Sarnia (Ontario)
Région touristique : Southwestern Ontario

Uniquely situated in the heart of downtown Sarnia, Gallery Lambton, a public art gallery, offers approximately 15 changing exhibitions a year. From historical art exhibitions to recent work by contemporary artists, from work in painting, photography, drawing and sculpture to installation pieces, the gallery offers a wide range of exhibitions to suit all interests. Gallery Lambton is also home to an important collection of Canadian art (over 900 works) including paintings and sketches by the Group of Seven. Tours, lectures, and workshops complement many of the exhibitions. Gallery Lambton provides a number of educational activities for adults and children throughout the year. The Gallery Gift Shop features paintings and drawings by artists, as well as books, gifts, and cards.


Gallery Tours,  02 juillet 2000 au 31 décembre 2010,  Programme éducatif


Renseignements sur les collections
The Gallery's collection features over 900 works by Canadian artists. The "Group of Seven" collection is one of the best of its kind for a gallery of this size. Many of these works were first collected during the group's heyday in the 1920's by a group of enterpising women
known as the Sarnia Women's Conservation Art Association. Works from the permanent collection are often on display in the intimate Sadie Knowles Gallery.
Nombre d'objets ou spécimens dans la collection : 900 works

20th century Canadian visual art
Culture: Canadienne : Autochtone ou Premières Nations
Période : Contemporaine • Historique
Médium : Média mixtes, multimédias ou installations • Peintures • Photographies • Estampes et dessins • Sculptures

Exhibitions of visual art; art classes for children, secondary school students and adults; bus trips; public lectures and tours of art exhibitions; video screenings

Services de recherche
Bibliothèque • Diapothèque

Programmes éducatifs
Gallery Lambton offers art classes to all ages, from two year olds through to adults. Classes are designed to enhance participants natural creative and artistic abilities while teaching basic art concepts and techniques.

Guided visits and hands on tours are available for students from kindergarten to OAC. School tours may be taken Tuesday through Friday during school hours from 8:30 to 3:30pm. Tours must be booked through the gallery booking department. Tours are also available to non-school groups.

Guest artists often offer walking tours of their exhibitions.

Art history lectures are offered periodically.
Programmes pour les écoles : 0-4 ans (Préscolaire) : 5-11 ans (Maternelle à 6e année) : 12-17 ans 7e à 13e années (Québec : Secondaire 1 à CEGEP) : 18 ans et plus (Postsecondaire) • Cours ou ateliers • Démonstrations • Développement professionel

Services aux visiteurs
The Gallery Gift Shop features local artist's work, art books, cards and many unique one-of-a-kind gift items.
Film et vidéo • Visites guidées : Anglais • Près des transports en commun • Activités et services pour jeunes • Location de salles de réunion • Stationnement : Gratuit • Boutique • Aménagement pour besoins spéciaux : Stationnement : Écriteaux : Toilettes : Accessible aux fauteuils roulants • Toilettes
• Autre : Works by area artists are on view and for sale in the art registry, located in the gallery gift shop.

Services de bénévoles
Services de bénévoles offerts
Nombre de bénévoles :  variable
Tâches :  Fundraising, sitting in Gallery (2) assists Gallery Assistant, Sheryl Mendritzki; helping with art classes.

Avantages d'adhésion
Discounts on Gift Shop sales, art classes, bus trips, art sales, members quarterly newsletter: The Bridge

Services Internet
Renseignements généraux  • 

Liens touristiques locaux
Attractions locales  • 

Autres services
Gallery Lambton offers a "Friends of Gallery Lambton" membership program. Members receive discounts on Gallery activities, a 10% discount in the Gallery Gift Shop, invitations to all exhibition opening receptions as well as special previews. Members also receive the gallery newsletter "The Bridge" four times per year.

Gallery Studio space may be rented to community groups for meetings.

Gallery Lambton offers a volunteer docent service.

Renseignements supplémentaires sur nos services

Publications et produits
"The Bridge" - Gallery Lambton newsletter published 4 times per year.
Programme and exhibition brochures and catalogues are available throughout the year.

Catalogues • Affiches • Cartes postales • Bulletins d'information • Livres • Trousses touristiques

Heures d'ouverture et droits d'entrée

Période : Toute l'année 
Ouvert : Monday through Saturday 10:00 a.m. to 5:30 p.m.
Closed Sundays

Fermé : • les dimanches 
The gallery is closed on all Statutory holidays as well as Remembrance Day and Easter Monday. The gallery is also closed on Sundays.
Droits d'entrée : Gratuite
Although admission to the gallery is free, donations are welcome. A donation of $2 is suggested.

Gallery Lambton
150 N. Christina Street
,  Sarnia (Ontario)
N7T 7W5
Téléphone :   519-336-8127
Télécopieur :   519-336-8128

Courriel :

Adresse postale :
Gallery Lambton
124. S. Christina St,  Sarnia (Ontario)
N7T 7W5

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Dernière mise à jour : 2006 07 16